📷 "Power Of The🍄 Shroom" #UntamedNature by @lichtblick 📷
Hello dear Steemians
Here is my entry "Power Of The Shroom" for the #UntamedNature Contest which is hosted by our dear steemian @kus-knee.
It is always a great pleasure for me to patricipate in this unbelivable good contest series- a huge "Thank You" to @kus-knee.
Here yo find the rules:
Panasonic DMC-LX 100 without editing
Es sieht so aus, als hätte sich ein Schopftintling dort seinen Weg gebahnt! ;-)
Gut erkannt, aber Verfallsdatum abgelaufen.
das erinnert mich an das bad vom kaliberlin.... :-D
hoffe es geht dir gut.
hab noch eine coole überraschung für dich.
vielleicht bald wieder aufm tee oder so dann kriegste die guruji :-P
magic mushrooms ahoi (spässle)
pin ich zu mir
good looking mushroom and behind a cigarette waste!
A very lovely mushroom. Beautiful color and nice shape! But I see a cigarette beside it! Hope it wasnt smoking lol
Keep up the good work :)
Your effort worth the beauty, Nice Art of clicking pics... :-)
Authenticity BOT!
Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
You now that you can increase you payouts fast just using BOTs?
it seems to an little umbrella!
very nice photography...
thanks a lot...
beautiful shroom @licktblick.