
Thank you for your correction, but I have checked it again and I have not found any problems. Can you mention which banner has the problem?

I use the "Source Sans Pro" font for each design, and if the font is already installed then I think there should be no problem with the files.

Although svg was not required in the TR, the svg files are unusable in my opinion as the font does not work in there. It can be seen in the Google preview and I installed the font from the site you linked and still face the same problem locally as well. I think that you did something wrong while exporting it into svg.

I checked it again by opening an SVG file in Google Chrome. It turns out that you are right, the font is not embeded in the SVG file. I know that SVG files are not a requirement on this task. But I just make sure that I provide an alternative vector file other than PDF. Therefore, I replace it with EPS, PDF file still provided. Thanks @espoem.