Did You Know That Butterflies Can Also Be Trained & Conditioned Like Your Other Pets?

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

Okay, so I only took care of one butterfly therefore, it may not be valid to say what that title above says but I was surprised at what I have experienced having a butterfly for a already more than a week in the house. Who would have thought that.

Since not many really view vlog posts unless it's human being featured in there, I've decided to play that same game we did before so yeah, you won't be reading much.


These days, it takes a very long wait before our voting power gets recharged, did you notice? Anyhow, I'd cast a 5% up to anyone who'd first answer those questions below. EDIT : Please answer just one question and only answer those that are still highlighted.

1. Which of the food I gave him did he touch first?
2.Which food did he go nipping on to after crawling down his container?
3.What does he do after eating?
FILL IN THE BLANKS : I'm starting to think Yellow is 4. blind ... because 5. _________________.

  1. What did I buy Yellow just to get him to eat something more natural?
  2. What time do I usually catch Yellow on a nipping mode?
  3. What's the deal with the nets on the ceiling on butterfly gardens, or so imho?

Yesterday was sunny compared today but since yesterday, Yellow seems different. He only sat on the lavender flower all day. It was the same usual routine except for the answer for the 3rd question up there.

Today, he didn't nip on my pinkie at all. He even groomed his face and just stayed in his container though I left it open. I guess, he's nearing bidding goodbye so I didn't let it go flying outside becuase he'd be an easy prey to the birds in my garden.

I thought butterflies only die because they've exhausted their wings enough but I may be wrong. Yellow's wings look so young and perfect but he's showing signs of slowing down. If that's the case, I guess, at least he's lived longer than had I let him fly outside and froze to death.


His life must have been short lived compared to us humans but Yellow has brought my husband and I so much happy gushing moments while he was here. Lots of laughter and yes, am having a hard time processing the thought that he's sleeping again soon but this time around, he won't be waking up. Damn .. how nature could get you attached!

... but I guess, like everything else - he, too... shall come to pass. For now, I'm just enjoying him sitting on my shoulder atm. BTW, did any of you know whether butterflies could really be trained like other animals you have for pets?

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and the vlogs with my Samsung Galaxy A3, 2016.

**TIP :
ONLY Upvote POSTS THAT ARE 6 DAYS OLD below to earn yourself curation rewards.



Thank you for posting this lovely tale of 'Yellow' @englishtchrivy.

Beautiful photographs.

So sorry to hear he will not be waking.

The beauty God creates will always exceed any man can muster.

Wishing you all the best.

Cheers mon ami.

thank you mon ami
grieving moment's through :)
cest' la vie :)
mementos shall be all I have now and this stories I shared about him here :)

I hope you had a peaceful easter!

(I am a little confused about the first two - first banana, before that sipping honey water, and then this looks like watermelon, but you’re saying it’s honey water)

  1. Banana
  2. Watermelon or Honey water?
  3. Hanging on the lid
  4. blind
  5. I had to put him there
  6. lavender flower
  7. 4 pm
  8. To protect the container from getting too hot

Yellow and the video are just adorable! Sorry to hear he is now gone :(

hmmm.. thanks for watching the vid
and for reminding me I should have put up there to answer just one question lol

anyway, you got #s 4, 6, 7 & 8 right though .. for #8 its more of to prevent the butterflies from getting burned from the heat of the glass ceiling so that makes it 20% right

sorry to reply late
earlier this page was not responsive
so I logged out and just came back

Oh 4/8, poor attempt, looking forward to read the right answers. This was like a great listening exercise for learning Eglish, that’s why I tried it. You can make Steemit Eglish school :D Your voice is nice and you should definitely continue doing such quizzes :) Thanks!


I did that cause not many really watches the vlogs
I recorded those for days and edited them to put them in one vid
to just not be viewed
but look, even with those questions
only you tried reading and answering them
I appreciate that a lot

The drinking butterfly looks so cool.

dacht ik ook
ik was opgelucht toen ik dat zag
want ik wist echt niet wat ik hem moet geven

A few months ago I found a tiny snail in my lettuce and could not put it out in -20 C, so I made a little home for it with lots of lettuce of course.
After a few weeks it started growing its shell.
But one day I found it had passed... :(

Yes, nature really gets you attached <3

R.I.P. little snail and butterfly Yellow

Les animaux qui reçoivent de l'amour, de la nourriture,
Comment réagir à nous?
Je vois ça avec mes 2 geckos!

cactus 028.jpg

aw! cuteness overload!
one winked at you ^ ^
so cute!
they look different !
thanks for sharing that!

indeed, you get a bond don't you?

Thank you very much.
Yes, I often talk to them, they look at me while moving my head.
If I tell them it's time to eat, they understand right away! haha
I take them in my hands twice a week to see if they are in good health.
I Do not wear them often, they like very little.
They love their tranquility.

wowwww...awesom...just too much beautifull..

Thank you, they are a year old now!

I doubt you can train them, but if you succeed, you should start a mini-circus!

ik denk dat hij bijna dood is :(

Aw. Ze kunnen een jaar oud worden, die gele, maar ik heb geen idee hoe oud hij al is, want het kan er best eentje zijn die uit z'n winterslap komt. Ik hoop dat hij nog een tijdje overleeft.

helaas niet
ik moest huilen toen ik hem zag
hij lag daar .. helemaal op de bordje
en alleen zijn buik toen beweegt
ik wist het al dat het voorbij is

deze duurt 1 tot 2 weken zegt iemand dus ik mag blij zijn dat hij 11 dagen wel heb gehad helaas

ik had gehoopt dat hij rups zal hebben maar het was gewoon te koud en mischien is hij ook degene soort die toen leef

te vroeg

Aw, dat is jammer. Hij heeft een goed leven gehad, denk ik, met al die zorgzaamheid.

denk ik ook
most loved :D

Very interesting project! Your first picture is amazing as I can actually see his (her) facial expression. I never knew that butterflies could be trained as with other pets and, like you, just thought they died once their wings got too tired but this butterfly still looks healthy and vibrant. This would make an excellent science project for school!

I thought that, too
that they'd die when their wings get all worn out
but I guess we're all wrong
he's sleeping atm
and yes, his wings are still looking all perfect

I saw this coming yesterday but I still had to get myself together a few minutes ago when his tummy stopped moving, normally, he'd move his antenna when you touch it but atm he's really asleep now
yes am sad

We get used to Pets too. Your Butterfly is no exception. Of course sooner or later the time will come to part. We in the family are three cats, and I can't even think that there will come a sad time. You have significantly extended the life of this lovely creature because you continue to take care of it. I looked at the video and I see that it looks just beautiful.

yes, this is why I don't dare get pets
parting time is always heavy for me
he's gone just a few minutes ago
and yes I had to burst into tears
weird you may say but it really is sad

Oh, My God! It's the little angel soul! I understand your feelings. Don't be sad. She's very grateful to you for everything you've done for her. I'm crying now too

aw, i still get teary eyed in the morning whenever I see the bananas
I would do it again if I get a chance to another broccoli worm another winter

Maybe You should try to have any pet. You have a good heart. There are many losses in life, but these lovely creatures give us so many positive emotions.


I just found out that Butterfly Can Also Be Trained & Raised Like Other Pets, thank you for sharing useful information for us, regards from @ fikar22, hopefully we can be good friends

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