Translation of OWASP ZAP - 1016 words from English to Spanish. Number 5
Project Details
The project in which I participated with the translation (OWASP ZAP) is a security tool for web application. Particularly, in the part I translated they explained the different uses and commands of the tool includin how to act when an action unwanted occurs. I chose to translate this Project because of its wide range of information, and I think others translaters should translate these files for this reason too.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Number Of Words
1016 words in total.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 5181
Proofread Words
All words still pending.
Previous translation on the same project
Translation Number 1:
Translation Number 2:
Translation Number 3:
Translation Number 4:
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 4165
Example of phrases translated into spanish:
- Asegúrese que los datos sensibles no están disponibles de manera no autenticada (usando dirección IP listado-blanco, por ejemplo). Configurar el encabezado HTTP ''Access-Control-Allow-Origin" a un conjunto de dominios más restrictivo, o remover completamente todos los encabezados CORS, para permitir que el navegador web refuerce la política de mismo origen (SOP) en una manera mas restrictiva.
- Revisar la configuración de este control. Asegúrese que su servidor web, servidor de aplicación, equilibrador de cargas, etc. está configurado para establecer el estricto seguridad de transporte con un valore max-age apropiado.
- Asegúrese que su servidor web, servidor de aplicación, equilibrador de cargas, etc. está configurado a reforzar la Estricta Seguridad de Transporte.
Here are some images of before and after translation
Before Translation:
After Translation:
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