Violations of Speech Freedom Worldwide: Ways to Bypass Internet Censorship

in #utopiap2p2 years ago


Recently, the internet has tightly entered the life of the entire globe. But not all countries are set up so that their residents can freely search for whatever their heart desires. In many states, there are great restrictions, and not only in the field of the internet.

But what if there is a way to resist harsh internet censorship and surveillance around the world? Of course, there is — use Utopia P2P.

Worldwide internet censorship

Censorship is closely related to freedom of speech as its opposite. Legislation on what is allowed or not varies from country to country. But there are basic provisions that are enshrined in international documents. These documents have been signed by almost all countries, except for particularly closed ones. The right of everyone to freedom of speech and expression, as well as the dissemination and receipt of truthful information, is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19) and in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 10).

But these are rather recommendatory regulations. In many countries, they turn a blind eye to inheriting various declarations of human rights, and impose restrictions on freedom of speech and widespread internet censorship. Despite the diversity of such countries, we will consider only the most stringent prohibitions.

Top countries with restrictions on freedom of speech

#1 Vietnam

Here the government of the country requests information from Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo about its citizens working with the services of these companies. A special body has been created that monitors citizens on the internet, monitors their posted content, and communication via e-mail. In addition, in Vietnam, all sites objectionable to the government are blocked.

#2 Turkmenistan

There is only one provider here — this is the government, which also blocks numerous sites and monitors the accounts of its citizens on such mail services as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc. “Under the block” are the sites of human rights organizations even in other countries, as well as all major news agencies.

#3 China

In this country, the Network's censorship program is one of the most serious in the world. Most providers operating in China are required to install all kinds of filters to block and destroy sites and related content that are objectionable to the government. And also maintain full control of the country's mail traffic.

#4 Iran

Bloggers who criticize religious figures or the government of the country are detained by the police and have “explanatory conversations” with them. Every person who runs his blog must register it with the Ministry of Culture and Art. Critical pages of the country's regime and online stores are blocked.

#5 North Korea

About 4% of the total population of the country has access to the Network, which is only a few hundred thousand citizens. Most of them are officials, the military, and others. Here people do not even have the right to have their website, which is allowed in any other country in the world. Blogging is also prohibited, and absolutely all the content of the Network in the country is under constant control by the security service.

How to resist internet censorship and bypass any blockages?

After reading the previous rating of the countries with the most severe censorship, you probably thought that practically all countries are Third World countries. However, do not forget about China — one of the main players on the world stage now. And if you think that other countries do not follow the example of China, which censors everything, then you are mistaken. Many countries are already following the experience of China, and are introducing internet censorship on various news and online platforms.

Therefore, everyone should think about how to avoid internet censorship and defend the right to freedom of speech on the internet. And some caring IT specialists who are tired of constant blocking, surveillance, and online censorship are coming up with new platforms that can circumvent the rules imposed by the state.

One such platform is Utopia P2P — an anonymous, decentralized ecosystem that protects the rights and freedoms of citizens on the internet, providing them with the necessary tools for communication, data transmission, information retrieval, and much more.

Utopia P2P is a unique Web 3.0 project built on a peer-to-peer architecture — there is no single server for data storage in the ecosystem. All data is stored in special cryptographic containers. In addition, special multi-stage encryption is used to protect data, which prevents data leakage or hacking.

Moreover, the main postulates on which the ecosystem is built are the absence of censorship and surveillance, the absence of advertising and spam, freedom of speech and anonymity. And the developers have done everything possible to realize their ideas and create an anonymous and secure platform for all internet users.

Despite the variety of different tools that users need to one degree or another, several tools will help bypass the blocking and gain access to any website.

Utopia P2P Web Proxy

One of the most useful tools to bypass blocking and internet censorship in the arsenal of Utopia P2P is — Web Proxy. This tool works in connection with the anonymous Idyll Browser, which does not track the user's IP address and does not save the history of visits and activity.

After launching, the Web Proxy opens any, even blocked websites quickly and anonymously — no one will know that you have visited a prohibited resource on the territory of your state.


To use a Web Proxy, you need to download Utopia P2P to your computer (Windows, macOS, Linux). After anonymous registration, it will open access to the pool of tools that have a Web Proxy.

If you are already familiar with the ecosystem and have been using it for a long time, then simply update the platform to the latest version and enjoy anonymity and unlimited access to your favorite websites and resources.

What additional blocking bypass features does Utopia P2P offer?

Web Proxy is not the only tool that helps to bypass internet blocking and remain anonymous. The ecosystem has a function for creating news and thematic anonymous channels — uChannels, which is an opportunity to create a kind of blogs with functions for discussion and communication, to all subscribers of the channel. At the same time, the creator, moderator and channel participants are anonymous. Each of them can discuss publicly any news and current events openly and without censorship.

In addition, with the help of an instant and anonymous uMessenger, you can not be afraid that the data of your correspondence will leak into the network, because everything is securely encrypted.

The ecosystem is built on freedom of speech, the absence of censorship and online surveillance, as well as hacker attacks. Therefore, you can not be afraid to express your opinion and visit those channels and websites that you really want.


Sooner or later, widespread internet censorship will take over the entire online world and each of us will no longer be able to access some web resources. However, if we use Utopia P2P instead of the usual browsers, messengers, and other tools, then our data will not only be reliably protected and safe, but we will also get anonymous and unlimited access to those resources that were previously blocked.

Whether it is worth risking your data when searching for alternative means of circumventing locks instead of using an anonymous and secure Utopia P2P ecosystem — everyone decides for himself.

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