[Condenser] Show Payouts In SBD and STEEM as well as other changes

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

[Condenser] Show Payouts In SBD and STEEM as well as other changes

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STEEM? SBD? What's that?

Hopefully by now you have at least a fair understanding of what STEEM and SBD are. If you do not, however, there is no need to worry. When a post is made on SteemIt, there is a displayed payout amount represented in dollars ($USD).

Example From SteemIt.com

Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at 10.11.27 PM.png

Example From SteemLiberator

Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at 10.11.19 PM.png

If you take a look at the screenshots above, you will see that SBD pays out 50/50 unless the author chooses otherwise. Due to this, a $100 post actually pays out 50 SBD and $50/STEEM-Price STEEM. If we say STEEM is worth $5, then this post would receive 50 SBD and 10 STEEM.

Now, SBD should be around $1 in value. However, it has been hit by several ways of trading pumps and is valued at ~$7.25 at time of writing.

Using our example above with the $100 post, the value of the SBD would be $362.50 and the value of the STEEM would be $50. The total post value would be $452.50.

You read that right ... a $100 post with STEEM at $5 and SBD at $7.25 is actually worth $452.50

Due to these reasons ...

... I believe removing the $ value from the post is wise.

Perhaps putting the post values behind a drop down, while showing more financial information, will help encourage users to look at the posts for their content instead of just how much they are valued at!

Technical Details

Something you may not know about Steem is that when a post is paid out, the conversion factor is determined from the average Steem price throughout the payout period of the post (currently 7 days). What this means for developers is that we need to maintain a living history of the Steem rates to properly show value of posts made at a given time.

To solve this, I opted to use a local MongoDB microservice that keeps a historical record of all filled conversion requests. These operations are used to get a close estimate of what the STEEM rate would have been when the post received payout.

Feel free to visit https://condenser.steemliberator.com to see it in action


Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


I plan on playing around with the design to make it feel good on desktop + mobile. For now I decided to put the payouts under the dropdown, but I do not think it will stay that way.

The main change here is to actually display the proper amount of crypto being paid out for a post

Glad to see some people actually understand how the reward system works.

Last month, I had an argument with someone (not mentioning names) running a vote bot, they were basing their calculations on a 75/25 reward system for some strange reason. Users of the bot were barely breaking even due to his lack of understanding of numbers.

I'm still not sure if they got it right, as on the bot tracker page their advert states that their votes give 135% profit, highly unlikely unless they're making losses.

I think one day it will rise up to $100.

I appreciate your comments @netuoso

This is great to see, glad to see the community stepping up. I switched over to the site to make this comment and will likely continue to use it. Great work @netuoso, please keep it up and the community will continue to support you.

That was a very good idea and i have found it useful so a lot credit for @netuoso. We actually need him to continue presenting us even better and better solutions

To be precise 25% of the payout goes to curation. If we use the same example of a post paying the equivalent of 100 SBD (per the price feed) at $5 Steem then the payout would be:

  • 5 SP to curators (100*0.25/5).
  • 7.5 SP to author (100*0.375/5).
  • 37.5 SBD (100*0.375).

The total payout would be in USD 25.00 + 37.50 + 271.875 = 334.375 USD (if SBD = 7.25 USD). Of those $309.375 would go to the author and $25 to curators.

It would be necessary to clear up if we are referring to a post with a pending payout, or one that has already been paid out.

A post with pending payout will include the curator amount.

A post with past payouts will not; the author payout and the curator payout are clearly separated.

So yes, your point is true for a post pending payout but not for one with past payout. In my example I was using a post that had paid out $100 and you viewed that by clicking the dropdown and checking author rewards.

For example:

A paid out post makes it clear what the author payout was (even though the value is wrong)

Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 9.36.18 PM.png

The pending payout includes the curators payout

(there was another commenter that brought this up and I said i will probably show the curator/author split even on pending posts)
Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 9.36.49 PM.png

Splitting the pending curator payout from the pending author payout is on my to-do list.

Thanks for clarifying. Either way the topic of your post is on point...Condenser does not reflect the true value of a post.

It seems to me then we can switch to the other site to try it out. I popped over to condenser.lberator.com and found it rather annoying having to click on the payout drop down. Maybe I would benefit from feeling less envy. Software is like a pair of shoes. They may seem comfortable at first but you really have to try them out and wear them in the store until the sales person wants to kill you to be sure.

@netuso "You read that right ... a $100 post with STEEM at $5 and SBD at $7.25 is actually worth $452.50"

Dude, I was wondering about this! I recently got a payout, and then had roughly about 60 SBD, I then went to the market and bought some STEEM . My idea behind it, was to power up into steem power, is that correct? My question is, if the price of Steem comes down, and you buy low, is that good? Get more Steem and Power up and as the price rises so does your steem power or is that a negative? I have some questions in regard to that if someone or maybe @netuoso can break down for me, I would gladly appreciate that.

My account value was close to 150.00 after buying the STEEM at roughly .62xxxxxx on the Market here on steemit, it went up to 200+. I am a little confused as to why it didnt show that before as all I did was buy Steem with my SBD here on the market.

Thanks again for this breakdown by the way!

Right now, condenser is displaying SBD value as if it were $1.

When you receive SBD and go buy Steem with it, your value goes up so much because it shows the value of Steem according to 3.5 day Steem average.

For example, if SBD is $10 and Steem is $5. If you have 10 SBD only in your account the value will show as $10.

Of course, 10 SBD would really be worth $100. If you go buy Steem with that SBD, you would get 20 Steem. This is because SBD is worth twice as much as Steem (in this example)

Now your account will show a value of about $100 because you have Steem instead of SBD.

Despite not showing the right value SBD is worth more than Steem. SBD is a debt asset that is supposed to be pegged around $1. Due to this, I would not recommend buying SBD to speculate on the price.

But I definitely recommend buying Steem with SBD while the SBD price is high. SBD should return to $1 eventually if the system works as intended.

If SBD should return to $1 then maybe we should leave the payout displays as they are?

Well we can currently see the confusion that creates.

DUde wow your ide ais so important right now, we need to start changing teh way we show the rewards so peopel can see exactly how much mre theyre getting apid, because right nwo its lik a secret society of peop who arei the know, getting all the rewards, when newcomers are not beingtold outrght how much money they could be getting paid... BUT maybeits ok like that; we really DO deserve this bonus! its ok I will welcome these nw changesyou propose. they are EXTREMELY fair an accurate,a nd why NOT show the ACCURATE price instead of this much smalle rprice? yes you are right we should just show people the real SBD and SP price, and maybe show some Dollar values but get them more accurate.... wow this is such a godoidea

If i was working at Steemit Inc I would consider delegating you a Lot of extra Steempower you do REALLY good work man...

Youre really doing something obvious here by making a mockup of what it should look like.... Good job visualizing the future man! I cannot wait to see more amazing projects from you I JUST WISH I had the Money to PAY you to get some new projects done I ave planned! i bet you have the network of peope who could get my new steem projects off the ground... honesty they are all no brinaer ideas that think of themselves so I hope to see them soon!

(So your post says this is from SteemLibrator ... is that a real website?)

But anyway man WOW your idea here is SO nice GOOD job getting this Mockup man! Here is a nice animated GIF as a Thank you!

Thanks for your kind words, but a mockup implies it isnt functional.


The code is live

Yes, I agree, it does create confusion.

Thank you again for that breakdown, although @bbrewer, made it a little confusing haha j/k but I understand now 100%! If It wasn't for this post, I would still be scratching my head. lol

I will continue to buy STEEM with my SBD! Thanks again! #YOUVEGOTMYFOLLOW! @netuoso

good comment

I have been an advocate for keeping potential $ rewards displayed on active posts as a marketing tool for a long time but I have been recently coming to the idea that it may be more detrimental than beneficial, as others have said before.

The UI of Condenser needs to do a better job of conveying a post's potential payout as something less solid, more ephemeral, less belonging to the user before it's actually paid out.

The way it is and has been since almost the beginning has contributed to user confusion.

Steem's killer app, or sweetest honey to attract more users, is obviously the post rewards. But at this point I think user growth from word of mouth is much bigger than someone stumbling here and seeing $ values on active posts.

Now does that $100 figure include the curation payments the author never sees?

No, the example $100 I used was for a post that had paid out and $100 was displayed for the "author rewards"

Keep in mind, if you self vote your posts you earn some of the curation, so the value would be even higher.

As I (mis)understand it, presently on steemit.com when a post reward is displayed it includes the curation rewards. That leaves $25 to the curators, $37.50 is given as SBD as it is calculated at 1:1 and the remaining $37.50 is rewarded as Steem.

If I understand you correctly, with these changes applied, the reward displayed would be 37.50/37.50. Is that right?

Just checked this out but it keeps saying undefined for the value of steem. Why is this??

I think that might be due to the fact that if there is not enough data to determine the average Steem rate the fallback is used. The fallback is pulled from the Steem API using https://api.steemit.com

It is possible the server had issues at that time. Everything seems to be in working order right now.

Thanks man, but i think the problem is from network availability in my environment.
I still keep seeing this,

I wish someone can help me check it so i know what I'm earning.

Hi @netuoso ! Thanks for the info..i remember one month ago i was thinking "hey, my article made 2.30$ in 3 hours time..that's a good start but i was hoping for more:)" and when talking to my friend he told me "those are SBD dollars and one has value of almost 8 american dollars now"..i was like " YOU'RE SERIOUS?? MY POST JUST MADE ALMOST 20$?? THAT'S INCREDIBLE" but i didn't know about the sp/sbd dividing and the curation rewards, i found out after a week and half:D

There is no "should" in an open market. SBD is trading as a regular crypto token now and market forces are deciding its value. Saying it "should" be capped at $1 US Dollar is going against free market behaviors. Please don't do that. :)

@netuoso your analysis is absolutely right. "You read that right ... a $100 post with STEEM at $5 and SBD at $7.25 is actually worth $452.50"
Steemit proves very helpful for many people, in fact, for students who are getting reward through this prestigious platform for living a better life.