Astaxanthin - An Antioxidant That is Six Thousand Times Stronger Than Vitamin C! Part 2

in #vitamins5 years ago

Astaxanthin: The Antioxidant 6,000 Times Stronger than Vitamin C!

Aging. No matter what the health problem is, if you dig deep enough, that one word is making the problem worse. From heart / cardiovascular disease and cancer to stroke, joint pain, mental fog, and fatigue...and countless other maladies...AGING DOES NOT HELP ANY SICKNESS IMPROVE...ZERO, ZIPPO, NADA.

This has, of course, been known for centuries. And it has been the cause of many ideas, searches, treatments, and theories to find a way to slow aging down, or even stop and reverse it.

From ancient alchemists attempts at developing an “elixir of life” to confer eternal youth and longevity to Ponce de León's search for the elusive “Fountain of Youth” and countless other quests (some scientific and some far from it), the search has continued to this very day.

Regrettably, There is No “Fountain of Youth”

Most, if not all of these efforts have been in vain. “The Fountain of Youth” is seeming as elusive today as ever. Increasing Testosterone has its limits.

But there is science. In the past few decades, there have been several exciting breakthroughs that have shown great promise to finally gain a foothold in the battle against the hideous disease of aging.

One of these developments is a substance called Astaxanthin, which has been referred to as “one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered.” Studies have shown Astaxanthin to be up to - it is in a class of its own compared to usual dietary supplements

40 times stronger than beta-carotene

100 times more potent than vitamin E

800 times stronger than CoQ10

An astonishing 6,000 times more powerful than vitamin C!

Recently, Astaxanthin (pronounced “asta-ZAN-thin”) and called ATX for short, took a huge step toward becoming a household word when it was prominently featured and endorsed by Dr. Mehmet Oz on his popular daily television show.

Dr. Oz gave Astaxanthin a ringing endorsement, going as far as saying that Astaxanthin is “the number one supplement you've never heard of that you should be taking.”

And It's Not Just Dr. Oz

Scientists have spent decades researching natural methods of nutrition and supplements that can make a difference...a huge the life-and-death struggle against aging.

And as the results of more studies keep rolling in, astaxanthin is withstanding their scrutiny and taking its place on the “all-star” anti-aging starting line-up.

Let's take a look at what astaxanthin is, how it works, and why it is so effective.

What is Astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is two words combined. The Greek word “Asta” means “star-like.” Xanthin is Greek for yellow and describes the yellow, orange and red-colored family of vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers.

Together they form the word astaxanthin, which is indeed a “star” nutrient that floods your body with benefit after benefit. Astaxanthin is a red pigment molecule found in some types of marine algae. When it is eaten by shrimp and lobsters, the dye turns their shells reddish.

singlet oxygenWhen eaten by fish like salmon and birds like flamingos, it is responsible for the spectacular red and pink beauty of these creatures. Astaxanthin functions as a natural sunscreen for marine plants.

Initially, researchers looked at how efficient ATX could be as a topical sunscreen because of its high ultraviolet light-absorbing properties.

However, they quickly discovered that astaxanthin delivered several more benefits: anti-inflammatory protection, free-radical scavenging, and mitochondrial defense.

In fact, one researcher stated that ATX shows “demonstrable promise for slowing age-related functional decline.” Here are some of the incredible benefits Astaxanthin can deliver; Astaxanthin can...

Rejuvenate the skin from within. Many people use all types of skin lotions, gels, and moisturizers to keep their skin glowing. This is a good start. However, the skin needs protection from within as well. ATX permeates deeply into all skin layers, including at the cellular level, not just the topical (outside) layer. This not only protects the skin from current, but also future damage. It also can reverse years of accumulated damage as well. Astaxanthin has even been referred to as “an internal sunscreen," and when all the facts are in, that is indeed an accurate description.

Supercharge your immune system. Astaxanthin stimulates the growth of white blood cells and speeds up their activity. This means that your cancer and infection-fighting troops are in “fighting shape” and can crush invading cells attempting to wreak havoc by introducing all types of disease into your body. Astaxanthin also strengthens the immune system by neutralizing free radicals, thus preventing oxidative stress. Also helps control / regulate fatty acids in the body.

Cause your energy levels to skyrocket. Astaxanthin flows into all of the body's organs, including the heart. Once there, astaxanthin increases mitochondrial energy delivery. The result? A robust, more efficiently pumping heart, and quicker muscle recovery from intense exercise.

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