I Reversed Cavities and Regenerated my teeth. Here's how.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

TL;DR -- too long; didn't read.

Reverse cavities by going on a 60 day "juice feast". Fluoride is toxic and will prevent your existing cavities from remineralizing. Your cavities are caused and influenced mostly by internal factors created directly from your diet. External things such as special mouth washes, tooth pastes, and oil pulling do very little to help your cavity problems--these external things are just that: superficial.


Yes, teeth do regenerate. And yes, you can reverse cavities! Countless people have done this, but not everyone has a method that has consistent results. It took me over a decade to get these rudiments together. Due to my intense, past fear on losing teeth, living with a dental hygienist, and my dissatisfaction with methods that do not work 100% of the time--this all lead me to paying a LOT of attention to oral and all system care XD I'm happy you appreciate it! It took nearly 15 years of focus and observation to get to a method that works 100% of the time, and here it is!

My Recent Story

Nearly 2 years ago I got a dental cleaning. This was my first cleaning in a while, and it turned out I had 2 cavities. There was minor pain, and the dentist recommended I get them drilled before things progressed. Prior to this, I used to always be very strict with my oral hygiene; however, I let myself get lazy and had not had a professional cleaning, nor took "good care" of my teeth, in a while. That was my mindset, and I was wrong already!

Why didn't I get my teeth drilled? Because about 5+ years prior to that, I already witnessed 2 dental caries heal themselves. . Caries: (noun) the decay and crumbling of a tooth or bone. Also, my prior healing experiences demonstrated that the human body can heal at least ANYTHING that it develops. Why would I cause further damage to my tooth just for a promise that it won't get worse?

And then after some time to early 2016, I could see that my cavities had not gotten worse. I began a fruitarian diet, and within 6 months my cavities were PAINFUL. I also had an additional 2 dental caries on the other side of my mouth. Huge bummer! Did the fruitarian diet kill my teeth? No, they didn't. Continue reading to find out why :)

Now I am 100% cavity free! You cannot even see a trace of the 2 cavities, nor can you see a trace of the 2 dental caries! Furthermore, the enamel near my gums game back. Enamel: (noun) the hard, glossy substance that covers the crown of a tooth. Btw, enamel looks pretty gross as it's coming back :D

How I Reversed Cavities and Regenerated Enamel

I went on something called a juice feast and abstained from eating solid foods. Here's the juice feasting diet protocol I followed, along with some benefits:

  • Consume a total of 1 gallon of raw, cold-pressed juice per day. (Using a Breville juicer or an Omega juicer.)
  • Have about 60-64 ounces of juice per meal. This makes 2 meals. (1 gallon = 128 ounces)
  • Strain the juices, and "chew" on them to produce saliva. I didn't chew all the time, but I did enjoy and hold the juice in my mouth from time to time.
  • Your will use less subconscious energy on digestion, which will allow you more energy to handle your body's subconscious regrowth and maintenance functions.
  • I did this for almost about 60 days. Afterwards, I introduced myself back to eating fruit and salads slowly--over a period of 15 days.
  • During this time, read "The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1" for inspiration, and also check out John Rose's YouTube channel for inspiration. Inspiration and focus ARE KEY!!

It took between 45-60 days for the cavity pain to go away completely (lesser and lesser by the days, and there's a range because I don't know when it disappeared--I tried not to let the juice touch my teeth all the time) ... and around 6 months for the darkened spots to return to normal whitish color.

Top Regeneration / Anti-Cavity Tips

These are tips if you're serious about regenerating your teeth to their full potential.

  1. STOP using Fluoride. This includes abstaining from water that contains fluoride. List of waters with and without fluoride.
  2. Eat mainly fresh, RIPE fruit to break up and loosen all of the acidic toxemia crap in the body. I've realized that most people do not know how to tell if fruit is ripe, so do not assume that you know, and do your research!
  3. Go on a juice feast for 60 days. Drink the juices as soon as possible.
  4. If you need fast juice from a store, stick to ONLY non-pasteurized juice. Usually the only version of this you can find is orange juice. Tip: if it is non-pasteurized, by the rules of the FDA (in the USA) the bottle or label on the product must state that it is non-pasteurized or unpasteurized. Don't fall for marketing terms (LIES) like, "gently pasteurized", "gourmet pasteurized", "flash pasteurized", "never heated", etc. These are legal lies.
  5. Get out of your teeth's way and only brush with non-fluoridated water.
  6. Get outside and gather as much sun as you can. Studies and numerous experiments from the 1800's and early 1900's directly linked vitamin D intake to disappearing cavities and better oral hygiene.

This will change. Your. Life.

Other Common Methods and Comments of Wisdom...

I understand that most people are not ready to do these things, and that is OK.

  1. STAY AWAY FROM GRAINS. (For you science types, look up Phytic Acid, anti-nutrients, etc.)
  2. Remove meat and dairy from your diet. (The acids will only pull the minerals from your teeth!)
  3. "Oil pulling" (Google this) with coconut oil -- don't waste your time with this. There is truth to it, especially with oils being used to buffer acids. Your mind and emotions literally create your reality. It's a powerful tool, so if it is calling you to experiment with it, go for it! :)
  4. "Ingest large amounts of bone broth, raw milk, mineralizing, etc." -- there is truth to this. Ingest whole foods with organic, non-isolated minerals...and you'll be fine! More important: learn what is meant by "whole" foods and "non-isolated" substances, "organic minerals", etc.
  5. "Do not consume processed foods" -- tons of researchers, dentists, etc. swear that eating "non-processed foods" will help eliminate the problem with cavities. They are right. However, many of these people don't realize that "cooking" your food is also processing your food! Eating cooked food is where people go wrong when they intend to reverse cavities. I'm not saying that eating cooked food will be detrimental to your teeth; I'm saying that eating cooked food will not help you regenerate your teeth at the fullest potential that they can regenerate!
  6. "Use toothpaste with fluoride" -- although this is a common suggestion, I would never agree to this. Read more below.
  7. "Rinse with a good mouth wash, because those germs are eating the stuff on your teeth and pooping acid on your teeth." -- this is a very common assumption, and it is presented logically. However, that logic is false. Acid from nature's whole foods does not rot your teeth, and neither does the waste of bacteria living in your mouth. And this has been demonstrated over and over and over and over again. The superficial part is important if it helps you "believe"; however, the problem with tooth decay is influenced MOSTLY by internal circumstances created by your diet.
  8. "Eat food-grade clay." I, personally, know a couple of people who have reversed their gum disease by eating clay. A dental hygienist friend of mine told me about a woman who was ashamed to admit that she ate clay to reverse a serious issue of gum disease. I would not recommend this as it's not the best method, yet it does work with some people's circumstances.
  9. Use a liquid / sublingual Vitamin D3 supplement that works for your body. Notice: "that works for your body", there may be serious allergies from the product to consider, so take my warning and BE CAREFUL: this is still an isolated substance! I do recommend this because, hey, if your teeth are having emergency issues and you don't want to permanently damage them with drilling or extraction...then this will likely restore more balance. Just be responsible and educate yourself so you don't take too much of it.

Rudimental Explanation -- How does this work?

Ok, want to know how to reverse cavities 100% of the time? Here's a rudimental explanation that I hope will help you! There's a lot of information that must be "undone" and deprogrammed from your mind, so take these words serious.

The rudimental functions of your teeth. The teeth function in so many important roles--many which are likely unknown to human beings! Here are the top functions of the teeth that I am aware of.

  1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: your teeth are a buffer for the acid and alkaline balance of the body's blood, sort of like an electric capacitor. If your blood is too acidic, you'll die quickly due to any of the following: burnt up vessels, fused capillaries, organ failure, etc.
  2. The teeth are used to "juice" your food. If their structure was not juicing, the majority of your teeth would be shaped like canines. You cannot digest what you cannot liquefy! I repeat: you cannot digest what you cannot liquefy.
  3. Canines: the shape and position of your canines are strictly for structural integrity, strength, and pushing food items towards the front or sides of the mouth.

I've realized that the body uses the teeth like a buffer. Sort of like electrical capacitors used on a circuit board. When you ingest isolated substances (such as commercial supplements) or eat an acidic diet, the body has some main methods of protecting the blood from acidic destruction:

  1. You crave minerals to buffer the acids--making them less acidic. For example, people who eat too much grains tend to use more salt. This happens due to the horrible imbalance from eating grains. Unfortunately, inorganic minerals (such as table salt and even Himalayan sea salt) are less useful than they're marketed to be.
  2. The acids form with other substances to produce a gas and are expelled via the esophagus. (Burping.)
  3. Your body will buffer the acids with mucus, fat, tumors, etc. These acids get pushed out of the veins and into the tissues, into the lymphatic system, filtered by the kidneys to get excreted through urination, etc.
  4. These acids are excreted through the skin, protective mucus boils (acne) surround the acids, or you sweat out the acids.

Teeth will be drained first before bones. This is for our survival, for our ability to continue with our mobility.

The formation of cavities also signals us to STOP EATING the bad foods, and find other substances. Ever notice when animals in nature are sick that they don't eat? Ever notice your animal friends stop eating when they're stick? Ever notice your pets eat GRASS when they're sick? There's a reason for this. When we stop eating, the body gets a chance to clean out and rebuild. The teeth signal for us to stop eating.

Exposing the magicians: What Fluoride actually does

Remember: the body uses the teeth to buffer acids (from our bad food choices) temporarily before continuing to rebuild the teeth. The body's priority is to take minerals from the teeth before taking minerals from our bones, for example. Fluoride does a great job at making the mouth and teeth so toxic that the body DE-prioritized taking minerals to buffer acids from the teeth. This results in less cavities--but what about the destruction inside your body that you don't see? When fluoride is used, your body must result to other--more destructive--methods to buffer the acids! (All of the other buffering methods are to take minerals from the bones, from the eyes, signaling you to crave fats to buffer the acids, push acids into tissues, create tumor "armor", etc.

I've wanted to share this information and help others for quite a while now! THANK YOU for reading! :)

Further Resources

  1. The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 1
  2. Mucusless Diet Healing System, by Arnold Ehret.
  3. Rational Fasting, by Arnold Ehret.
  4. Click Here and watch John Rose on the Debra Duncan Show (year 2000). Old, but great :)

Btw, the picture below is not of my teeth :) It's an image with usage rights that allow for free re-use :D



Great tip! Nice pearly whites too. But I'm curious.. what did this do to your body weight/mass?? :)

Thank you for asking!

  1. I lost a bunch of useless fat and got down to a healthy fat level.
  2. I gained muscle mass
  3. Over the last 6 months alone, I gained at least 12 lbs of muscle!

The points are...

  • when you eat clean, your body rebuilds.
  • when you don't eat dirty, your body will get rid of more waste than it accumulates. (this waste = weight)
  • when you eat simple amino acids (rather than complex proteins) your body readily uses those and assimilates them easily. Therefore, if your body requires more muscle for its environmental and habitual tasks, then your body can adapt quicker by building more muscle!

Thanks for the great tip. It requires a total change of lifestyle and not simply a matter of preferring to drink juices. :)

that change is TEMPORARY, and entirely worth the benefits! if you want to reap the benefits slowly, you combine this practice with your normal habit :)

Thank you. I will resteem and do some research into it myself.s

Ty for the resteem! :)

I can attest to this... thanks for sharing some truth in our indoctrinated world...

I like your enthousiasm, but all dentists could tell you that enamel does not grow back. Your suggestion to drink fruit juice all day (which is acidic and contains a lot of sugar, both are bad for your teeth) will increase the risk of cavities. Unless you have solid research to back up your claim (which I am sure does not exist), I think it's unwise to post such things..

It's not unwise at all to post the truth. There are a few problems with what you are stating that you really need to look at:

  1. "all dentists could tell you that enamel does not grow back" -- this is not true. The dentists that I know personally have seen this happen in their career. They don't understand why it happens. Of course they don't understand: they don't have this experience.
  2. "Your suggestion to drink fruit juice all day (which is acidic..." -- Uncooked juice from ripened fruits is not acidic. Cooked ("pasteurized") juice is acidic. There's a huge different, and you can check this yourself with pH sticks and making your own raw fruit juice. Stop listening to what others say and do some science.
  3. "...and contains a lot of sugar, both are bad for your teeth) will increase the risk of cavities" -- when you say "sugar", you need to be aware that there are many types of sugar. For example, there are sugars that require insulin (the sugar glucose) and there are sugars that do not require insulin from the body (the sugar fructose). The sugars that build plaque on your teeth are the complex sugars known as "starch". The sugars that put you at risk of cavities are the acidic, unbuffered, stripped-of-all-vitamins-and-minerals sugars. These are your white sugars, your syrups, etc. Not all sugars are created equal, and this is what you need to learn before you can judge on this topic. The sugars from raw, ripe fruits will not rot our teeth, and they will not put us at risk of cavities--we are at risk of cavities due to our acidic diet and the past acidic waste stored in our tissues from our past diet.
  4. "Unless you have solid research to back up your claim..." -- yes, and this solid research I did myself and tested on myself...using my own brain, rather than relying on the words of others. This is what you call "empirical data". Also look above at someone who attested to my "claims". Everyone who does this is being healed...and the only people that can honestly refute the MASSIVE amount of evidence are 1) Lennon's term for "useful idiots", 2) suffering from cognitive dissonance, and/or 3) sell toothpaste or drill teeth for a living.

Wow, i didn't knew that teeth can regenerate, great article, keep posting! Have a nice day!

heya just heard you resteemed...thanks! :D

Good job

This is a very interesting article to read. It is amazing to know how diet alone can dramatically change our health. We've been indoctrinated to believe that fluor is actually a key component to prevent cavities, yet the reality points to the opposite directions. We have all the ingredients and tools to prevent and cure diseases, but too little people really know how this natural and God-given pharmacy works. I appreciate people like you, willing to share their knowledge and experiences with others creating awareness and encouraging others to turn their eyes in their inner wisdom. Thanks for this post and please continue the good work.

Thank you Paola :) Follow me, and I promise you will read more things like this. Like how I reversed my near-sighted eye issues (through meditation)...maybe that one would be next :) Glad to see more Florida individuals on here!

Great thank you. I will be waiting for that one.

Thank you for sharing this, Robert! It's speaking to me. :)

So glad it speaks to ya! :)

I might keep hold of this post.
May need it in the future if any problems arise.

You can also start today by eating more fruits! :) Don't worry about the vegetables: "If the meat doesn't kill you, the vegetables will!"

I guess it is best to start now than later.

GreaT article !! - ))
NICE TEETH .. i'm jealous !! - ))
.. with a PLAN OF ACTION !! kick ASS !! - ))

AmazinG TiminG me finding this .. reSTEEM from @olteanu
Electric TeetH .. at specific times, i can FEEL the lack of glow - ((
100 % ... a plan of action - ))

thanks ))

greb'Z )

Glad you enjoyed it! Follow the plan of action! Btw those aren't my teeth. I should get a picture tho...my teeth look similar; they're just not as straight :D

Gott'YA !! - )))
ThankS for the ARTiCLE !! - ))

.. and, !!! OUCH !!! .. so beTRAYed .. not YOUr TEETH - (((
... i was so .. ?? .. CertaiN .. ((sob sobbing)) .. ! - ((((

... ha ha ))))))))

i'd BeTTeR get the ... HEY FUN !!! - ))) ... message !! ??

THESE "ARE" my TeetH !! - ))
.. ha ha )))

greb'Z )

please plst the piscture over here ?? !!! - )))
... a FUN PosT ... and, not mine - )))
... later i'm going to reply - ))

YOU will see why i'm so PUMPED anout your post !! - ))

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