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RE: Veganism - Another Perspective - Why should I care?

in #vegan7 years ago

The sad reality ... And the worst part of this that i dont like .. Is the fact that they have meat eating in th curriculum as necessary and brainwashed us from kids that we HAVE to eat meat to get certain vitamins and protein .. And this is one of the biggest lies ever told ... We dont need meat .. Because every single nutrients that th body needs are way more potent directly from th source which is vegetables and nuts ... Until we take these teachings out of th schools or start teaching our kids the truth .. This cycle of brainwash and torture will continue


I agree with you @rodonlegend when you say: '...Is the fact that they have meat eating in the curriculum as necessary and brainwashed us from kids that we HAVE to eat meat to get certain vitamins and protein .. And this is one of the biggest lies ever told ...'
I do not eat meat for 12 years. I eat maybe one fish a year (I have realized I don''t need fish also)I eat eggs very rare-- only from my neighbor's chickens... I even cut the grains to the minimum. So 90% of my food is just fruits and vegetables and I've never been healthier!!! :)

This doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Meat provides much more nutrition per oz than plants. I would argue that the greatest lie ever told is that grains are fit for human consumption. Heart disease and diabetes didn't skyrocket until processed grains and chemically extracted vegetable oils where dumped on us by a bought and paid for government agency.

And this i disagree with strongly .. Yes you are correct that processed foods is just as dangerous to the human body as meat consumption .. But what i speak of is organic foods .. Not processed crap ... And u need to do ur research on which produces more nutrients..
Lets use common sense here
A goat will need to eat a ol acre of veges to produce half the nutrients that we would get if we ate that ol acre ourselves ... Simple math ..
The goat itself needs the nutrients to live
So when it eats .. Its body consumes half of that nutrients and only store half ...
How is that goat meat going to be able to provide YOU with more nutrients than if YOU eat from the source of this nutrients??

The goat has the digestive system to fully utilize those nutrients. We do not have the digestive system equal to that of herbivores and our bodies are primed to process dietary fat for energy and we more readily benefit from the complete proteins found in meat. If your above "common sense" theory proved true, then our hunter gatherer ancestors that survived mainly on saturated fat, meat protein, and what little tubers and vegetables they could gather would have gone extinct before ever reaching civilization. If meat and saturated fat were truly toxic, then why did heart disease and diabetes skyrocket only when people switched to a grain based diet? Why was I able to lower my LDL cholesterol, reverse type 2 diabetes, lose weight, and improve my blood test results by switching to a ketogenic meat based diet? Using vegan logic, that should have been suicide.
"How is that goat meat going to be able to provide YOU with more nutrients than if YOU eat from the source of this nutrients??" Since you are using all caps to refer to ME, allow me to respond in kind:
MY digestive system is designed to absorb the nutrients from meat and the goat's is not. I have the necessary enzymes and the goat does not. Comparing an omnivore with an herbivore is not using common sense.
Here's a bit of advice, when talking down to someone who disagrees with you, perhaps you could at least take the time to spell out the word "you" and "your". "U" and "UR" are pretty ineffective when you are challenging someone's intellect.

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