Crimea is like Texas

in #ukrops6 years ago

All of the Orange protests in the Ukraine were US instigated. Crimea is like Texas. Seceded from tyranny!
.......The US is like Santa Anna complaining about it!....

The Ukraine was never a country until 1919 when the communist Bolsheviks declared it one. However, Crimea was not included in that and remained Russian. It was Khrushchev who, without first consulting Crimeans, gave that part of Russia to the Ukraine in 1954. No one can agree why Khrushchev decided to do that or if he even had the moral right to do that.

Some guess that it was to politically appease western Ukrainian elites who were really not of Ukrainian/Russian bloodlines but peoples who had moved in there from other places like Poland. We just don't know why for sure. What we do know for sure is that Russia never would have given away Crimea if they believed the day would ever come that they would lose their Black Sea Fleet in Crimea.

Crimea was the scene of fierce fighting between Bolshevik forces and anti-revolutionary White Russian soldiers.