Hurted Many Times, But I Will Trust Still! (My experience with Surpassinggoogle)

in #untalented7 years ago


Many a time, the pains, sorrows and tragedies that happen to us, in my own judgement, is not really destined by God. But because we are Christians, we tend to “push” everything to “it’s God’s will for us”.  

Have you been hurt by a friend of yours whom you loved and trusted with even your life? Have you been betrayed by someone you never thought to betray you? How was the experience? Sad and frustrating right?  Yes! It is. But would that stop you from loving and trusting ? (This is a million dollar question). And it requires wisdom to be able to answer it.  

Now let’s look at what the bible has to say about trusting in men; 

“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes” 

From the above quotation, it’s a clear warning NOT to trust in men, but to trust in the lord. Now, my question is; how can you trust God fully if you don’t trust in his created things?  


I will tell an experience I had.  In my college days, I had a friend and batchmate who needed help. He couldn’t pay his tuition fees and he pleaded I borrow him the money to pay. Well, not as if I have the money or am I the richest guy in our batch, but I felt the pain he was going through of not being allowed to take his final exams. I had to empty my bank account in other to assist him to pay up.  

Well, he promised to pay back the next month. Now, did I tell you that until now, he has not paid back the money he borrowed from me? To make matters worse, he blocked me from his messenger and relocate. I felt bad. I was frustrated not because he did not pay back, but because the promise he made that “he would pay back next month”. 

Now next month has turned to months and even years. That is human being for us! Now if you are in my shoe, would you still help anyone asking you for any kind of assistance? I know your reply would be NO! Good answer but don’t you think that there are still good people out there who would reciprocate your kindness to them? Must we be blinded by the wrong done to us by another? Wouldn’t it be nice if we forgive and still do good anyway? 

First scenario: I have a friend who was scammed of thousands of dollars by her so called best friend. She trusted her best friend (whom disguised herself as real friend) And what did she get in return?, she was scammed by her “so called best friend”. Now, do you know expect her to even trust again? Well, the answer should be yours to answer. 

Second scenario: I had a friend who was imprisoned for a crime he never committed. a friend of his gave him a parcel to help him deliver it to a nearby courier service. He accepted to go for the errand for him without knowing that the parcel was stolen. When he got to the courier service, he was arrested and jailed. Now, he accepted to run the errand for his friend because he trusted and believed in him, not knowing that his friend was a trying to set him up. 


Now, if you are in his position, would you ever trust and run errand for your friend? I know your answer would be definitely NO! but wouldn’t it be nice if you let go of the experience and still do good anyway?   From the above scenarios, one would easily conclude not even to trust without experiencing those scenes. 

I am really bothered, I know trust issues abide, but, are we going to act based on our previous bad experience?  Even when the bible gave a strict warning not to trust in men, are we still going to disobey?  Are we going to based our judgement on our previously bad experience? 

Will steemit change it? 

I joined steemit officially in January. It has been struggles, yes! But it worth it. But did I tell you that there is someone who believes in all steemains and even trust them? Well, I am saying this without any iota of exaggeration whatsoever.  @surpassinggoogle, as we all know, has really shown the real difference from a leader and a great leader.  

Now you might wonder why I brought in steemit and @surpassinggoogle in this write up. I had an experience with a whale (name withheld) during our convo in discord, he referenced how he was dupped of his money by my countrymen. And as such, he would not have anything to do with any from  my country. Well, I felt bad. I sympathized with him and I was like; so my countrymen duped you, does it mean that I will or I want to dupe you also? 

Well the generalization was crazy and uncalled for! Fortunately, I had a contact with @surpassinggoogle, one thing he keeps repeating and emphazing on was “NATIONS ARE LOCATIONS”. In my analysis, what he said was the perfect truth. For the fact that someone from this country treated you bad does not mean that every body from that country will be bad. For the fact that someone from this country betrayed your trust does not mean that every body from that country will also betray you.  

And did I tell you that with those words of @surpassinggoogle, that my understanding about life and people widened? I am not saying that @surpassinggoogle might not have had a bad experience. He might have had bad experience with people. But did that stop him from doing good to people? Did that make him to generalize? Definitely NO! 

Even though we might be hurt or betrayed, would we stop loving and trusting? For me the answer is NO! we should continue to do good amidst our bad experiences.  Of course I know its really hard to let go of the experiences we had and still do good. But wouldn’t it be better if we become more careful rather than refusing to do good anymore? 

We should never allow our past sad or bad experience to deprive us the courage to do good. I know its easier said than done but we can do it.  

In life, I have learned, unlearned and re-learned. Life has taught to be damn strong. I am a winner. Giving up is never an option! 




@surpassinggoogle is a kind man i know him for that, i believe you because I have had an encounter with him

He is a good market selling himself.

Please support him

Of course I will

Been there so many freaking times ...but I won't stop moving along. There are a lot of inspirations around if we just open our eyes. On Steemit, Terry is just one of them.

He is really God sent.

Keep it up.
We will succeed together.

I felt guilty because as an online seller, I have a lot of experiences with broken promises saying they will pay "next week" and that next week turned to months. And then I got scared. I got scared to trust them again. I got scared to be just a fool in the end. I got scared to suffer that is why I got scared to let them get the item first without paying. And, not just that. I tend to start generalizing people. That is because, I am scared. But, you made me realize to still do good anyway. Because yes, there are some who keep their words. You made me think, "would I generalize everyone even if there are still people who still keep their words?"
I probably just have to be more careful.

Most times we have trust issues.
But that should not prevent us from doikg good.

Thanks sir for dropping by

This is a good write-up and it shows you have strength of character. It's not easy to not change when you are hurt.

You mostly want to lash back at them. That you don't do so and don't change tells a lot.

God bless you

That's a great outlook to have. Keep at it and I am sure you will do just great!

Thank you so much

Wooh this is emotional great writeup, GOD bless @surpassinggoogle thanks for the good work

I got engrossed in the write up

Thank you.
God will really bless him.
Thanks for dropping by

I appreciate you on your great effort life is the name of ups and down and in life we have to face every type of people but yeah when someone heart you it will give us pain anyway this the part of life so now you on a right path and with a. Right man because I was too much known about @surpassinggoogle before I join this community so wish you a very happy and healthy wealthy life and best of luck for you future.

Thank you.
God bless

I heard a lot about @surpassinggoogle that he is a noble man, but i never got in touch with him. Could you @mrposyble guide me how to to get connected with him?

Just follow him and comment on his blog posts

Already followed him I think about a month ago. Ok thank you @mrposyble.

This was really touching and In depth.
Jesus made it clear that we should forgive our neighbors as many times as they offend us.
Capitalising on the past and not doing what is humane is really not the best approach to life.
At times we just have to act foolish to prevent a problem.
If I have learned something in this life, it is never to out my trust in men, they will always disappoint
Lovely write for the case of @surpassinggoogle he is worth imitating. Never seen someone so kindhearted like him

We should forgove and forget whomever that wrongs us.

Thanks for the kind words


I am absolutely agree with you buddy @mrposyble..
@surpassinggoogle is an great example for witness specially for philipines. He is the leader of @steemgigs platform...

He is a living legend.


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