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RE: Vaxxed and Injured My family's Story

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

I was harmed by anthrax vaccines. 90% of half the normal hearing range for me was destroyed. My children got a few well tested vaccines at first, but now they don't get any. Basically, I finally convinced my wife to stop. She trusted the doctors too. They share my DNA though. If I had an autoimmune response, they could too.

Your post makes me angry. I'm not angry at you either. I'm angry at the establishment and the zombies who think vaccines are okay. Some think they should be mandatory! If they try to force vaccines on my children, I will kill them. It isn't going to happen without one hell of a bloody fight.

I am sorry this happened to you. My shots were in the Air National Guard, and they had the gall to say my hearing damage was because of a food allergy. I broke out in black spider veins from my knees to my chest. The doctor documented it, and then the next day my records were "lost." Fuck that (/apol)

This is also one reason I can't stand being on FascistBook and other social media sites. People post pro-vaccine stuff all the time, and then I show up. They don't know what to tell me, right?! They don't care though... They still suggest vaccines are good.

Our pediatrician does not give vaccines to her children, but she forces them on other kids. Our old dentist didn't give fluoride to her children, but she forced it on other kids. See the pattern? The doctors know. They are just greedy bastards that don't give a damn about us or our children.

/rant off


My kid's doctor is awesome, he told me him and his wife don't vaccinate their children. He offers them because by law he has to, when parents say no he notes it in the file and that is it, he doesn't advertise that he prefers patients that are not vaccinated. What some people don't get is that when doctors are connected to hospitals, there are some things that if they stood up and talked about they would lose their jobs and be replaced with someone who try to force vaccinations I won't risk him being fired and having to find a new doctor, I am not going to put the 300+ patients that have been injured at risk of losing a doctor that understands additional vaccines could worsen the injury. And the future children that are injured or the children whose parents made an informed decision not to vaccinate. Because he has just as many un-vaccinated kids in his practice and about half do opt for vaccinations. I found him after my son's injury, because my son needed two more shots for school to be caught up and there was no way in hell that was gonna happen.

It takes real courage to share your personal experience and it will make a difference, people have to wake up before all the vaccines are mandatory, we owe it to the future generations who are next in line for these vaccines.

finnian: check out the documentary "Direct Order":

If you're ever on FascistBook, check out the Page Soldiers' Stories:

Thanks and will do!

Our modern medical profession for the most part is really so evil and corrupt.. my own little girl has damage from the vaccines she had as a toddler. It's terrible!

We were speaking just this morning again that we are going to have to find her another ENT specialist because of her hearing going backwards again the last while.. and her current ENT says the only solution is to vaccinate our whole family with the pneumococcal vaccines. This is ridiculous, she already has damage and now they want to load all of us with even more issues. Insane!!

Ugh, what a mess. It's funny in a way, but my father always warned me to never go to a hospital or doctor unless you had absolutely no choice. That was when I was a kid, and I never understood why. The older I get, the more I understand.

So true!

Have a fantastic day.

Followed. Thank you for your story and comments. Don't worry too much about the trolls, they only want to be right, even when they're not. The truth is what matters.

For me it was the MMR. I've repaired most of the damage, but time, once lost, is gone forever.

Mandatory vaccination, of which many are still in denial, are a war crime under the Nuremberg code. In fact this covers all medical procedures. None can be done without the knowledge or consent of the individual. Mandatory and consensual are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed concepts.

Sometimes it feels like I am being forced to justify why I should not be raped. "Don't put that thing in me!"

I have declared eternal, total war on all of those who promote and carry out forced vaccinations, no exceptions. Self defense is a right, this includes defense of one's children.

Beautifully stated! My children are treasure to me. I do not own them, but it is my duty to protect them. Get between me and them and seek to do them harm, and I will be your worst enemy without any doubt.

For most physicians there is not profit to be made recommending or no a particular treatment , be it vaccines or no , they are no salesman and they are not paid commition

I am sorry this happened to you. My shots were in the Air National Guard, and they had the gall to say my hearing damage was because of a food allergy. I broke out in black spider veins from my knees to my chest. The doctor documented it, and then the next day my records were "lost." Fuck that (/apol)

Well the doctor certainly didnt give a diagnosis , but it doesent necessarly mean the cause is vaccines , the hearing loss might just go unnoticed and the poor circulation also

This is also one reason I can't stand being on FascistBook and other social media sites. People post pro-vaccine stuff all the time, and then I show up. They don't know what to tell me, right?! They don't care though... They still suggest vaccines are good.

Well i wouldnt want childrens to be a disease just because you chose not to vaccinate your children , the problem is that your choices affect others , childrens go to school and public places and subject other people to risk of being infected , also the protection vacciness give is most effective when a large segment of the populations is vaccinated

Diseases though to be long erradicated have made a comeback because people dont vaccinate

If the child is vaccinated, then how can a non-vaccinated child be a danger to him or her? Isn't that the whole point of vaccination? To prevent the child from catching the disease. It makes no sense to say a non-vaccinated child is a threat, considering the vaccinated child should be safe around even a disease-ridden child if the vaccine works.

Purest ignorance from start to finish. Educate yourself, stop being a slave, and if not, at least stop spewing your pablum where other people have to see it.

My children have no reason to go to a pediatrician other than for vaccines. The doctors do too get paid for them.

No, your children are vaccinated. My infected children are no risk to yours.

My hearing loss was directly linked to the vaccine. Some people died from it. some went bald. I am lucky to only have lost part of my hearing.

My hearing loss was directly linked to the vaccine. Some people died from it. some went bald. I am lucky to only have lost part of my hearing.

Yeah, we agreed on that. The things you've experienced are well documented, autism/asperger's isn't.

No, your children are vaccinated. My infected children are no risk to yours.

Again, not entirely true. But yeah, your children are more at risk of getting things like measles, mumps, etc.

My children have no reason to go to a pediatrician other than for vaccines.

Well no, yearly physicals and illness are things.

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