Attention #UnFuckers!!! Read this please!

in #unfuckers7 years ago (edited)

Ok #UnFuckers, Please take a moment to read the article I just resteemed.

@juliakponsford just posted this: "Ultimate guide to everything I wished I knew about Steemit when I joined all in one post!"

This article will go a L O N G way to helping you all comprehend how Steemit works, and how to figure out a shitload of stuff that is W A Y over our heads :D

Also @sykochica posted this article a few days about about "Bandwidth" Answering Common Questions: What is Bandwidth? Why does it keep me from doing anything? That is hugely helpful in figuring out these mysterious messages about "bandwidth" that have confused the fuck out of everyone!!

love d
1 unfucker badge.jpg


So happy I have no more bandwidth problem after a friendly dude delegated 15 steem power to me

Thanks d,very very helpful.My bandwidth dropped to zero the other day and thought my world had ended lol

Thanks Dani!! :)

Thank you for sharing this! That's a great guide :)

This was an issue for me until I had help. Pheeew! now I have to get and keep my Steem Power up higher! Lol Good post for people who have not yet been very active. They will be happy to find this!