
derp, I am sure I never said he liked weed, or that he was my boy, I also never said that he was pro marijuana. Did you forget what we were talking about or are you just doing some straw man arguing?
What you failed again and again to prove is your old fake news claim that there is a federal crackdown on legal marijuana. Try to focus. Again, what you need is a article about nationwide busts on legal cannabis businesses, but you can't because there are not any.

You could also try to prove that Sessions overturned some laws like you had claimed earlier

he squashed my favorable weed laws, period.

which ones and how did the AG "squash" them?

I didn’t say I got arrested. I didn’t say they’re “cracking down” mr session representative. I said now that he squashed the states ability to police themselves, it is now legal to be arrested on the sidewalk.

I live here, I’m telling you what armed police officers with badges are now required to explain as we enter collectives.

I don’t love you. That means I have no reason to lie to you. :kisses:


We do not anticipate federal prosecutors in California going after people who use or possesses marijuana in accordance with California and local regulations.

"the raids you’re referring to are actually taking place, they just wait until you exit the store with the product you legally purchased inside the store."

Nope, that is not happening, if it was then you would have evidence of that.

all of your claims are just wrong, I don't think you are lying, you just have no idea what you are talking about and you seem to have fallen for a bunch of dated fearmongering from the anti Trump media.

uh huh, we have been over this, they are referring to the memo he rescinded in February , one of many on a variety of topics, this particular one was redundant, as a result there are no actual changes to policy, and thus there is no crackdown. even without that memo there is still a hands off policy, what about that are you not understanding?

what part of there is and has been no "crackdown" are you struggling with?

read your link:

We do not anticipate federal prosecutors in California going after people who use or possesses marijuana in accordance with California and local regulations.

Does that sound like they anticipate a crackdown?

It was just fearmongering and you fell for it, and it was old fearmongering, next are you going to party like its 1999?

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