Just bought over 10 thousand Crypto Peso tokens on newdex.io and have around 420k PSO almost 0.04%

in #venezuela6 years ago

Just bought over 10k CryptoPeso Pso tokens on https://newdex.io and I'm gonna buy zome more today so watch the markets and check the Rich list here

If I double my 0.04 to almost 1% I can say I own 1% of the new Venezuelan economy wooooo feels good man...

Https://bloks.io/tokens/PSO-eos-cryptopesosc I am now high upon the lost with zackzackzack

Check them out here https://eosvenezuela.io/cryptopeso.html

I feel so powerful pumping this coin on my PHONE using eos lynx app... with my ackzalynxeos account

Here is the telegram if you are a Venezuelan


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