Vegan Anarchy: Are we 'natural' meat eaters or natural vegan anarchists?

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

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One of the most common objections to the message of freedom is that we are 'natural' meat eaters and that, as a species, we naturally seek out 'leaders' to rule over us.

"You'll never change things! It is 'human nature' to enslave and murder billions of animals for taste pleasure. War, government, and politics is inextricably woven into the very fabric of society and we will always be a violent species."

The very same people who make this ill-thought-out and lazy argument will hypocritically make a fuss whenever they hear of random acts of 'terrorism', or other acts of political violence, on the news and will scold those who abuse domesticated animals such as dogs and cats.

But, if the seeds of violence are sewn within each one of us, surely there is no reason to be outraged by such news. It is perfectly 'natural' to violently abuse animals and inflict violence upon our fellow man, isn't it? We are a 'naturally' violent and aggressive species, according to the masses. If that is the case, why take issue with serial killers, rapists, terrorists, and animal abusers? Are they not merely acting upon their perfectly 'natural' instincts for violence and savagery? Clearly, man is a much more peaceful animal than the social engineers would have us believe, as demonstrated by our natural disgust towards violent criminals and animal abusers.

In fact, I would would argue that we are 'natural' vegan anarchists and that freedom is ours and the animals' birthright.

What I mean by 'natural' is that we can live in freedom and eat plant-based foods without eliciting any kind of negative emotional response. Plucking an apple or banana from a tree causes no feelings of disgust or shame, but visiting the killing floor of a slaughterhouse and hearing the crys and wails of the victims is sure to trouble even the most hardened of souls.

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If, on the other hand, human beings were 'natural' meat eaters, children would salivate at the sight of slaughterhouses. Parents would take their children to watch cows being executed and, instead of turning away in horror, the children would be licking their lips and eagerly asking their parents when they get to feast on the murdered animals. Parents, of course, know better than to send their children to the slaughterhouse as it would likely cause irreparable psychological damage and trauma.

Compared to a carnivorous animal, however, whose 'natural' drive is to hunt and eat meat, the killing and eating of other animals comes as natural to the lion cub as it does for humans to pluck apples and bananas from trees. The lion cub, even at a very early age, will not hesitate to kill and eat the flesh of its prey. It will salivate at the sight of a wounded gazelle where a human will turn away in disgust at the sight and stench of a rotting corpse. Where a lion cub will torture its prey a child will affectionately play with a dog, cat, or piglet. The truth is, humans are not 'natural' meat eaters anymore than lions are 'natural' frugivores. Humans naturally avoid inflicting pain and distress upon animals and sympathise with the suffering of others. It is also worth highlighting that humans must cook and 'prepare' their food, whereas 'natural' meat eaters will eat raw, bloody flesh - right down to the bone and organs.

Not only would I argue that it is more 'natural' and beneficial for us to eat plants instead of animals, and that it is incumbent upon us to to end the master-slave relationship between humans and animals and free farmed creatures from their captivity, but I would also postulate that the 'natural' human condition is freedom.

"No man has received from nature the right to rule his fellow men." - Denis Diderot.

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We are born into this world as free, sovereign beings with no desire to rule our fellow man or to be ruled by others. In our daily lives we interact with each other on a voluntary, consensual basis. Even 'road rage' incidents very rarely result in physical conflict or violence. It is only through mass conditioning and the hallucination of 'authority' that we are tricked into voting for political masters to govern our lives.

It is certainly 'natural' for humans to be inspired by leaders, but there is a stark difference between leadership and rulership. Leaders lead by example and inspire their followers voluntarily. Rulers, on the other hand, force their 'followers' (who are treated as subjects) to obey their commands and punish those who disobey.

Let's take the example of Martin Luther King Jr., who was a natural leader and inspired thousands with his message, and ex-US president Barrack 'drone-bomber' Obama. King did not forcefully convert anyone to his philosophy of peace and non-violence. Obama forcefully imposed his will upon millions of Americans and spied on his 'followers'. MLK Jr. talked the talk and walked the walk, inspiring many Americans to voluntarily change their thought process and beliefs. Obama talked about peace, tolerance and non-violence while bombing children on the other side of the world and declaring himself judge, jury, and executioner with the secretive 'Obama kill list'. I wonder if MLK Jr. and other natural leaders had their own secret 'kill lists'...

Politicians have obfuscated and perverted the natural inclination for leadership and turned it into a different beast entirely, tricking the masses into believing that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.

It is 'natural' for us to express our free will and extend such freedoms to our brothers and sisters around the world. Nature has dictated that man is the monarch of his thoughts, emotions and actions. And that over his mind and body, the individual is sovereign. Therefore any claim of ownership over another human being's mind, body, or labour is in violation of the natural laws that govern the universe.

"No matter how they spin it, freedom is not extreme. Control is extreme."

Freedom is the natural state. Freedom is the birthright of every sentient being. Freedom is the moral baseline of a civilised and sane society, and only until we give up our illusions and return to our natural state, will we ever have the opportunity to truly evolve in consciousness and advance in any significant moral or spiritual capacity.

I'd like to end this post with my own humble revision of Denis Diderot's timeless and salient quote: No man has received from nature the right to rule his fellow sentient beings.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Good post. Greetings from Venezuela.

I've been vegan for almost 3 years. It's hard being vegan in a third world country and in the middle of the biggest crisis ever seen here, but still stand for the animals.

You can say veganism has even saved me from everything wrong going around in my country. It had given me something to live for, something to fight for.

That's awesome mate big respect from the UK

Wow, that is incredibly inspiring. I'm aware of the current struggle in Venezuela and I hope things get better for you my friend.

Much love from the UK.

Another beautiful piece as always brother! The focus on how distressing even injuring an animal, much less killing one, is to humans of all ages (besides sociopaths) is a great point that is rarely focused on.

The extremely high levels of PTSD among slaughterhouse workers (and the military) is a clear indicator of how poorly humans are adapted to being violent.


Exactly. I believe suicide rates amongst slaughterhouses workers are really high. There's certainly nothing natural about our collective treatment of animals and of each other.

Some really good points there. I enjoyed reading it. Hopefully in time more people will listen to the kinds of reasoning you displayed here.

Glad you enjoyed it man and thanks for the re-steem.

Very informative... carnism (mass slaughter) is definitely the result of brainwashing.

I feel like I am more of a vegetarian but can do without eggs and cheese for a few weeks in a row.


Well done. This isn't a 'go vegan now or else!' type post. There are some great vegan cheeses on the market these days, although I'm not sure about eggs. Maybe check some of them out.

Right on.

True carnivores can catch kill and eat their prey fresh with the tools they are born with. Humans are incredibly weak and very poor fighters when compared with most animals. We only became capable of hunting as a way to survive after already having the brains we are pretty well equipped with.

Are you familiar with Tony Wright's work? Left in the Dark?

I'm not familiar with Tony Wright. Just done a quick Google, will add his book to the list, thanks!

Nice one dude! His books are the best way to get his info and he also has content on yt. I think this one is pretty good to start with

Thanks, will definitely check this out.

If you haven't already, I would highly recommend checking out Mark Passio's Natural Law seminar on YouTube. Dude is a powerhouse of knowledge and wisdom, and is now also on steemit under @mpassio

Right on brother!

Just found the 8 hour version on YT will get into it. At a glance it seems super relevant to my interests! Followed him on here too, cheers!

This is really sad, I don't understand why humans need to eat animals?!

Must see, the interesting and real documentary-What the Health.

Beautiful weekend @steemit world!

Please, leave the animals alone in peace, eat fruits and vegetables. Thanks

If only everyone understood...

I know it is very hard, but with the appropriate information and with the proper time humans will change they habits to eat animals flesh.

Be healthy and lovely human being. ;)

Love, success, peace, and prosperity @mckeever

To a large degree I agree with Dr Robert Morse. He maintains that the best diet for humans is fruit. And pretty much nothing else.
He makes some convincing arguments and he has fourty years of experience. Plus a lot of people who swear by him.

My personal experience since trying to stick to mostly fruit has been mostly positive.
I guess my biggest problem is that I am, by conventional standards underweight and I cannot seem to be able to eat enough fruit to put on weight.
Other than that, the main drawback to the diet is how difficult it is to give up so many tasty, crunchy, creamy, salty things that I crave.

Dr Morse maintains that the human being evolved eating fruits. I think he’s probably right about that. Where I veer from the path is that I don’t think the human body stopped evolving when we migrated from the tropics.

I'm not familiar with Dr. Robert Morse (I'll have a look), but I agree with his conclusions after doing my own research. Every species has a natural, optimal diet. Cows eat grass. Monkeys eat bananas. Humans eat....everything and are coincidentally the most sick and diseased species on the planet. We have endless 'nutritionists' and conflicting studies where the animals have none. They just eat what feels natural to them, and I would argue that fruit is most natural and optimal for humans.

I went raw vegan for 30 days (85 percent fruit) and felt the best I have ever felt. However, I like my cooked foods too much to give them up.

Good for you for sticking with it.

I’m not always as strict with myself as I would like to be.

Freedom is our basic right.

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