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RE: What The Health? or Why I Am Vegan

in #vegetatian7 years ago

I don't have a problem with eating meat, provided it has been ethically raised and slaughtered. I do have a huge problem with the meat industry that we see today, factory farming and the industrialisation of our meat production in the last century is horrific.

I'm hoping that eventually with vitro meat grown in a lab we'll be able to produce healthful animal tissues without ever having to harm a living creature. Currently Earth's population just can't sustain the lifestyle that most 1st world people choose to live.

The planets topsoil is being destroyed by monocropping. The Amazon forest is being destroyed simply so we can have cheaper hamburgers.

There's a good quote that I like that I see being applicable to cheap meat.

"I pity the man who wants a coat so cheap that the man or woman who produces the cloth will starve in the process." -23rd President Benjamin Harrison

We want meat so cheap that the only way to produce it is through horrific practices with animals packed together so that they can barely move. Look at the price of eggs in America. I see them for like 0.50c for 12, how is that even possible?

I bit of a rant. I got carried away


That's a great rant! Great points! Seeing the atrocities in the meat industry from the huge companies was one of the things that made me realize that I had to consider not eating meat. Either way you go, not supporting that is a great move imo.

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