Ancient Mystique----->The Gates Foundation--->In depth

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)


I bring you The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for special scrutiny.

Throughout my research, I have come to understand that the name, "Gates", comes synonymously with 'vaccine programs'. And through that very same research, I have found that his Philanthropic claims to better the earth-are actually that of a psychopath with no regard for any other living being.

This is the dirty secret of Philanthropy...Foundations donate to groups to help heal the future, While systematically supporting and funding the very corporate practices that steal our children's futures away.


And today is expose the cockroach day. We are going to begin with the Foundation.


Here are the board members:

Bill Gates:


Lets note here:

  1. Gates foundation owns 500,000+ shares in Monsanto (worth over $23 million) (Source) And we all should know by now, exactly what this Monster of a company stands for. The death of nature and all things natural.

  2. The foundation has also been, on record, teaming up with Agri-giant, Cargill. Investing over 10 million dollars into a project to "develop the soya value chain" in African countries. In other words, Introduce and enforce GM soya in Africa. (Cargill is a 133 billion dollar company that has been found in direct violation of the human rights laws. They were sued for trafficking children from Mali and forcing them to work on cocoa bean plantations for around 12 to 14 hours each day without food, pay or sleep. Cargill also continues to purchase cotton from Uzbekistan, where it is well-known child labour is used in the cultivation of the cotton.)

  3. I am one who likes exploring all avenues..There seems to be a correlation in symbology and numerology with the practices of these 'elite'..And I thought this was an interesting mixture of numbers for his name: BillGatesNumerolgyof Name.png

  4. Global Justice Now released a report on the Gates Foundation saying, quote:
    The world is being sold a myth that private philanthropy holds many of the solutions to the world’s problems, when in fact it is pushing the world in many wrong directions,” the report claims. The Gates Foundation is “being allowed to speak too loudly, and too many actors in international development are falling into line with the foundation’s misguided priorities."


  5. The U.K.’s Guardian and others are reporting that a multi-million dollar research fund, which just so happens to have been started and funded by Microsoft founder and vaccine enthusiast Bill Gates, is being used to fund the project. A large balloon hovering at 80,000 feet over Fort Sumner, New Mexico, will release the sulfates into the atmosphere within the next year. Thought Chemtrails were a theory??? Guess again....(Source)


Melinda Gates:


Melinda Gates and partners, including the British government and world's leading abortion providers, launched a $4 billion campaign to push birth control on women in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Think that isn't nefarious?


Fact 1. Melinda's favourite form of birth control is Depo Provera. Which is a hormonal contraceptive and injected, and has been shown to increase transmission of "HIV/Aids". (Source)

Fact 2. At the UN’s 1994 International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Western elites’ language of population control was officially changed to the language of “equality,” “sustainability” and “reproductive health.” The population control tactics, however, did not change. (Source)

Fact 3. Melinda Gates’ partners, Marie Stopes International and International Planned Parenthood Foundation, were founded by leaders in the early eugenics and population control movements, and who were very open about the fact that they did not like the idea of poor people of color having children. (Source#1) (Source#2)

Fact 4. There are documented health problems caused by the pill and other hormonal contraceptives. (Source)

Fact 5. Several types of hormonal contraceptives have been labeled Group-1 Carcinogens – the same category as cigarettes and asbestos – by the World Health Organization. (Source)

Fact 6. Many nations around the world continue using coercive means to stop women from having children, most infamously, China, India and Uzbekistan. (Source #1) (Source #2)

Fact 7. The British government, co-sponsor of Melinda Gates’ birth control project, was recently found to be funding a forced sterilization campaign in India. (Source)

Fact 8. Melinda Gates claims she is against abortion, but her partner, Planned Parenthood, has publicly set a goal of increasing abortion services in Africa by 82% by 2015. (Source)

Fact 9. In 2010, the Foundation gave away over 2.5 billion dollars in grants-80% to international projects. Totally, it has dispersed over $26 Billion and most of it-To 'Global Health". Just to give you an idea, Since 1914 the Rockerfeller foundation has given around the $14 billion mark. Only the US and British governments give more to this subject. Meanwhile, WHO (World Health Organization), operates on less than $2 billion per year. (Source)

And really.....The list could go on and on and on....But for time and efficiency purposes-Lets just look at facts and understand they aren't helping anyone but they're own bank accounts. Let's continue our fact finding mission.


William H Gates Sr:


Senior Gates himself...Many people don't realise how many pies Papa Gates has his greasy fingers in....

"His fingerprints are all over so many things," says Jim Sinegal (Co-founder and former CEO of Costco, on whose board Gates served.) "The list goes on and on. Its pretty tough to find something that doesn't have his stamp on it somewhere along the line."
His Son, had this to say, “My dad is a little more cautious, wise, not as over-the-top quite so quickly,” said Bill Gates Jr., the Microsoft co-founder, in an interview with GeekWire. “There’s a lot about my dad that I and others would love to have come more naturally.” (Source)

Ummm....I wonder who those 'others' are and what exactly they want to come more 'naturally'....maybe his unusually long life-span?...Amongst other things, IMO.

Gates Sr has a well documented part in "Planned Parenthood". There are a lot of pro's and con's for that movement. As with a lot of things these days...However the Gates' involvement warped the original vision for PP.


Margaret Sanger's, the founder of Planned Parenthood, original view for PP, was to give women more of an 'equal' footing in society, by allowing women to choose when they wanted to give birth. Also, she wanted to prevent the 'back-alley' abortions that were happening, due to abortion being illegal in the USA at the time. She stated that,

"Whilst abortion is, sometimes, justified, it should generally be avoided". And considered contraception a practical way to avoid them. (Source)

There is a fine line that can be drawn through abortion and pro-choice. I, myself? I am pro-choice. However, I am also in the mind that if we had a healthy sexuality as a species (Not this warped pedocriminal, satanic sex cult, we seem to find today) and had a coherent collective-There would be no need for abortion. We would have the chastity, confidence and the ability to find true love instead of true lust.

We do not find ourselves in this haven that I imagine, unfortunately, and must address the fact that there are instances in this day and age, where you can completely understand the circumstances of abortion.
Who wants another broken family?

Back to Senior Gates.

Senior is also a part of something called, "the World Justice Project". Which to quote; does the following:

The 2016 edition expands coverage to 113 countries and jurisdictions (from 102 in 2015), relying on more than 110,000 household and expert surveys to measure how the rule of law is experienced and perceived in practical, everyday situations by the general public worldwide. Performance is measured using 44 indicators across eight primary rule of law factors, each of which is scored and ranked globally and against regional and income peers: Constraints on Government Powers, Absence of Corruption, Open Government, Fundamental Rights, Order and Security, Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and Criminal Justice. (Source)

Umm...Right..Unfortunately if this "Project" actually did what it claimed-I wouldn't be writing this article.

What this is, is a great way to measure what the masses are doing and interpret what and how we respond to all sorts of things from supposedly, 'Natural' disasters to our rights being stripped away systematically-Of course it isn't written that way...

There are many things as stated above, that this man has his fingers in. For time's sake I will stop here for him.


Sue Desmond-Hellmann: <---------Her last name is actually Hell-Man.....WTAF. :')


So, Hellmann is a pretty twisted woman. If you know some truths.

Like, number 1. AIDS is a big fat lie. (Source#1) -Yes this reference is to a bookstore-Buy the book. Its amazing. (DoD request for $10 million to develop AIDS and Ebola-like viruses) (Source#3) (Source#4)

or that; 2. The cancer drugs she is accredited for in the above screenshot-Are worse than the cancer they are supposed to treat.
Link to Avastin. [(Warning to Physicians on use of Avastin)](
Link to: Herceptin **(Impact on Patient's using Herceptin**)

Again, I am going to leave her here for times sake.


Warren Buffet:


Warren Buffet is the second Richest man in the world, as of March 2017. His net worth is estimated to be around $73.3 BILLION.

There's a decent portion of that missing trillions from the US budget-huh?

  • Here, it is interesting to say, this guy is from Omaha, Nebraska. Yep. I said it. OMAHA, NEBRASKA.
    (If you haven't seen Conspiracy of Silence, please take the time. It needs to be seen.)
  • He supported Killary in the latest elections.
  • He is 86 years old.....Again with the unusually long life span compared to the average Goyim....
  • He has long been referred to as....Wait for it.... "Wizard", "Oracle" or "Sage" of Omaha...

[(Source#1)](Markels, Alex (July 29, 2007). "How to Make Money the Buffett Way". U.S. News & World Report. Archived from the original on October 22, 2013.) [(Source#2)](Sullivan, Aline (December 20, 1997). "Buffett, the Sage of Omaha, Makes Value Strategy Seem Simple: Secrets of a High Plains Investor". International Herald Tribune.)(Source#3)


Allan C. Golston:


Please notice the last corporation listed there.....Stryker Corporation.
Stryker Corp. is a Fortune 500 medical tech company and specialises in things like:

  • Implants
  • Surgical equipment
  • Surgical navigation systems
  • Neurosurgical, Neurovascular and spinal devices
  • Among many others...

In 1998, Stryker purchased a division Pfizer (Current Australian PM has heavy links to Pfizer ) for 1.65 billion buckaroos.
Stryker Corp has been slowly acquiring a large portion of the market.
(Source#1) (Source#2)


Chris Elias:


Another' Medical based' guy. Here is a snapshot of his LinkdIn Profile.
Christopher Elias SS LinkdIn.png

At least there is a consistency between all of these people's interests! Arghhhh.


Rodger Voorihies:



Trevor Mundel:



Steven Rice:


Interesting to see a connection to Human trafficking...


Here are some more interesting facts and examples, showing the Gates' Foundation doublespeak.


Dyncorp. Oh Dyncorp. When will thou cease to traffic children and organs? (Source)

They have a recorded history in sex abuse and child trafficking-which is reported to be worth over 150 BILLION DOLLARS!(Source) With a recently uncovered ratline leading to organ trafficking. The 3 most lucrative rat lines, only comparable to Oil & Gas and Drugs.





And I haven't even touched on Vaccinations


In a widely distributed TeD talk, Bill Gates discusses 'climate change' and how we plan to reduce the cO2 levels in the atmosphere by reducing one of the included factors to zero. He quickly and quietly slips in there, quote:


Here is the whole clip


Just some quick facts re: Vaccines.

(Source#1) (Source#2)



_I hope this helps to understand the web of lies that makes up our current reality.
Thank you so much for reading.
I appreciate you <3




When bill gates says he wants to lower the population thru vaccines there's a problem im not a genius but im pretty sure vaccines are supposed to help grow the population

Really great post @ancientmystique
Gates is a filthy murdering eugenicist like his father before him.
The world has been deceived by his perceived philanthropy. Population reduction by any means is the aim of Gates and his scumbag wife, friends an associates. If people don't wake up Gates and his ilk will get their wish and reduce the worlds population down to 500m as is their stated aim. See the Georgia guides stones. Wake up folks before they kill you and your kids.

Well said, My friend. I Can only see awakening at this point.....Especially with the "elite" trying to normalise pedocriminalistic ways . The world has to revolt against the rape of children......


I hope so, although in Canada they are trying to legalise paedo and beastiality behaviours!!!! Unbelievable.

And thank you btw <3

This post received a 4.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ancientmystique! For more information, click here!

Excellent blog!

Thank You <3 I spend a lot of time researching for my articles <3

Brilliant! so much truth & work gone into this. I just wish my vote was worth more for you, deserves a more fitting reward. Gatesanto Corp really are one of the most evil empires on earth, your post helps recover some 'facts' many people don't bother checking. nice work!

Thank you for reading <3 I really do appreciate it, as you said, a lot of hard work has gone into it :) <3 Took me awhile to detangle the many facets of badness this corp has its hands in and on.
Having you here and commenting-That means wayyy more than a big up vote buddy <3 Sharing the knowledge was never meant to make us rich-Physically anyway! :) <3

Wow, what a great article, the well researched a put together. I can see I will be reading future articles with interest. You obviously put a lot of thought and commonsense into your analysis. Thank you.

Thank you for your kind words. I do strive my hardest to research and verify all facts. And if its an opinion---->I make sure to state it. <3 I look forward to interacting on future posts.

Looking forward to it. I have some research coming up about Toxoplasmosis, its current origin, place , and symptoms .. and its impact on our culture.. a very deep pool .. you may like to dive in a bit..))

I will definitely check it out. Funny, I just came across Lyme disease's potential origins and am looking at doing a post on that! <3 Very excited to see what you come up with! <3

Yep, all related, Toxo, malaria, Lymes disease. The only known natural treatment is Artemesium .. hmm, now there's another story .. follow the money, from WHO to guess who ... begins with G ... and ends in Foundation.. Why were WHO promoting Atemesium up until about 2-3 years ago for small farmers all around the world, and then suddenly went quite.. check Nobel prize winner China - Artemesium ..

You deserve a gold medal for all your research. Bell Gates is a disgusting example of a human. When you think of all the good he could do with his $$$$ and he chose the path of harm. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for reading and the kind words! <3
I think that it is something to do with the money, as to why he does and behaves the way he does...I think the money is what made him sick.

But continues plowing down the path of destruction for himself...Some people just won't learn <3

Thank you SO much for stopping by. I really appreciate it <3


Awesome post. Upvoted and spent 2 whaleshares on it ;-)

Awww Thanks dude!!!!!! <3 On all accounts. <3
I am so excited to be a whale one day :') <3

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 25.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @ancientmystique. Vote for Aggroed!

WamBam and Thank You @lovejuice <3

I already vote for the awesomeness of @aggroed
And would do so, again!

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