3 Steps for Going Vegan

in #vegan7 years ago

Hi beautiful souls!

Today is the day that I share with you my steps for going vegan. In a previous post, I talked about "who are the vegans?". Now that we know who the hell are we haha I will give you some "guidance" to make the jump! I know (believe me I know) it is a big change and it can be difficult, and it is "worst" when you feel kind of lost with no direction. Well, I'm here to give you some guidelines, some advice, and all the support!💕😉 So let's begin with the steps (there is no correct order).

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1- Educate yourself

Information is power! We need to learn, understand and comprehend how being vegan can help us and others. It can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning, but a tip is to start with the topic you are more interested. There are three main reasons why people make the change to veganism: health, animals or the planet.


Are you interested in taking care of your body, lose some weight, boost your immune system? Well, maybe you should start by researching about the benefits of going vegan on your health. One of my favorite websites to look for information about health is Dr. Michael Greger he has backup information about tons of different topics like Foods for Kidney Health, Anticancer Vegetable, Animal Protein, Pregnancy, & Childhood Obesity, to name a few. There are a lot of doctors, documentaries, and books where you can research. All those questions about animal protein, calcium from milk, or vitamin deficiency can easily get debunk by just getting well informed.


Do you consider yourself an animal lover? Will you do whatever is in your hands to protect their rights? This is the topic you should start with! Do you know what happens in slaughterhouses? spoiler alert! it is not good! It is a really hard topic to start with but is the most important for me. The animals are the real reason I became vegan, because I realized it is bigger than me, it is not just about my health, it is about those beautiful animals being killed. Billions of animals are suffering every year. If you want to see some numbers you can check out Occupy for Animals. I know it is hard to see, and accept. But this is the reality and there is something you can do #govegan.

If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls, Everyone Would be Vegetarian - Paul McCartney


Do you know that for one meat hamburger, 660 gallons of water are used? That equivalent to showering for two months! Do you know that by going vegan you can cut your global foot emission by 50%? All these facts are from Cowspiracy "the film that environmental organizations don't what you to see". Remember information is power? Why are some organizations don't what you to get informed?

The food industry, the medical industry, and the governments are all working towards one common goal. The problem is that they don't care for your health, the animals or the planet get, they have the eyes on the money. Money is their goal. Investigate, get prepared, open your eyes and your heart for knowledge and love.

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2- Baby steps

I know (because I have been there) it is overwhelming. All this new information, all those lies you have been believing over the years! Take a deep breath with me and relax.** You have the power in your hands, let's begin to make some changes.** You can start by making some small (but important) changes in your day to day life. You can start your plant-based journey by swapping one meal a day, maybe just breakfast for one week, the next week breakfast and dinner. If you need to buy new clothes make sure to look for synthetic materials. If you are in need of some beauty products by from cruelty-free brands!

3- Get cooking

What if I tell you that you can eat all your favorites meals? Mac n cheese, hotcakes, ice cream you can eat it vegan! Get into your kitchen and start cooking! Don't be afraid to try new ingredients, flavors or ways of cooking. Look for recipes online, you can search here on steemit! Start by including more fruits and vegetables to your everyday meals. Then you can "veganize" your breakfast, change cow's milk for almond milk, eggs for tofu and butter for margarine. Remember that every meal counts, start veganizing your meals and have fun! When you start cooking and trying delicious cruelty-free meals you won't look back! If you are interested in going out to eat HappyCow is a great website and app to look for restaurants and stores with vegan and vegetarian meals and products! Get cooking, get eating get vegan!

photo from burst.shopify

From all my heart I hope this can get you inspired!
Sending you lots of love, Paloma✨💕

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