Ulog #7: Cruising Through The Grocery Store 😎

in #ulog6 years ago

Life has been quite hectic lately. With the situation being what it is at work I have been devoting a lot of my free time submitting my CV so that I can get a new job. It’s been quite distracting and dealing with the rejection is never easy on one’s soul. But hey, I’m sure the right job will present itself sooner or later.

Due to this pressure I was feeling a bit glum when @therneau fetched me from work. He and Soren had to go have their hair cut at the Barber so I decided I’d get my shopping out of the way. My husband told me to take my time. Like really take my time as they could be up to 45 minutes. So, take my time I did hahaha. Side note – it’s probably not a good thing to say this to your wife. The longer we’re in there the more we waste money hahaha.

It was quite therapeutic for me. As any working mother can tell you, going to the shop most days is just another chore that needs to be done. It’s normally done in the time between sitting in traffic, for like ever, and rushing to make it to the aftercare before they make you do the walk of shame because you’re late. Neither is pretty. You literally jump out your car, dash through all the aisles as you toss whatever you can remember in the trolley. The walk of shame? Sheesh, they all stand and wait for you at reception and if your kid is one of the last they pretty much walk them out the door to the car. Ouch, how much more guilt do they want to lay on us?

Today’s trip was nothing like that though. I really enjoyed just strolling around looking at everything and everyone. Did you know you can buy ready made batter to make a cake in a mug now? Yip, just add hot water and microwave for 1 and ½ minutes. Where have I been? Never mind all the pretty kitchen utensils and serving dishes. I felt like I’d never been down any of those aisles hahaha.

I did pass one stressed out mother on my aisle journeys. She had decided against the rush and opted for the ‘pick the kids up first option.’ This is just as bad, if not worse, as the rushed option by the way. Super stressful! She did give me a pretty good line to use on my kids the next time I go shopping with them though. “Just hold onto this so that you can walk like a human and stop bouncing all over the place.” I know how that feels. Not me today though, I’m just strolling.

I ended up in the wine section, obviously 😉 I don’t drink wine often as I prefer my Vodka. Every now and then I prefer a glass, or four, of wine. Especially if it comes in a pretty bottle. The prettier the better. It makes me feel sophisticated and pretty. I suppose I do judge my wine by its cover 😊

Oh, look, the bottle that inspired the second names of both my children. Haute Cabriere Pinot Noir Chardonnay. People think I’m joking when I tell them that but in all seriousness my son’s second name is Cabriere and my daughters is Chardonnay. If I have more kids I’ll have to use Pinot and Noir if I want to keep the tradition going hahaha. That thought made me feel nostalgic so I grabbed a bottle of that instead.

Pretty wine bottles will have to wait until tomorrow. Although with our crypto holdings looking the way they do I might have to settle for the cardboard kind:

I know it's cardboard, but would it kill them to make it look prettier ?

After that I had to meet the handsome boys and off home we went. I immediately felt happier and more relaxed. Just goes to show that sometimes retail therapy does work. Especially when it’s at your own lazy pace.

We had a good chuckle in the car as I exclaimed that @therneau looks like a serial killer...Like me, we don't do well in posed photos.

Thank you for reading and remember to keep smiling 😊
All photos were taken by me 😊, with my Samsung Galaxy S8.

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@jusipassetti Nice story and great to know that you are married to the serial killer Lol. @therneau is actually a great guy! I lost my love for shopping as a kid because I was banned from Checkers! According to the shop owner, banned forever! We had a race with trolleys up and down the isles and unfortunately I cut one corner a wee bit too sharp resulting in me and the trolley heading straight, at speed, to smack into a stand stacked with "Leycol" bottles. Needless to say that it successfully put an end to my shopping aspirations forever! Blessings and upvoted!

You are right, @therneau is a great guy. Sounds like you were all very naughty and I don't blame the shop owner for the ban. Thank you for the support and the good chuckle I had while imagining you all dashing about in the Checkers hahaha.

Hahaha, I NEVER heard anybody saying that their kids names are inspired by wine :D If you run out of inspiration I can give you some names of Swiss wines in case you would have more kids :D

Hahaha thank you @delishtreats, I will keep that in mind.

Great post! Enjoy your wine and good luck in your job search!

Thank you @rwedegis. I sure did :)

Pretty bottles? No way... Look for isle with dry red, then the date, yes then the price all in all I have found some exceptional ones off the shelf, normally when away on holiday. Alas those boring cardboard boxes come into play, still in dry red @jusipassetti

Haha @jusipassetti, that last photo really is so funny, my serial killer nephew! I would have bought that wine just to have the pretty bottle although I really don't know what I would do with it afterwards :) Did I miss a post, what's up at work?

I suppose every family needs one @lizelle 😉 Nothing too hectic just with Keith passing and with him being a majority shareholder there's a lot of uncertainty. He was also the one driving for the branch this side to become independent. With him gone now I don't think that will happen sadly.

Thanks for sharing your day with us and I do hope you nail that job soon. I know how rejection feels like but always keep in mind all things happen for the better. Meaning there is always something special in store for you. Cheers!

Thank you so very much for your kind and uplifting challenge. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading about my day 😀

I'm guilty of looking at the pretty bottles and names on wine bottles too. When you know nothing about wine it's all about the advertising :D

I enjoy reading your posts.. I really hope things go better for you with the job hunting! If you are fairly active on discord, you should check out SteemitMamas - great mama support there! <3 SteemitMamas Discord

Thank you very much @wildwanderer. I will definitely check it out when I get some more time on my hands :)

Hehe, love your post... again. What is your favourite song?

Haha babes you know....Anything I can sing along to. That being said my ultimate favourite song of all time is.... Bed Of Roses.