Pressure Cooker Root Vegetable Soup {Market Gems}

in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

Anyone else blink and realize February is pretty much in the bag?? Even though I know it is the shortest month of the year, it seems to surprise me every time with just how fast it flies right on by! Between picking up some extra sessions at work and birthday season getting into full swing in my family, my days have seemed to maintain a steady pace lately, with little extra time to post any recipes. Luckily I got a jump start on my meal prep this fine Sunday morning, so I have time to share a delicious soup that I made last week!

Despite the rapid pace of life, the Saturday market visit routine is still going strong. I may have to send my other half a few times coming up for me with events on the calendar, but nothing will totally keep me from getting my hands on the local goodies. This past week the new item I was able to add to my basket was a few bulbs of celery root (celeriac or Apium graveolens var. rapaceum). It may not look like much on the outside, but once you peel off the rough exterior you are rewarded with a delicious, crisp and flavorful vegetable inside!

When eaten raw, it is crisp and has a taste mildly reminiscent of celery stalks, though they are not the same plant. Coincidentally I had both the usual celery stalk and this celery root on hand, so I used both in my soup! When cooked the sweetness comes out and they can turn into a creamy soup or puree. Besides the distinct flavor and versatile preparation, many people are starting to incorporate the vegetable when they find it for its many health-promoting nutrients. It is probably not surprising to find out it is chock full of fiber, but also lower in carbohydrates than some other root vegetables. The plant is also a good source of B vitamins, potassium, and vitamin K (source).

You can actually commonly find this vegetable in most grocery stores, at least in my area I have seen it regularly. As usual, though, you can't beat fresh from the ground! My farmer Lynn was worried about the frost getting to the bulbs, but I only found a few spots in the middle of one bulb that were a bit off. As I was opting to use the celery root in a soup, a few brown spots were nothing to be put off by and the flavor was still superb! Perhaps next time I get my hands on some I'll use it raw, but I do so love it roasted or pureed in a soup.

Though I have been loving using my Wonderbag lately, I am still trying to opt for the pressure cooker on occasion to get to know that appliance better, as well. I bought my Instant Pot quite a while back and wasn't a huge fan at first, but the more I experiment with it, the more I find uses for it that I really appreciate. It is fantastic to cook thicker vegetables like spaghetti and other hearty squashes quickly and easily, and it is also great for a soup when you want to make sure all of the hearty vegetables blend together smoothly as I did with this soup. Then I still also use my slow cookers, as I currently have both of them going with chili and oats as I type this post up! I might just be a bit spoiled for choice in my kitchen, but given the amount of cooking that I do I consider my "toys" a worthy investment.

Pressure Cooker Root Vegetable Soup

Makes 8 servings

  • 1 medium sweet onion, peeled & chopped
  • 3/4 cup chopped celery stalk
  • 2 small or 1 large bulb celery root, peeled & cubed
  • 2 small sweet potatoes, cubed
  • 1 bunch sweet turnips (about 1 1/2-2 cups), trimmed & cubed*
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 (16-ounce) package organic silken tofu
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground celery seeds
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Set your pressure cooker to saute if you have the option. Add in the onion and celery stalk to the cooker and saute for 5-7 minutes or until soft. If you do not have that option, place in a separate pan on the stovetop to cook, then add to the cooker.

Next, add in the remaining ingredients to your pressure cooker and seal the lid. Set on Manual for 15 minutes, then let the pressure come down naturally after finishing cooking. Once the pressure gauge releases, carefully open the lid away from your body and let the soup cool slightly before removing the by leaf and blending together until creamy. I use a hand blender, but you can also carefully pour into a blender in batches until it is to the desired consistency.

Taste and adjust seasonings as desired. I simply sprinkled with some pumpkin seeds, but also thought about making a pesto or roasting some extra sweet potatoes to add in for texture!

*If you don't have access to amazing fresh turnips, you can easily sub another root vegetable or just stick with the sweet potatoes and celery root if you like. There's no wrong way to experiment with a basic soup recipe.

This was the first time I can recall using silken tofu in a recipe like this, but I will definitely use it again! A great way to add some plant-based protein and an extra layer of creaminess. If you prefer not to use tofu, I think a cup or two of cooked white beans would do the trick, as well. You may just want to add a bit of extra water in that case since the tofu holds more water than the cooked beans. Again, there are so many ways to take a basic recipe and make it your own!

I am hoping to have some time tomorrow to actually jump on and comment on all the delicious #fruitsandveggiesmonday entries for @lenasveganliving's contest on Steem! I felt a bit out of sorts not getting the time to stop by everyone's posts last week. It's just not a Monday without the rainbow of beautiful plant-based foods! Let's see if we can make this last week of a jam-packed February a good one. 💚🥕🍅🍠

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I love soups and this one looks tasty indeed - yumyumyum

Very interesting and one I'm going to try. I have a childhood aversion to turnips - that's another story. Celeriac - I know little about other than Jamie Oliver mentioning it to make a puree.

And, here's the thing: It took you writing about your pressure cooker to help me realise that it's the same thing as an instant pot! Doh! I have an ancient pressure cooker to use on the stove top and which I've largely abandoned. And, actually, I'm not sure I've not given it away. How the wheel turns and as gadgets are reinvented, they change name and become trendy again....

As you look forward to spring, I'm dreading the onset of winter, but do look forward to the change in cuisine!

I can understand the aversion. I actually don't really love regular turnips, but the particular cultivar that one of my farmers grows is much more mild and sweet than the regular kind. I have grown quite fond of them.

It is pretty interesting how the methods of cooking seem to go in and out of favor. When I was telling DKS's mom about the Wonderbag she said they used to cook like that by wrapping pots in straw and then a big blanket. The pressure cooker does still scare me a bit in how easily you can handle it wrong and make a big explosion, but I've gotten a lot more comfortable with it as I use it more. I think I would be hesitant to have it going around kids, though, just in case some wandering hands tried to open it.

Ahh yes, everything in its season. It does make you appreciate the beauty and flavour ;) of fresh produce that much more!

I remember you mentioning them: I must see if we can find something similar and it might help to change my mind. My memory is of a grey, watery slop. Served, as is traditional for the Scots, with mince and mashed potatoes. All slop.

On the cooking methods - fascinating, hey? I recently bought a second hand cast iron pot, specifically to use for making stews on the braai and bread. "Pot brood" (bread) is made in the pot, lid on and buried in the coals of an open fire. I have memories of that from my childhood and a stay the seaside when it was turned out of the pot. Cut warm: huge, long slices, dripping in farm butter. I'm salivating at the thought. So wrapping pots in straws and then blankets: make perfect sense. I've been thinking that if loadshedding persists, I'll be investing in a Wonderbag. My challenge: space. Anyhow, let me not make my problems your problems.

Yes, a pressure cooker can be daunting and it is dangerous. Happily I've had no really major issues. I've just ended up with a lot of water being spat all over as I was anxious to get it cool and the lid off. Can't remember why, but I do remember that. I used to cook fish and rice to feed five cats at one stage: cooked the fish so that the bones were soft. It was a weekly thing. Urgh! Now I think about it!

Musings for a post...

Happy day.

Just to help you on your search these are called Hakurei or Tokyo turnips. I haven't tried them raw yet, but I have a bunch needing to be used from this week that I might just try as nature made them.

I actually have the opposite problem--too much space! A blessing in some ways, but then a curse in that we tend to collect too much junk. I'm constantly in the fight to get things out of the house and keep them out, haha. But at least I have plenty of room for my kitchen gadgets. Not sure what would go first if we ever downsize...

Thats looks so good and yes this month had raced by, but i have been counting down the days myself :)

I can say the same. Though it hasn't been a tough winter here, there's just something about looking forward to the spring! But I wouldn't mind a few breathers here and there along the way, haha!

We to havent had much of a winter snow wise and even though we have had some cold spells it hasnt been too rough, I am also counting down for spring, but also for the end of this week and the end of working ;)

Oh it's that time already!! Yay! No wonder you're counting down, haha!

Ohh yes time had flown by

Definitely looks really yummy! I've been craving more soups and salads than anything else lately and meat just doesn't seem to do the trick for me lately. I've even skipped on the suppers that I'll make for the kids sometimes and eat left over soup or make a simple salad. I think my body is just in need for something fresh and full of flavor!

This time of year I totally crave all the fruit! I think as the winter wanes it is pretty common for our bodies to really want all those good, fresh nutrients. I might have to hit up the international market this week to splurge on some fruit to keep me happy until spring! Though it is getting closer and closer to berry season. Can't wait!

Oh man, real fresh fruit! LOL I can't wait to start growing some fruits here, there are a few shrubs and a couple apple trees that can grow this far north, and I am planning on growing strawberries, already have the raspberries and rhubarb growing naturally here. Oh why do the winters have to be so long here? LOL

My mouth is watering thinking about your raspberries! We're hoping for the strawberry plants we have going from a family friend produce at least a few cups of fruit this year. The citrus is good right now, but I need some variety in my fruit, haha!

That looks like it could revive someone in need. I know I could use a bowl of that right now. Love the silken tofu addition.

The tofu was fantastic! Didn't really impact the flavor, but definitely added the extra creamy texture. I was even eating this for breakfast to start out the day on a good note. :)

Oooh, proper winter fare. I do love Celeriac... the world's ugliest veggie. Uncommon here and pricey, but we used to eat Celeriac and potato mash often in UK.

Haha, it is pretty ugly but luckily looks aren't everything. I've been waiting for it to pop up at the market, but doesn't seem like a lot of the farmers grow it. Though I might have to check my abundant seed purchase...I actually might have ordered some to try to grow in our own garden. Doesn't feel like winter without all these yummy root veggies! Though I am getting antsy for the coming turn of season and getting my hands on fresh tomatoes again...

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February is a shorter month but actually it's only shorter by a day this year vs the 30 dayers due to the leap year - still whizzing on by this year and that meal is making me super hungry after the hike earlier!

Hope the run goes well if you haven't done it already 😁

Haha, well it really is amazing how much difference a few days makes! I think with all the birthdays this season just flies by me anyway since it seems like we're bouncing from one side of the family to the other to celebrate.

I managed to motivate myself for just under a 5k run. Nothing spectacular, but got it done! I have a 5k race in just a few weeks, so if nothing else just have to make sure the cobwebs are cleared off for the first race of the year. ;)

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