Save $$ when traveling - Have you heard of TURO? It is the Airbnb of Rental cars.

in #video7 years ago is a new way to rent cars and I discovered it when traveling to Hawaii. It is like Airbnb except for rental cars! You rent cars from owners rather than renal companies like Hertz, Payless, etc. When I traveled to Big Island Hawaii, I could not find a car under $200 a day (ridiculous!) at the rental car agencies, so my airbnb host introduced me to

I found a car for a reasonable price, got a free pick up from the airport, no standing in any lines and I had a really good experience. For that reason, I am recommending it to others as a great travel tip to save money.

If you want to compare Turo to rental car agencies in your area, you can sign up below for $25 off your first rental with this code.

** when you use this code, it will also help me by giving me a discount on my next rental too. Thanks if you use my code :)



In this video, I show you what the site looks like and I show you a clip from my trip to the Big Island where I rented a Mustang convertible. If you found this helpful, please upvote so I know someone out there is listening LOL. I appreciate you!

By the way, I have been trying to upload videos on Dtube for DAYS now and it hasn't been working! Otherwise, I would be sharing my video on Dtube rather than Steemit. However, I still have faith in Dtube... I just hope it improves to make it easier for those video creators who want to contribute to the Dtube community!