
I am beyond shocked it is still roaming around 12$ I hope Steem follows a similar path next year

I have high hopes for Steem!

I'm glad to hear - and I forgot you were in Canada! I feel so silly for having cashed out--I needed to.. but it hurts now! But I'm in it here for the long-haul so it's okay :)

Thanks for the info!

Hope so I really like STEEM..

kinda happy about it, i'm splitting between powering up and saving sbd in the short term.

That is the way it should be. Steem should be the one getting high. Next Year should make this possible

I have to agree with your analysis. It makes the most sense with the dates correlated so closely. And wow, if anything this really shows how much TA is being used in these markets. It's everywhere.

SBD can stay like this as long as it likes!

Yeah, no complaints 😎

Hey if you are on steemit, you have a happy face to exchange it.

Great analysis and for those who aren't aware, Dan really did his research on this and was very diligent about acquiring good information from a variety of sources. Dan is proving to be a valuable resource for high quality information on the platform.

👏🏽 Agree ^ This video is great for the community, sooo many people have no idea what's going on 😂

Especially the newbees.
I'm still trying to figure out how steemit works , while I see complex content like this one.😂 @khaleelkazi

It was too technical for a newcomer.
Is giving an explanation for why steem dollar values more than the US dollar in the video?

i've always loved his work. everyone has information relevant for people 'in their place' be it deep dive or just raising interest. i'm hoping to improve my own content over the year to come.

The steem price can easy rise to the same price like SBD ;)

I've been selling my SBD as soon as I accumulate a decent amount. Nothing wrong with taking some profits off the table.

Absolutely! Also, cashing out your SBDs isn't even really "taking profits of the table" IMO. The Steem blockchain already cashed that STEEM out for you... when it paid you in SBDs.

I like your style of thinking.

i'm doing a split. cheaper steem power and sbd. hoping to upgrade to new kit for the new year to take things to the next level.

When @dan-atstarlite gets back at vlogging, he does it big! He doesn't do it to talk about the weather... well, that too, but he mainly appears on the screen for what sounds like a great on-point​ analysis of the longest hike in SBD's history!

I agree, this is some what related with Tether hack.

What do you mean you cannot do outdoors stuff, you are Canadian man, put on a coat and get out there LOL.

Like, have you never been to a hockey game? Love you bro!!!!!!

I've been making hay but fundamentally refused to really take advantage until the last 3 days, out of principle, pegged to the #Steemnomics of everything.

I actually emailed a top witness about this SBD thing last nite to get thoughts.

Great stuff by you pegging (lol) when this started right to a date that seems to matter -- the Tether "hack" - so many questions with this but good stuff by you as always.

It's not me bro... it's my camera! lol It freezes and runs out of battery when it gets too cold! Staying in for the winter 😎


We love ya man, you are awesome man. I am around anytime you want to visit, still an open offer!!

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