
Just a few more cents paid off :D x

Haha, sorry!!! If you jump into an icecold pool and film it, I can pay you back :-D

Haha :D :D

I am OK with not doing that thank you!

Really can't wait for it to get a bit warmer here actually, ice cold is not my cup of tea!

Off to see the surf video on the right account now :D

Hehe, I can relate... am a summer person, too, as you know!

Oh I gotta send you some pics of my tonight's dinner. You may already guess what type of food I had. Hint: "shizzle dizzle" :-D

Yes I know, you wouldn't migrate south if you weren't :D

Great, I am currently eating my staple - tuna, pasta, broccoli, and pesto, whilst you are enjoying a sizzling chicken curry!!!!

Soon I will have to get one of those, maybe as a treat at the end of the month :D

Aaaaah how could you know that it was chicken curry!!!
Guess what, I had chicken curry AND tandoori sticks yum yum yum :-D

Pictures are on their way to your discord account, hihi

I wish I could make so much on an empty post :) Another reason auto-voting is a bad idea.

Haha, I got the vote on DTube where the video is fully displayed :-)) So it was actually not on an empty post.

I gotta talk to the DTube people - if you have two accounts, it's pretty uncool that the app switches between accounts without any warning. I had been trying to upload the video with my @surfermarly account, but it didn't work (three times). Then, at the fourth one, it worked - but I hadn't noticed that the app had switched to my charity account :-(

Anyways... now it's there - I could only upload the Youtube version to my surfermarly account.

I do have a few issues in using dtube. It has great potential, but needs to be more reliable in operation.

Yip, I fully agree!
I'll be participating in the DTube Forum in Barcelona and hope that we'll be able to talk about that - among many other topics :-)

Hey @dreamsoftheocean, this is an amazing post with a lot of

  • inspiration
  • motivation and
  • creativity in it!

You have been curated by the @ddaily curation team and we are grateful that you shared your work with us.

If you want to know more about the @ddaily family - then please check out our channel and
do not hesitate to connect with us via discord. You can find the link at the botton of every post of us!



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