Building a relationship with a Steem Witness

in #ungrip6 years ago

A few days ago I got an invitation from @aggroed to be on his show, which he runs each Sunday night on his Peace, Abundance, Liberty Discord channel.  This is the same channel that @pennsif used to interview me a few times in the past.  @aggroed is the #12 ranked Steem Witness and I was surprised and honoured by the invitation.  What was supposed to be a scheduled one hour talk on his show ended up being nearly three hours!  We covered a lot of ground and it was all recorded!  Here is what @aggroed had to say about the event last night.  

I know that the term 'witness' can be confusing for a lot of people.  So I thought I would give a brief explanation of what a witness is and why it is important to build relationships with these individuals and how to go about doing it.  

The Steem blockchain technology was developed by Steem Inc. as an open source and distributed application.  What that means is that nobody owns the technology as the corporation gave it to the people.  A number of people stepped up to run the software on their servers which are located all over the world.  Those people are called 'Witnesses'.  The top 20 witnesses, out of a pool of over 14,000, are the ones that are responsible for the majority of the blockchain and also must provide unanimous consent for any changes to be made to the blockchain.  As such, there is a great responsibility to the community by these individuals and it is important that the right people are holding those positions to ensure the integrity of the blockchain.

How is the ranking of witnesses determined?  By the users of the Steem blockchain voting for them; you and I.  We each get 30 votes and it is our responsibility to cast those votes in order to ensure a healthy blockchain.  Witnesses that don't perform well can see their votes disappear, ones that do perform well can see an increase in votes.  Unlike elections where we can only vote once very 4 years, our vote for witness can be done or undone at any time.  Here is the link so that you can cast your 30 votes.

For me, I really struggle as there is no information that I could find that would allowed me to evaluate witnesses in order to make an apples to apples comparison.  This one page lists some data on the performance of the servers, but what about the values and integrity of the individuals?  I had to looked through dozens of witness blogs to get a sense of their character and integrity.

A few months ago I found @aggroed who I felt was one such individual that personified the spiritual integrity that I demanded within myself.  I cast my vote for him and 10 others.  I looked for witnesses that are dedicated to peace, freedom, prosperity and integrity.  Little did I know at the time, his work was influenced partially by my own.  

I just found out that he is responsible for the formation of the Minnow Support program which is dedicated to helping new users get started on the platform.  Many witnesses have worked hard to add value to the community and many of us use their tools without giving any thought to who developed them or why.  

We can support them through our vote and they support us through their dedication to being a good witness and developing tools to help the community.  There is no corporate policies and procedures governing this blockchain.  This is a self governing community and we all have a duty and responsibility to each other to ensure its health and integrity is maintained.  This requires that each individual step up and do their part, no matter how small that part may be.  

Who knows, with casting a vote you may even get their attention and receive an upvote now and again.  I know I have several witnesses who upvote my content and for that I am very grateful!  @teamsteam and @curie have often upvoted my work as another way to support their community.  They need our help as well.  This is one time where a vote does not actually carry any violence, not like the abusive and coercive power of the state.  This vote is peaceful and free.  If you are unsure as to how to do all this, you can setup a proxy and let somebody else vote for you.  That is done on the same page I listed above.

So check out the tools you use, review the people that upvote your work.  Some of them are witnesses and we all have a voice as to who supports and runs this blockchain.  Who knows, perhaps we can even be friends and get to know one another.  They are equals who dedicated their time and resources for the benefit of the whole community.  I appreciate and honour that dedication and commitment.  I show that through my vote and interacting with them every chance I can get.  

For me, I really struggle as there is no information that I could find that allowed me to evaluate witnesses to make an apples to apples comparison.  This requires some work in order to make an informed decision.  Welcome to being responsible and accountable adults in a self-governing community.  It is our duty to ensure we support those who work hard to maintain the integrity of this blockchain.  

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Click here to join us on Discord.  


allowed me to evaluate witnesses to make an apples to apples comparison

Very true. Each witness has his or her agenda, project and level of desire/dedication to the blockchain.
I recently did some spring cleaning of sorts. I went through my following, found dead followers (eliminated about 2k people who no longer post, have WAY different interests now or are just not active) and I went through my witnesses. Some were on the inactive list while others may have veered towards projects that I am not interested in or have enough knowledge about. Now I have a fresh outlook on the witnesses and have a cleaner following list.

Indeed. I may have to clean up my list as well. I've seen many blogs take foundational shifts as interests change over time. That is normal and interesting how those changes manifest over time. But not all witnesses reflect the values that I hold dear, so it is my duty to ensure that my vote goes to those who hold my values. :) Peace to you my dear friend and spiritual sister.

I saw that @aggroed posted this interview this morning. Valuable stuff right here⬆️⬆️
Looking forward to listening to the show.

so nice to hear you, my brother @wwf
We have a great opportunity to get rid of the bondage of corporations and feudal governments... Everyone has his own way to help the Steem blockchain
You're doing a great job with #stewardsofterramater.
And I'm still looking for my own way to help this project...
I'm still looking, but I'm glad I didn't give up and I didn't stop in the way and keep watching...
Frankly, I don't understand how witnesses work but I'm cautious in voting for witnesses... I liked the project @steemcommunity by @abh12345 ... And I think he's doing a good job here...Find out about his project here!

peace to you

Thank you brother and honourary Steward of Terra Matter! I have no doubt you will find a way to help people. I have confidence in your spirit and intent.

Yes, @abh12345 is doing good work and I've voted for @steemcommunity as a witness. I'm familiar with Asher as we were interacting a lot when the Stewards of Gondor were in place. I've had to pull back a lot lately due to spring priorities pulling me away. So I have less time to interact with people right now. But come winter, I'll get right back into the swing of things. Thank you for sharing. Wonderful feedback and a testimony for @abh12345!

Well I must thank both yourself for supporting our new witness, and @yagoub for the positive mention above!

We don't expect to ever hit the highs of the top 20, or even 50, but our message is straight-forward I think - we want the community to engage, and are focused towards raising the smaller accounts and bringing them along for the ride.

Time is a scarce resource, and we all have to manage it well. Spring is a great time to outside enjoying nature, and I'm happy to hear that's where your focus lies at present @wwf.

Thanks again, enjoy each day.

Spring is a wonderful time to charge positive energy... I wish you have a good time...
In all cases, your spirit is with us everywhere. my brother @wwf

Thank you @yagoub for the positive mention for our witness! That is very kind of you indeed!

Thank you.@abh12345.. It's the least I can do for you because you deserve a lot of respect and support.

to evaluate witnesses to make an apples to apples comparison

When I first came to Steemit and wanted to vote for witnesses, I felt as if I was comparing apples to oranges to bananas to pineapples. Sometimes I still feel that way. I need to dig deeper to see which witnesses represent similar values to mine. I am still evaluating since I have not used my 30 votes. I also need to go through my followers and weed out the dead wood and bots that have ended up on my follower's list. I need some time to do this spring cleaning and right now I am still a little pre-occupied with what is happening in my backyard and how it is going to affect my family in the immediate future. My plate seems a little full so I need to brush the superfluous off...

Yes, I think your main focus is local at the moment eh! Has there been some calm at least to give you time to reflect and decide what you are going to do?

Just more nonsense. I am finally going to write an update tonight. So much is happening and the information is not getting out of the country. I am prying for a peaceful resolution as are many other folks here, but there are many hot heads who would prefer conflict over reason.

I agree with you @wwf even I also read a lot about ~witness but I still didn’t have any clear understanding. But nice post indeed. I have made a small app for the steemit users. If have some time then please look at on this and let me know thoughts about it. Your valuable feedback will help me to improve it further.

Here is my post: Steemit recent post feed widget app


Hi @techstack. From what I can tell, your little app allows users to grab the last number of posts that they written to speed up the process of tagging their posts in a new post. That way users can just click on the links rather than going back to the users blog to find the posts themselves. Interesting idea. I don't currently do that, so I won't have any need for an app like that. But for those that do link recent posts, it could be useful. Thank you for taking time to develop it.

@aggroed wrote a nice post about what a witness is as well. You can visit it here to help fill in more comprehension.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. Yes sure I will look at @aggroed post.


Hey @wwf, I loved your interview with @aggroed. I have been researching these topics for over 15 years and am making my own plans. Thanks for being such a wealth of generosity in spirit and truth. Much love!

You are welcome. I'm glad you found some value in the sharing. May your journey be filled and blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

It is and thank you for saying that. I appreciate the sentiment. I'll be following your feed!

Thanks for sharing this message @wwf! I am new to this platform and was unaware of the dynamic that it operates with until reading this post of yours. As you know, life is all about adhering to Principles in order to create and maintain states of order and prosperity. Knowing this, I will certainly do my part to cast my votes accordingly.

I love what you written about steemit.

Care to expand on that statement? Otherwise how can anybody engage with you for any meaningful dialogue?

Nice one.
I call it stakeholders talk keep the flag flying.

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