Unprotected Intercourse: May lead to these Unusual and Frightening Diseases
In case of Unprotected Intercourse, some of the most frightening SITs are gonorrhea, chlamydia as well as herpes simplex type 2, and others. Learn more about these dreadful illnesses that can be spread when you are in a relationship that is not protected (Unprotected Intercourse).
Unprotected Intercourse And Diseases
You are probably aware of the consequences of engaging in sexual activity that is not protected. It not only causes unwanted pregnancy, but it also can lead to the development of certain terrifying Sexually Transmitted Diseases (SITs). Some of the most frightening SITs are gonorrhea, chlamydia as well as herpes simplex type 2, and many more. Find out more about these terrifying diseases that could spread if you are in a relationship that is not protected.
This relatively unnoticed Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) is very widespread and is caused by a particular kind of parasite. The symptoms that are of this illness are burning, itching redness, soreness uneasy urinary discharge, and a bad smell of the vagina.
Herpes is a virulent infection that usually manifests inside your mouth and around the genitals of your body. The most common signs of this disease are – itching or pain, small bumps that are red or small blisters or ulcers, and scabs.
Similar to Chlamydia the gonorrhea condition is a frequent SITs that is extremely prevalent for women younger than 25. The condition is characterized by symptoms like anal itching, a pus-like discharge in the rectum vibrant red blood spread across the toilet tissue, and issues with bowel movements. Gonorrhea can also affect the eyes, causing discomfort as well as sensitivity to light and discharge of pus from the eyes.
Chlamydia is among the most frequent STIs for women. Particularly, those below the age of 25. It’s also known as a silent disease because it is characterized by a few symptoms and signs that are hard to detect. The most common signs include painful urination, vaginal discharge, penis discharge painful intercourse, bleeding during periods, and pain in the testicle for men.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
HPV is a common illness that can be transmitted through sexual contact that is not protected. It’s also the most terrifying because it has no symptoms visible. Sometimes, however, the virus can cause painful lumps or growths around the vagina, penis, and anus (genital warts).