Klaus Kenneth in Greece! (With pictures 📷 and video 🎥)
How many people do you know who have faced a firing squad or had lengthy conversations with Mother Teresa?
🔽 Klaus Kenneth has experienced both in his most extraordinary life. Klaus is an Orthodox Christian and spiritual child of Elder Sophrony of Essex.
🔽 He was born into extremely unfortunate circumstances at the end of World War II: his father abandoned his family not long after they settled in their new home, his mother rejected him, and he was abused, mentally and physically, by a priest who promised to “educate” him.
🔽 As Klaus sought to escape the hell of being unloved he began to look for a way out, which took him on a journey through the manifold pleasures and promises of “this world”:
rock music, sex, drugs, the Occult, Transcendental Meditation, the religious traditions of North and South America, Africa and the Middle East (including Israel), India and the Orient.
His quest literally took him around the world several times over.
He tried it all!
🔽 But as Klaus himself relates in this remarkable story, the longest and hardest journey of them all was the one that goes from:
"Head to Heart!"
Τι θα θυμάμαι από την ομιλία του Klaus Kenneth;
● His passion for love and life, because God is Love and He is Life!...
● Το πάθος του για αγάπη και ζωή, επειδή ο Θεός είναι η Αγάπη και Αυτός είναι η Ζωή!...
● His sincerity and authenticity!...
● Η ειλικρίνεια και η γνησιότητά του!...
☆ I loved what he said with the triangle... That we are all trying to reach on the verge of a triangle in which selfishness dominates...
☆ Μου άρεσε ιδιαίτερα αυτό που είπε με το τρίγωνο... Ότι όλοι προσπαθούμε να φτάσουμε στην κορυφή ενός τριγώνου στο οποίο κυριαρχεί ο εγωισμός...
☆ While Jesus Christ turned it over by saying that the only way to ascend to the Kingdom of God is to descend down, to humiliate in the inverted triangle dominated by the humble wisdom, to become the last if you want to be the first on God's Eyes!
☆ Ενώ ο Ιησούς Χριστός το ανέτρεψε λέγοντας ότι ο μόνος τρόπος να ανέβεις στη Βασιλεία του Θεού είναι να κατέβεις, να ταπεινωθείς στο ανεστραμμένο τρίγωνο που κυριαρχείται από την ταπεινοφροσύνη, να γίνεις ο τελευταίος αν θέλεις να είσαι ο πρώτος στα Μάτια του Θεού!
It was my honor to meet you Klaus Kenneth!...
Thank you for letting my Head come a little closer to my Heart!
(See my comment for that picture after the post.
Δείτε το σχόλιό μου για αυτή την φωτογραφία μετά την δημοσίευση.
Ήταν τιμή μου να σας συναντήσω Klaus Kenneth! ...
Σας ευχαριστώ που αφήσατε το κεφάλι μου να έρθει λίγο πιο κοντά στην καρδιά μου!
"YOU are the answer to the WHY!!!"
Πηγαίνετε στο βίντεο στο 5' λεπτό και 12" δευτερόλεπτα:
"ΕΣΎ είσαι η απάντηση σε κάθε ΓΙΑΤΊ!!!"
✒With Love by GLadiaTOM
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Καλημέρα φίλε, πραγματικά δεν τον ήξερα από σένα τον έμαθα και από του @liondani το βιντεάκι...
Φοβερός ο άνθρωπος!!!!
Καλημέρα καλή Κυριακή....