** What is Photo Strobist? **
photo strobist is a photo that is made using lighting or better known by painting with light / Strobist.
Like the photo below..
** Why is it called Strobist? **
trobist comes from the word Strobe,
Strobist is a photography technique using external flash, the flash is placed apart from the camera. By placing a separate flash we will benefit from the conventional way (using flash over camera.
We can conclude that the use of Strobist is one of the doors for a photography hobbyist.
** How to Use Strobist? **
the Wireless Trigger mechanism (wireless remot). In Nikon System called CSL (Creative Lighting System).
This wireless remote system serves to turn the flash in sync when we shuffle the Shutter speed on the camera simultaneously flash will come on.
To play this Strobist we are required to have 2-5 flash units for the photo yangg we produce varied and dimensionless.
In the photo above I use two flash HSS (Hight Speed Sync) from the direction of 08.00 hours and the direction of 04:00 hours of wireless remot I use Godox X1N Transmiter in pairs on the camera.
The retrieval time is around 5:00 pm.
Taken With Nikon D7100
Lens 18-105 mm
Shutter Speed : 1/800 sec
Diafragma : f/6.3
**Bahasa Indonesia**
Apa itu Photo Strobist?
photo strobist adalah photo yang di buat menggunakan lighting atau lebih dikenal dengan melukis dengan cahaya/ Strobist.
Seperti photo di bawah ini.
Kenapa disebut Strobis?
Strobist berasal dari kata Strobe,
Strobist adalah teknik photography dengan menggunakan flash ekternal, flashnya di letakkan terpisah dari kamera. Dengan menempatkan flash terpisah kita akan mendapatkan keuntungan dibandingkan cara konvensional ( menggunakan flash di atas kamera.
Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa penggunaan Strobist adalah salah satu pintu bagi seorang penghobi photography.
Bagaimana Cara Penggunaan Strobist?
Alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat photo strobist adalah, mekanisme Wireless Trigger (remot nirkabel). Di Sistem Nikon di sebut CSL (Creative Lighting System).
Sistem remot nirkabel ini berfungsi untuk menyalakan flash secara sinkron ketika kita menetan tombol Shutter speed pada kamera secara bersamaan flash akan ikut menyala.
Untuk memainkan Strobist ini kita dituntut mempunyai flash 2-5 unit agar photo yangg kita hasilkan bervariasi dan berdimensi.
Pada photo diatas saya menggunakan dua flash HSS (Hight Speed Sync) dari arah jam 08.00 dan arah jam 04.00 remot nirkabelnya saya pakai Godox X1N Transmiter di pasang pada kamera.
Waktu penambilang sekitar jam 05.00 sore.
Taken With Nikon D7100
Lens 18-105 mm
Shutter Speed : 1/800 sec
Diafragma : f/6.3
Salam Stemiant
Salam Photography
Special Thank to KSI Chapter Bireuen, BSC (Bireuen Steemit Community)..
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This is made my day. I was not familiar with such photography type before, though I'm also taking photographs. Good to know...
Thank you for the visit and his comments @ikrahch sorry if there are still many shortcomings of my work and post.
No, there isn't. Keep posting and sharing Valuable posts with us. :)
Thank you a lot @ikrahch
elegan banget ni bang Strobist nya ❤
Terima kasih @rajateguh10