Protecting your Online Privacy with Utopia P2P

in #utopiap2p2 years ago


The internet has completely enveloped our lives. Daily online communication, shopping, and work have become the norm.

Reading news on dubious websites, viewing emails, and other familiar tasks can lead to sad consequences for your computer, smartphone, or tablet – and for you personally.

Attackers can easily steal your personal data, documents, and other information in the digital world.

The main dangers of internet surfing and how to avoid them

Online security has already become a familiar part of the virtual world. A lot of antiviruses, antispam, and other software are fighting threats coming from different countries.

At the same time, attackers are constantly creating new malicious codes and ways to distribute them. Often these threats are encrypted in the form of promotional offers, interesting programs, and other content.

Internet users leave a lot of digital traces: personal information, site visit data, photos, and addresses. All this can spur scammers into action. Therefore, it is not always desirable to leave information about visiting certain sites.

The risks associated with the dissemination of personal information are quite high. Scammers can steal our identity and impersonate us. Privacy techniques are used to reduce your digital footprint and fraud risks.

The consequences of malicious internet exposure can be both trivial (ordinary spam, mailing of advertisements) or really significant, such as the theft of important information from your career and its failure.

To prevent such situations, you should be as vigilant as possible when you are online. Experts advise you not to open suspicious links, not to leave your personal data, and to use licensed antivirus software.

How to use the internet safely

Privacy and reducing one’s digital footprint on the internet are the responsibility of every user. The fewer traces we leave on the internet, the less likely we are to fall into the clutches of scammers.

  • Be vigilant – this is the first step to privacy. Do not use suspicious sites or public Wi-Fi hotspots if you are not sure about them.

  • Use incognito mode. This will not protect you from data theft, but it will not allow sites to transfer and save cookies. The browser does not save the browsing history in this mode.

  • For better privacy, use a VPN. In this case, the data is encrypted on the client's computer and cannot be stolen at the time of transmission to the provider. VPN allows you to create private networks that are not accessible from the global network. This is used by companies when working remotely.

  • If you only want to hide your IP address, then you can use proxy servers that will impersonate you, which will increase your privacy on the internet.

  • The most secure way to stay fully protected is to use Utopia P2P.

Utopia P2P is a decentralized network of a new generation, which offers all the advantages of a secure and confidential internet connection of the future – Web 3.0.

However, unlike many other tools, it has been providing users with a high level of security on the network for several years. To do this, Utopia P2P has an instant messenger, uMessenger, that sends only encrypted messages; an alternative email, uMail, with the ability to transfer any type of file; an anonymous browser, the Idyll Browser, that does not monitor users on the network; and an internal cryptocurrency, Crypton (CRP), that is available for payments in many online stores.

Utopia P2P is a whole closed space for safe internet activity, which only registered users have access to. The registration process is anonymous, so no one knows who is hiding behind the nickname and avatar of each user, even the developers themselves.

The ecosystem does not use a single server for data storage like most services. Instead, it creates crypto containers in which all the information is stored. Access to containers is opened by private keys, unique for each user.


Transmitting information over the internet is dangerous. When we pay for goods with a bank card or send emails, we hope that our data will not fall into the hands of intruders.

Therefore, network security is much more than installing a protective screen and systematically searching for viruses. It is much more important to develop good habits and perform simple actions to keep your data safe.

What can we do to always stay safe? Use only reliable and protected tools for your online experience – like Utopia P2P.