The government of venezuela envia sends 10,4 tons of chattels and not perishable food to Mexico! And the Venezuelans starving

in #venezuela7 years ago

Venezuela sends 10,4 tons of chattels and not perishable food to Mexico


The secretary of Interior and Justice, Néstor Reverol, indicated that there go in way six members of Civil Protection " experts in analysis of collapsed structures "

The Government of Venezuela sent today 10,4 tons of chattels and not perishable food to Mexico, country that during this month has registered three earthquakes that have left more than 400 dead men and hurts to infrastructures.

" We are sending 10,4 tons of (material) inputs as humanitarian help, mattresses, colchonetas, not perishable food. We are sending also electrical plants ", blankets, mechanical saws, " as well as also tents " of 20 and 40 squares, said the secretary of Interior and Justice, Néstor Reverol.

In declarations to the state channel VTV and accompanied of a representative of the Mexican embassy in Venezuela, Silvia Sevilla, it indicated that also there go in way a group of six persons members of Civil Protection of the country " experts in analysis of collapsed structures ".

The group takes " a special equipment for the persons' location caught in complex sites, they take a few special chambers of optical fiber for sound check in areas confined ", he added.

" From here we join the pain and the sorrow of the Mexican family (...) In name of the whole people of Venezuela our support and our solidarity ", indicated Reverol, which in addition indicated that it has supported coordination with the authorities of Mexico " to offer to him the support that they need ".

A new earthquake of magnitude 6,1 in the Richter scale registered today with epicentre in the southerner been of Oaxaca, leaving up to the moment four dead men.

This telluric movement happened only four days after another powerful quake of magnitude 7,1 was stopping at least 305 mortal victims in the country.

In addition last September 7 an earthquake of magnitude registered 8,2 in the south of the country that left a balance of 98 deceased's

El ministro de Interior y Justicia, Néstor Reverol, indicó que van en camino seis miembros de Protección Civil "expertos en análisis de estructuras colapsadas"

El Gobierno de Venezuela envió hoy 10,4 toneladas de enseres y alimentos no perecederos a México, país que durante este mes ha registrado tres sismos que han dejado más de 400 muertos y daños a infraestructuras.

"Estamos enviando 10,4 toneladas de insumos (materiales) como ayuda humanitaria, colchones, colchonetas, alimentos no perecederos. Estamos enviando también plantas eléctricas", frazadas, motosierras, "así como también carpas" de 20 y 40 plazas, dijo el ministro de Interior y Justicia, Néstor Reverol.

En declaraciones al canal estatal VTV y acompañado de una representante de la embajada mexicana en Venezuela, Silvia Sevilla, indicó que también van en camino un grupo de seis personas miembros de Protección Civil del país "expertos en análisis de estructuras colapsadas".

El grupo lleva "un equipo especial para la localización de personas atrapadas en sitios complejos, llevan unas cámaras especiales de fibra óptica para verificación de sonidos en áreas confinadas", agregó.

"Desde aquí nos unimos al dolor y al pesar de la familia mexicana (...) en nombre de todo el pueblo de Venezuela nuestro apoyo y nuestra solidaridad", indicó Reverol, que además señaló que ha mantenido coordinación con las autoridades de México "para brindarle el apoyo que requieran".

Un nuevo sismo de magnitud 6,1 en la escala de Richter se registró hoy con epicentro en el sureño estado de Oaxaca, dejando hasta el momento cuatro muertos.

Este movimiento telúrico ocurrió apenas cuatro días después de que otro potente temblor de magnitud 7,1 dejara al menos 305 víctimas mortales en el país.

Además el pasado 7 septiembre se registró un terremoto de magnitud 8,2 en el sur del país que dejó un saldo de 98 fallecidos.


That's a "proud" move of saying: "we have more than what we need." Fidel Castro used to be the same. That's why he sent a lot of doctors to Venezuela and other areas. He wanted to say his revolution made people more educated, so he had so many professionals that he could export them. Unfortunately, people got tired of his game because under this export doctor theory, the doctors were not getting paid, but his government was getting compensated. Then wise Castro will give the doctors 10 pesos cubanos monthly for their salary. So the last Cuban generation decided not to be professionals and not to work for the government. Not a good decision because we can see in Facebook they dont know how to spell and their education is suffering to be as before. Venezuela, there are two choices: overthrow the government or leave the country.

Always I have said that venezuela has to solve his internal problems then countries to help the demas thing that this government does not understand, it has his village starving and it orders food and dollars to other countries. Indeed that I do not understand

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