Ulog #18 - Holidays and reflection (again!)

in #ulog6 years ago

Hello Steemians!

I am back from holiday now. I have been away in my caravan with my OH and the 4 kids. I feel like the Von Trapp family (but with less singing.... oh and there are less of us... and we aren't Austrian.... oh well).

We did not go far from home - only about 45 mins away to a lovely holiday park. We stayed for 5 days. I thought that 5 was just right because there is no guarantee what the weather will do and also how the kids will behave! It also gave us a great opportunity to put up our brand spanking new awning. It is a very cool inflatable one which takes about 10 minutes to put up. My son was pretty excited as we bought an annex bedroom which we can attach to the side for him to sleep in.

My sister, her husband, boys and dog came to join us for one night in their motor home (RV) . They have their own business and are having a stressful time at the moment so it was good for them to get away and relax. It was also my brother-in-laws birthday and he was looking forward to some downtime and a cheeky beer or two.

Before I left I had a mentoring session with a Coach. He was offering to coach/ mentor for 4 weeks for free so I thought I would jump at the chance.

It was quite interesting actually because it is easy to lose sight of the big picture sometimes and focus on small details. For some time I have been a bit confused and what I want to do now I have left my job. It is almost like I have too many ideas and therefore lack direction. I know from experience that having a target to aim for is important so that to achieve and I thought that the holiday would also give me a chance to reflect on this.

You might be wondering if I have come to any conclusions - well, not exactly. I have, however realised what some of my stumbling blocks are. I do, you see, get bored. Whatever I do has to be varied, stimulating and rewarding. One of the reasons that I went into teaching/ training is that (apart from the fact that I love helping people, teaching and sharing information) every day tends to be very different.

Even though l like making my on-line courses they don't EXCITE me. I didn't really realise why that was. After talking to the coach I looked at the the bigger picture a recognised that I like seeing the impact that my teaching has. I like to see results. Even though I am sure that people do benefit from my courses - after all I have something like 20,000 enrolled - I can't see how they have benefited as there is no real feedback or direct contact with them. am stimulated by my interaction with people and need that energy.

I also know that I don't want to teach subjects that hold no interest to me. I have come from a job where I am delivering mandatory training. I am sure that there are many people who would argue that Fire Awareness and Health and Safety ARE exciting topics - however frankly they don't float my boat!

My conclusions after my coaching session and restful break so far is that I like teaching/ training (subjects I am interested in), I like interaction with people and their results. I ALSO know that I want this to create a passive income of sorts. Ha ha - watch this space and see what happens!

BTW The weather was pretty kind to us and the children were typically rowdy (well, that we could expect!) It was a nice break however I am glad to be back home!

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Until next time,

J x


So glad you had a good rest Jen, and are back all renewed and full of vigour!

See that'll be the trick... how do you get a passive income which still enables you to be engaged with your end-user. I have the answer...
Wanna hear it?...
Deliver your training here on Steemit!
Then you get the fun and games of author and curation awards whilst getting to hang out in person with you train...eees and see them put your wisdom into action.

Cool huh?! ;)
Good to have you back lovely!
E x

@eveningart - hello my sweet. I like your thinking! Hope you had a lovely break too x

I did thanks- very chilled and a lot of fun - dad was on top form (see Boogie Druid video from a couple of days ago for proof!)
E x

Hi hi! I remember friends of mine taking me on a camping trip with a caravan. We, the kids, stayed in a tent. I loved it, also we had some rainy days as well. Once our tent got flooded.

I guess it felt not like 45 min. away from home? Sometime it does not need a drive of many ours to have a good holiday I think. The change of the view is important for me ...

I love coaching as well, but I see the point. The subject is of course important, how can you teach or coach some subject you are not interested in. Fire Awareness and Health and Safety would also not be really my favourite .... no way ... actually ...

By the way ... I love @eveningart's idea to deliver training here ...

Have a wonderful day!

Hello @Anutu thank you for commenting on my post. We had to abandon a Cub Scout camp once because all the tents flooded. It was quite amusing at the time because we had to empty the tents with a bucket. Luckily we were very close to home. I can imagine that it could ruin your holiday though.

I really need to find out what people want/ need to lean and if i can teach them. What sort of coaching do you do and where do you do it?

Hi hi @jenniferbailey, oh I remember me with my little bucket ... emptied my tent also so often in the past :)

I did coach individuals and owners of startups mainly on color psychology/frequency and how the healing energy of colors can be used to heal and grow. I worked out as well a concept for classes. I also developed organic cosmetics and holistic treatment systems according to my color psychology researches in order to support a change or healing from the inside as well as from the outside. Never did coach online classes but thought about it.


And connected with this I designed the according interior projects ...0f44f9_5e4fdae8c99e41ac9d8e0ce0a8291640.jpg

It's that time of year when us Brits take advantage of the School holidays to get away somewhere for a while - I don't think it has to be far as long as it is somewhere different it's a break and that's what counts - we only travelled an hour and a half to the west coast Blackpool - and we go there alot but the whole family enjoy it so that's what counts.

I'm going to agree with @eveningart, Steemit as a blog can cover whatever you want it to - the post content is only limited by your imagination and time. If you are teaching a course post the course here and link it to your students - we might get lucky and they join Steemit too. Plus you will get upvotes on the work which you are unlikely to get from any other online blogging service.

#thealliance #witness

@c0ff33a - sorry to be so tardy in replying to you. I have just spotted your post. I think that is a really good idea which I need to explore in more detail. I am trying to identify what students want to learn (or need to).

I hope that you had a great holiday in Blackpool. I don't think you need to travel far to have a break, it is the change of scene that counts - isn't it!

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