GPLCart Translation to Spanish (552 words)

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

This is my contribution to this project


GPLCart is an open source, PHP-based e-commerce platform that allows you to build simple, modular and highly-configurable online shops

According to their GitHub

GPLCart is an open source e-commerce platform based on the classical LAMP stack (Linux+ Apache+Mysql+PHP). It's free, simple and extensible solution that allows you to build online shops fast and easy. GplCart is not a fork of an existing software. It's completely unique, made "with blood, sweat and tears" from the scratch.

PHP 5.4+, Mysql 5+, Apache 1+
Also you'll need the following extension enabled:

Mb string
Mod Rewrite
Old school:

Download and extract to your hosting directory all files inside "gplcart" directory
Go to and follow the instructions

Clone to test directory

composer create-project gplcart/gplcart test --stability dev --no-interaction
then you can perform full installation:

cd test
php gplcart install
In one line: composer create-project gplcart/gplcart test --stability dev --no-interaction && cd test && php gplcart install

Some key features
Simple MVC pattern
PHP 7 compatibility
PSR-0, PSR-4 standard compliance
Dependency injection
Modules are damn simple, theme = module. See how you can generate your module
Command line support (extensible)
Ability to rewrite almost any core method from a module (no monkey patching, "VQ mods")
Supports any template engine, including TWIG
Supports versioned dependencies for modules and 3-d party libraries
Really simple UI
International, easy translatable
Product comparison
Wishlists even for anonymous
Address books
OAuth 2.0 support
No stupid cart pages, just one checkout page
True one page checkout with graceful degradation when JS is disabled
Product classes
Bundled products
Product fields (images, colors, text)
Product combinations (XL + red, XL + green etc) with the easiest management you've ever seen
Super flexible price rules both for catalog and checkout (including coupons)
Roles and access control
Autogenerated URL aliases
Autogenerated SKU
JS/CSS aggregation and compression
Installation profiles
...and much more!

gplcart on Crowdin

gplcart on GitHub

My Crowdin profile

Some images to prove my progress



Examples of my translations






I really enjoyed contributing to this project because I like online commerce a lot, one of my dreams is to have my own distribution company. And helping this project succeed by making a small translation to spanish is something I am happy about. I wish them the best!!

I find this way of supporting open sources projects to be very interesting and looking forward to make more contributions using utopian-io network.

Thanks for reading!

Author: @dedicatedguy

Any feedback is appreciated!

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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