Putting a face to the dangers of vaccinessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

With the 1017-2018 flu vaccine push ramping up I felt it important to share the consequences of getting that untested dangerous vaccine. I received a flu vaccine that was mandated by my employer 4 years ago. I was faced with get the flu shot or get fired, and because I was bullied I am still suffering the consequences to this day.

My life continues to be a nightmare as I am plagued with MANY food allergies that I did not have prior to receiving the vaccine. I can no longer eat almost 100 healthy foods that I once enjoyed. As you can see I get disfiguring rashes and swelling on my face and in my mouth that can last for weeks. I also have dangerous episodes of extremely high blood pressure that has landed me in the hospital and all this has cost me thousands of dollars. I get absolutely no help from my family physician because God forbid my problem be traced back to that forced vaccine.

Medscape Medical News shared recent information that was discussed at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting. But considering what has happened to me their findings only touch a tip of the iceburg.

BALTIMORE — A new allergy risk to a common ingredient has been identified in a recent case study that has implications for vaccination. Gelatin, often found in lunchmeats, jellies, and gummy candies, is also used in vaccines, and allergy — though rare — can trigger anaphylaxis.
An allergy to egg is no longer considered a risk of flu vaccination, but investigators presenting here at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI) 2013 Annual Scientific Meeting warned that gelatin allergy can be a problem.
It is rare, and the first case reports were published in the mid-1900s, Stephanie Albin, MD, from the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at Mount Sinai in New York, New York, told Medscape Medical News. However, it can present significant issues because many vaccines — and foods — contain gelatin.
Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from cow, pig, and fish, she explained. Patients with gelatin allergy do not react to meat because gelatin is derived from tendons and bones rather than the flesh. And gelatin in vaccines is more likely to cause an allergic reaction because it is concentrated, purified, and processed and has direct access to the immune system through injection.
Vaccines that contain gelatin include those against influenza; measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); varicella; yellow fever; zoster; rabies; Japanese encephalitis; and diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP).

This morning I woke to a presentation in my email box given by Del Bigtree regarding vaccine safety. So taking into consideration the time of year and the challenges I now face on a daily basis I felt the need to share this MUST SEE video in the hopes that many will see the potential dangers associated with vaccines.

The ingredients of vaccines do not support good health in fact they destroy the body's immune system and puts you at risk for major health problems. Become informed and speak out before it is too late. The government program Healthy People 2020 is right around the corner and your right of self-determination is at risk.

Take it from me vaccines are NOT safe and effective!

Photos takes with my Samsung Galaxy S5


There are many times that you can be useful @berniesanders, but this sort of attack is just disgusting. Really, this sort of reaction is completely useless and unwarranted. Plus you used 3 Randowhale accounts to vote for this garbage comment. Seriously?

All our society has is ANECDOTAL evidence of vaccine harm because the establishment has too much invested in the sham that is vaccines. There are COUNTLESS examples of "medically established truths" that have later been shown to be utter bullshit.

The future of medicine lies in Epigenetics. Only when a patient's genetics are paired with potential medicines will we have proper treatments. Then we would know that a person will react adversely to whatever substance being introduced to their system. But we are the transitionary generation that gets to be the guinea pigs and test subjects before the real tech comes out.

When you have to resort to ad-hominem attacks to defend your opinion, you show your lack of reason or facts, or validity.

Another comment with arguments from pathetic moron. Well done, you pathetic multiple personality moron.

All of these comments and no flags.

They know they are hurting people because they are afraid to debate.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m sorry @marymg2014, but I think Bernie may be heavily invested in the vaccine industry. His reaction is over the top! I’m not going to write a long response but I’m getting to work on the history of vaccines and horror stories of modern medicine...safety has nothing to do with profits and control

Have you see the documentary Rockefeller Medicine it is enlightening.

I look forward to your post.

Not yet but I've read about how they started our modern day medical monopoly!

I believe the phrase is "follow the money" Let me know what you think of it.

I will my friend and I will also start supporting the people who are against forced medicine!

The minute something is mandated and forced credibility goes away.

I've been fighting a wonky immune system since the early 90s and the medical establishment almost medicated me to death. When I say I understand, I really understand!

I am so sorry to hear that, my last severe reaction put me in the hospital and when I followed up with my PCP he felt I needed a FULL cardiac workup. INSANE!!!

Prevention is better than cure.
Also, we should not see the health related issue from the perspective of an investor or a businessman.
It is a serious issue while there is already a serious consequences of climatic change which is happening.

Hi, Mary,

I just came across your article, a bit too late to vote for it, but in time to re-steem. ;)

I am so sorry to hear of your suffering. Are you familiar with colloidal silver? It might be of help to you as you attempt to remediate the damage done.

http://www.thesilveredge.com/detox2.shtml <- informative article
http://SILVERengines.com <- our product

We make a fully automatic machine that produces high-quality 10ppm colloidal silver, and if you are interested in seeing whether it would help your condition, I would like to send you a remanufactured one at no cost to you. All I would ask would be for you to promise to use it.

If you are interested, please reply to this comment, and we can set up a brief meeting on Steemit chat or Discord to make arrangements.



Oh my goodness HOW KIND OF YOU!!!!!!! I am very familiar with Colloidal silver and truly appreciate its benefits I will see you in Steemit chat! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Wow! I am so sorry my friend. I know that you have been having a hard time lately, and I had hoped that you would start improving by now.

Thanks for being vulnerable and showing the world just what these forced flu shots have done to you. It is disgusting that they push or even force these on people, when they come with so many potential dangers.

I thought it was worth the embarrassment if it makes even one person pause and consider the ramifications of getting a vaccine.

worth the embarrassment

Well said and fully agreed!

Thank you your support means a lot to me.

Might be a silly question as I am new to this pond here but must ask: Are you doing any major detox? I have researched the pros and cons with vaccinations for many years and what I have found is that it is the most barbaric practice in today's world.

Yes I am it is a 7 week herbal cleanse detox program and is difficult to maintain but I have to try because life as it is, is even more difficult.

If you haven't researched Diatomaceous Earth you may want to. What I like about the DE is that it is made up of silica and that combined with malic acid can literally pull aluminum away from the synapses of the brain in the case you may have been exposed to fluoride at some point. Great area of research,e specially for the times we all live in. Blessings to you and yours!

yah Mike Adams (the health ranger youtbe) recommends horsetail (the plant) in tea to provide the silica for ridding the body of aluminum.

Horsetail plant is a Chinese medicinal herb. Maybe an acupuncturist can help you because they prescribe Chinese herb. They can get it easily and cheap.

Horsetail grows wild across the Northern Hemisphere along creeks and other wet areas. Collecting HAS to be done away from roads to avoid contaminated stalks.

Great minds think alike! I think we would have wonderful conversation over tea. Unfluoridated water of course.

Yes, I am sure we would. :)

Makes me so angry what these forced medications (poisons) are doing to people. It's abhorrent.

Probably the most effective way to detox would be to drink distilled water. As water goes into every cell in the body it will pull out and attract all non-organic chemicals, compounds out from your body to be expelled naturally. The advantage also is that drinking water is something that I haven't heard anyone getting bored of doing :-) I detoxed this way to cure a auto-immune problem I have and arthritis that came with it (psoriatic arthritis) Your endocrine system will heal and bring your body back into balance, it will take time but this will be the most effective way to help the problems that you are facing. If you are already doing this then great, if not then please research distilled water as it's the only safe and healthy water to drink anyways. Oh and ignore all the rubbish and disinformation out there about drinking distilled water.

Thank you for the advice, I am currently in the process of a complete whole body herbal cleanse and it makes sense to follow up with water since I am a big fan of water anyways.

I love water too, chilled distilled water is the BEST! I hope you get a distiller and feel better :-)

I am hoping Santa brings me a Big Berkey water system lol

Upvoted and Re-Steemed

A Single Vaccine

nearly killed my child at birth. We're glad we said no to the standard vaccine stacker shot they harm children with daily. Look up pictures of infants who died from vaccine shots and you'll see massive versions of the signs our child exhibited.

To this day they have visible consequences of a single vaccination. Considering their intelligence, we may have gotten lucky on the non-visible mental consequences.

Why No Issue With Egg Allergy Anymore?

Because they now use a cancerous, self-replicating, dog's eye cell for cultivating vaccines. Where they used to use eggs, they now use vats of cancer cells. Seriously, you have to go look this up yourself it's that stupid.

Yeah, we skip flu and all other vaccines. There happen to be natural remedies for everything these days, easily researched with internet access. ;)

I am sorry that happened to your baby. Hugs to you.

No they don't they use chicken eggs. I have worked with vaccines in both the production of potential vaccines and the testing of it.

way to incorrectly skim!

Brilliant post and my respect and thanks for putting a face to the horrors that society mandates one does not speak of.

Just 2 weeks ago I went to a doctor (only because I'm required to produce medical certificates when away sick from work) and got told that I should have had the flu shot this year. I've only once had it and it made me very ill; exactly what we are told it's to prevent! Never again. I ignored the doctor's insulting and ignorant suggestion. Incidentally he prescribed me with medication for my virus that a 2nd doctor told me to stop taking 2 days later! They're not the bastion of wisdom they're upheld to be.

My best wishes and thoughts to you @marymg201. Following you.

Thank your for your comment and support, It is important to stand your ground I put this out there to show others what happens when you don't.

My pleasure and thank you.

Thank you for speaking out about your experience, I hope many will heed your wisdom!

And I am so sorry for all that you have been through this last 4 years :'( No one deserves that! :'( Hugs!!

Thanks for your kind words and the hug!

Very good idea to remind people of the dangers of the flu-vaccine, especially as the propaganda campaign is in full swing everywhere in the Northern parts of the world. When I was young, I didn't think about such things - free vaccine (at work), yeah, why not.... Who knows if that was not the cause of my getting a lot of allergies. Too late to wonder about that, but others should take your advice!

In my second world backwards country there is no flu-vaccine. People get few pills when they have flu and in few days they are good as new. I probably haven't even got 10 vaccines and haven't spent a single day at a hospital for being sick.

They count on people not putting the facts together.

WOW!! This is terrible. It seem that as time passes more and more cases similar to yours keep happening, but nothing is being done to big pharma pushing this nasty stuff of people. They treat the human population as lab rats. Hmmm maybe that’s why they have a fund set aside for vaccine injuries that are settled in vaccine court. My prayers go out to you. Thanks for sharing the dangers of these sick vaccines.

It is really the amount of money that Big Pharma has spent, why they are getting away with this. There was a report recently that they spent a whopping $880 MILLION over just 9 years to protect opioids and fight cannabis legalization. They are profiting as North Americans suffer thousands of deaths from the opioid crisis. It is incredible. It must stop.

Keeping people “drugged” up keeps them blind to what is goin on around them in a sense. Keeping them coming back for more meds to fight the side effects. My wife’s aunt was on some meds then more and more, the next thing we know she was taking a handful of pills a day. Loosing tons of weight, barely able to speak, fragile. It’s a slow kill operation and big pharma reaps the cash rewards from the insurance companies. They don’t care who they kill of injure, it’s about money!! I totally agree this has got to stop and when is the line in the sand goin to be drawn!!

Drugging the masses creates more patients. They are cash cows for the medical and pharmaceutical industry.

While cannabinoids may be able to replace some opioid use, as a long time chronic pain patient, they do not replace all of it.

The 'opioid crisis' is a tool to disenfranchise YOU from having access to the medicines YOU alone have the right to determine whether or not to use.

Don't believe the hype. Do your own research. Be wary of any institution or propaganda that seems likely to force people to use black markets, since those are far more profitable.

I assure you, there are profiteers manipulating this issue, that stand to make incredible black market profits from opiates. The pharmaceutical industry is frustrated that many opiate medicines are off patent, and the same source of opium creates black market drugs that are orders of magnitude more profitable than off patent opiates.

The CIA is the biggest drug dealer in the world, and also extraordinarily invested in propaganda, as well as finance, and big pharma.

Do give this issue some thought.

The current opioid crisis is a derivative of foreign policy wars in opium growing regions.

Among other things, such as the need to silence folk prescribed them, in which case it is quite easy to use an overdose to do so in a deniable way. A great many vets who have insider knowledge of various nefarious matters are Arkancided, IMHO.

yah there is also a weird aspect to all this that i encountered last year. A friend visited me from back east and had to cut his visit short because he could not find a doctor here in Washington to renew his opiate prescription. There was no way to alleviate his pain that was as effective as his usual prescription. And so he had to leave, he was chained to a geographical location by his meds. Might be a side benefit for the scum who run things.

It's one of the hazards of the 'opiate crisis', and due solely to the heightened security measures uniquely applied to such medicines.

He could have got his scrip for baby aspirin filled easily, most likely, unless insurance required his use of a particular pharmacy.

Pharmacy regs are much more reasonable in Mexico.

yah border savvy people get access to really affordable health care, cheap meds all cash transactions, no middlemen.

Thank you for your comment. Del Bigtree shared some eyeopening information!

He sure does!! Have you ever got on the CDC’s website and looked at what is in these vaccines? I will just say, disturbing. These poor children’s lives are being ruined all in the name of big pharma. Remember it’s for your safety😉

I am so sorry that you have had an adverse reaction to vaccines.

I'm fairly new to Steemit, so forgive me if it's not best practice to cover many aspects in one comment...

Since it was after something required for your job, did you file workers compensation? If not, you should.

Vaccines can trigger autoimmune disorders.
Source: medical textbook http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118663438.html

As another commenter mentioned, consider a detox protocol.

Vaccines can and do injure. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is proof. https://www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation/index.html

Epigenetics is a relatively new field of study, but unfortunately there is no money for vaccine manufacturers to invest in research to determine who should NOT receive a vaccine.

Where there is risk of injury or death, there must be choice.

Welcome to Steemit and thank you for your kind advice. Since the physicians work for the hospital that mandated the flu shot they will not document my ongoing problem to the severe reaction I had immediately following the injection they saw it is a coincidence. That is what they tell vaccine injury victims so there is no compensation for me. The medical textbook you refer to is a good one and hopefully it may open the eyes of those in this post who have called me names and insulted me but I highly doubt it. I am simply amazed at the level of hate beginning with the first post on this page. I am currently doing a detox and hopefully I will see results in the end. Epigenetics is a fascinating field and if the pharmaceutical industry can invent a vaccine they will because there is no liability for them when their vaccines cause damage. As a result they are very busy. I do not know any other industry that enjoys such freedom. You are so very right "where there is risk of injury or death, there must be a choice," but with Healthy People 2020 that choice is being taken away and the numbers of vaccine injured victims that are currently on the VAERS reporting site will only grow. And with freedom of speech being taken away as demonstrated by this post I do not see much good for the future of humanity.

It's easy to see who down voted this page, at least we know who and what we are up against. There is no hiding behavior on the blockchain.

I never have understood the bully mentality, what kind of person attacks, calls you names and even downvotes someone who is suffering with illness. They do not KNOW what caused or did not cause this to happen to me. Some even profess to be "nurses" and researchers and that even further validates that the medical profession is in serious trouble. And even sadder is the wealthy whale that downvoted me when I have so many medical bills, my last hospital bill was over $14,000.00..... what kind of person does that?

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