Vaccines - How to reduce the risk of vaccination complications

in #vaccines7 years ago


What to do if we are forced to accept mandatory vaccines

Unfortunately, in more and more countries, for one reason or another, ultimately against our will, we have to put one or more of the mandatory vaccines.

It's all the more difficult to fight against the pharmaceutical industry that has forgotten any medical ethics in the name of profit.

Vaccines are potentially lethal because they contain mercury, aluminum, monosodium glutamate, formaldehyde, and so on.

These are neurotoxic substances that can cause long-lasting brain damage such as autism, coma and death.

It is currently officially announced in many vaccines that it contains "very small and safe amounts" of mercury.

However, a safe quantity of mercury does not exist. Whatever the minimum quantity, it is extremely dangerous for the human body.

For example, the "Gardasil" vaccine is clearly written that you may lose consciousness and faint after taking it. As you can guess yourself, you will not be able to fall out of something unless it acts on your nervous system somehow.

Mercury is extremely dangerous because at the moment it is taken up in the human body, it begins to try to connect with various receptors in the body such as nerve cells, tissues, organs, blood, and so on.


And so ... for one reason or another, if you can not save yourself from forced vaccination, and you know exactly when they will put it on you or your child, there are definite ways to help your body expel all toxic and potentially deadly substances as quickly as possible.

Taking zinc

zinc and mercury, have the same purpose of entering the body, namely, joining nerve cells, blood or organs. If the level of zinc in the body is lower, mercury becomes much more toxic to the body, because there is no competition in the race named "who will first get to a healthy cells." Therefore, taking zinc in the days before vaccination is of the utmost importance.

Taking vitamin C

large doses of vitamin C is a very effective protective method against mercury. Earlier when mercury teeth seals were used, taking a large dose of vitamin C was part of the sealing procedure.

Taking vitamin D

Taking this vitamin activates the immune system of the body. It can certainly help your body even to eliminate chemicals.

Taking of mineral supplements (but clean)

in laboratory tests many of those on the market contain lead. Accumulated lead in the body increases the impact of mercury in the body, so carefully choose mineral supplements

Taking sulfur

sulfur helps your body detox, so it's surely your friend in your situation. You can have it delivered to the body with consumption of eggs and garlic

Taking curcuma


The action of the vaccine when it enters the body is to cause inflammation that "increases antibody production" according to the manufacturers. They actually cause neurological damage in certain people. Curcuma has the ability to reduce inflammation and is a great antidote to vaccines.

Prior to vaccination, potentially toxic substances should be stopped for your liver - it is recommended to stop using alcohol, fried foods or grilling in the days before vaccination.

It is also important that the water consumed is clean. There have been cases of higher incidence of vaccine-borne problems, which shows that water in the region is higher in lead. And once the lead is accumulated at some dose in the body, it is extremely difficult for it to fight mercury after vaccination.

Toxic elements in vaccines can actually be destroyed and thrown out of the body by people who have a healthy lifestyle.


If all these prescriptions are followed, the chance of post-vaccination complications is significantly reduced and may make you feel a little more comfortable


If you think my article should reach more people, you are welcome to resteem it


"Vaccines are potentially lethal because they contain mercury, aluminum, monosodium glutamate, formaldehyde, and so on."

mercury: In vaccines there is ethylmercury which actually gets broken down by the body kinda quick. And the doses are really low. The more dangerous methylmercury is f.e. found in fish like tuna. So if you care about mercury - stop eating fish, don't stop vaccines ;)

aluminium: You care about makrophagic myofascilitis here right? Studies done 2008 showed that there was no correlation ;)

monosodium glutamate: This is used as spice for better taste - won't say more ;)

formaldehyde: Yes this is cancerogen - but in much larger doses. In one vaccine shot there is about 0,2 to 0,3mg of it. With food your DAILY input of it is about 1-15g. Do you really think the vaccine will matter here?

Yes, when not caring about the doses these ingredients sound dangerous. If you dig deeper you will see that you get more of them elseware all the time ;)
And vaccines also don't give the stuff directly in your blood stream. It gets injected into fat/muscle!

I hope that I could put some light into the dark! greets

Darkness exist indeed...but everyone will decide which light to follow :)

I can counter your "facts" but not here... I will share new post about that

Anyway...ty for your comment


Ok - please post a link as an answer to my post when sharing ;) Even though I followed you I might oversee it otherwise! greets

The problem is that by not using vaccines, there could be some disease epidemic, and non vaccinated people could (unwillingly) help transmit diseases around.

Non vaccinated kids can be a serious danger to other non vaccinated kids. I mean, just keep this in mind.

Why would you want to your children be autistic what you don't like your kids or you don't love your kids??????

I believe in freedom of choice and I believe that I own my body and I believe I have a rights to choose in regards of medication vaccination go to doctor not go to doctor there is a theory out there that experts expertise knows.I also believe fallow the money and I believe vaccination and over-prescribed of medication is a huge business and I don't want to be a guinea pig

great post, sir3nal as usual!

Great post...Unfortunately It is coming to this, isn't it?
Not on my watch.


They tried to line my child up at school for a vaccine.
Luckily I had already said to my child if anybody ever tries give you a needle or take a medicine at school , just leave and come home for the day.
When I protested at the school , they said I should have sent a letter saying not to vaccinate. How can I know to send them a letter if they didnt inform me they were doing it.
There is a big push for maditory vaccinations throughout the world. Its only a matter on time.

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