This is the flag of Puerto Rico, but the detail is that is painted in black. But WHY?
Almost a year ago Puerto rico wake up to the news that the flag at the Old San Juan was vandalized, but in reality was an act of protest. The day this was made, was the day after the Fiscal control board was announced. To this date, one year later, you can find the flag painted black. I really hope the situation in the Enchanted ISland is resolved and the flag comesback to the original colors.
FACT: Puerto Rico is in the worst financial crisis of its history.
Old San Juan is a beautiful place surrounded by fortifications built by the Spaniards to take care of attaques of the enemies.
In this photo you can see what is called as The Devil's Guerite. Used for caretakers and observers of the seas in search of enemies. This monument is one of the most recognized symbols among Puerto Ricans and tourists.
If you ever want to come to Puerto Rico, it is mandatory to visit this monument.
Great article
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