More EXTREME damage from Super-Typhoon Noru

in #vietnam2 years ago

It should be obvious after you get a little ways into this that this is satire or just me being a meany-pants about the whole thing. I am not denying that typhoons are definitely something to be afraid of and I am sure there was some actual damage and suffering because of even this typhoon.

What I am going to pick on a bit is the way that the media and government got the entire area worked up into a fever by telling everyone that this is going to be the worst typhoon the area has seen in nearly 20 years and that everyone should take extreme steps to protect themselves. They even had a city-wide curfew and intentionally turned all the power off in the city at 130 AM as a preventative measure against fires that neither the electric company nor the fire department would be able to respond to.

The superarkets were cleared out, people were frantically buying doomsday levels of canned goods and bottled water, and the lines were going out the door at local minimarts that had near empty shelves by the time the panic had fully taken hold.

Then the storm came through and most of us, including me, slept through most of it and woke up to light winds followed by sunshine.


When walking around to survey the damage it is almost entirely just garbage on the side of the road. This lot above is one that has been vacant for all the years I have lived here and it probably looked exactly like that before the typhoon since nobody ever cleans anything up there.


There were a few tree branches here and there that fell down but as far as I could tell there wasn't any chaos caused by this despite the fact that the trees are irresponsibly allowed to grow over the power, internet, and whatever else the aerial lines are used for (look closely)


The most devastating thing I saw was this one site where there was debris everywhere and it was a sight to behold.


The only problem with this is the fact that this is abandoned construction/ destruction debris that has been there for years and the typhoon had absolutely nothing to do with it. There is far more buildup of dangerous crap that was put there intentionally by the owners of the land.

When some of my weaker-minded friends were asking me if I wanted to put a bottled water and candle order in I just kind of laughed at the idea. I wasn't trying to be mean to my friends but I was a bit surprised to see how easily some people get worked up about things. Did they really think we were going to be home-bound for days on end without access to electric or water? Did they think that a storm which we already knew was going to have a duration of 5-6 hours was going to completely eliminate stores' desire to sell us stuff? I can't understand the mind of people like this. These are also the same people that put their entire lives online for "likes" and sympathetic comments because they want their lives to look as adventurous or even as tragic as possible.

When the storm passed and there was virtually no damage aside from a few felled tree-branches this entire SUPER TYPHOON! situation just reinforced my belief that the media and other online aspects of life are to be ignored almost entirely. It seems like every minor thing is immediately upgraded to extinction level events and a lot of this might be done on purpose.

Seeing the frantic way in which almost every business closed and police were wandering around reminding everyone that they had to go home by 8pm made me feel like the entire world has lost their minds and are incapable of thinking for themselves. This typhoon was a big fat nothing-burger and while I am thankful for that I look at the over-preparation on the part of my friends and many many strangers with a sense of "WTF are you guys doing?"