Adventures of the Viking-kind Part 0.02

in #viking7 years ago


@johangericke and I have been friends for longer than three years. For those of you who do not know me, I can only count to three, so anything more than that is an ass-load. We, possibly, met one day. Or maybe not, I really cannot remember. And we instantly hit it off.

One day, we were walking around this really black-metal-music-video-type forest and came upon a troll. Being the fearless Viking that I am, I charged at it with axe and shield. Turns out I was going the wrong way. When I finally turned around, I saw that Johan was being eaten by the troll. I was sad about this as I was planning on having him for dinner myself later that day.

The troll began to follow me around the forest and I climbed into a tree to get a better lay of the land. And what a lay the land was. Those curves! In any case, the troll got to the tree and started talking to me in a voice that sounded like Johan's. I was having none of this trickery, for I knew the wicked ways of the troll. My ex-girlfriend was a troll and it ended badly for her. The troll wanted me to come down and have a few drinks with it.

I can only remember bits and pieces after that. I got so wasted I probably ended up doing inn-hopping with strangers. Like I said, the details are fuzzy and I woke up with what I can only assume to be a stripper's tit covers. The troll was passed out on the cave floor, snoring, so I sneaked out and went to get my spare axe. The hangover was real and I had to stop at a river to get some water. I tell you, water is a curse from the gods. Only a few gulps and I was already rusting on the inside.

My squeaking legs woke the troll up by the time I returned. When I got into the cave, it ran out. I followed, slowly squeaking. Fucker went back inside. This continued for about more than three hours or so, until I got tired of the trolling. I named it Johan and gave it all of his stuff.

And there you have it. That is how I met Johan.
Peace, prosperity, and promiscuity to you all!

Disclaimer: @johangericke 's take on these events may differ from mine and I cannot be held liable for inconsistencies.
Art by @AnikeKirsten (who is being threatened with a dildo to do more art like this)


Great story you are so funny 😁 you crack me up!😂😂

yay i love
this Storyline... hehe

I am dying! lol. I can't wait to hear the next installment!

Please dont die... or you will miss the next one lol

Haha I love the humour and the vibe of the story 😂
I wonder what's Johan take on this.

BWAHAHAHAAHHAAHAAHAHAHA :) ... Peace, prosperity, and promiscuity!
can't stop laughing.. lol