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RE: So Many Are Depressed And Anxious...Is It Maybe Because Life Is Shit?

in #vlog7 years ago

The world needs progress of spirit, not material progress. The reason why people need a friend that won't judge them is because such people who do not judge rarely exist. There are two things we can choose to feed, the Ego or the Spirit. We have been socially engineered to worship and feed the Ego instead of the spirit and this can be seen clearly in most recent movies, television series, etc. etc. This is how we learn to judge or prejudge on a superficial level. The American culture is heavily engineered towards feeding and worshiping the Ego and a culture of superficial prejudgment. In many ways this is not accidental. The American lifestyle implies that you waste away your most spiritually valuable time by going to school the first 18 years of your life at least, then you might spend another 4-8 years studying something else in college / university. Next you're left to find a job somehow but unemployment has been rising and will eventually be too high once robots begin taking many jobs. Now you're left with a debt you have to pay which will probably take you another 8-20 years or more if you're unfortunate enough. By the age of 30 you probably have a few credit cards, ultimately you become a debt slave by the age of 30. This means that not only do you not have time to worry or care about other people, but you almost MUST ignore the rest of humanity while you are simply trying to pay off your debts, finish studying etc. etc. This is how you have a whole society slowly feeding the ego. To go further, the dollar is absolute slavery. It is a promissory note created out of thin air that is lent to the Government with interests, even if we were to pay off our debt there is still an interest to pay and thus can never be paid off sanely. The dollar is even crafted with the principles of Sigil Magic and yet we don't realize this is a problem. We are left with a system that is too abstruse and a society that is too obtuse to see the black magic embedded everywhere. All sorts of religions are born, including one who worships their very captors and slave-masters. This is how wars are made possible. Without the religion of statism that uses television/propaganda to program and socially engineer society with a culture of authority Hitler would never have succeeded. The world is truly shit, this is why it is important to keep our minds dormant and brainwashed and too busy to care about any country, let alone a community other than our own. Innocent civilians and children are killed every day by the US Military, Israeli Military based on fabricated lies and deception. Even cops in our country kill innocent people all the time. The TV is used to distract everyone and keep them in a vibration that is too positive and well-comforted to care to do anything that does not give them fake happiness and comfort. I call it fake happiness because how can we ever be happy when there is poverty, hunger, wars based on lies, things that could easily be solved if we did not worship the ego. We see the pope and the vatican bathed in luxury and golden objects meanwhile somewhere in Africa a whole community dies of hunger. "It's not our problem" you will hear people say. This is the denial of the spirit and the excuse used to continue feeding the ego. I agree with you Lyndsay, the world is shit and I hope more people could see that. Eventually I hope enough people see it and start asking questions, there are more solutions than there are problems, there just is no will to solve them. There are people responsible for the shit world we live in, World Wars one and two were based on fabricated lies only for a few to make profit. Wars are business, the world is a business, until we learn to understand the spirit we will understand how big of a problem money becomes. The NWO wants a one world government and one world currency, these are like the Ring in the Lord of the Rings.
We've come to a point where people will die trying to defend these tools of enslavement, and because of this we have misery and a shit world.
I believe that we are all connected somehow, so my own theory is many people are getting anxiety and depression because of the collective agony and misery that is being suffered by humanity as a whole.


Thank you so much for this comment @gamagoro, it's one of the best I've ever received. You are awake and aware on so many levels, I have followed you so that I can read more of your thoughts and ideas. You even taught me a new word: Abstruse. Thank you for that also.

I enjoyed your LOTR reference. Indeed the Ring of Power itself, in my mind. Very few can turn away from it. Even less can be uncorrupted by it. Money is the way to gain power and status, makes me even more grateful that I don't have much!

Your conclusion really struck my heart...if indeed we are connected, which seems highly plausible, how could we not feel the side effects of most of the world suffering?

Thanks also for recognizing the Zionist problem. Very few even understand...I feel like I made a new friend. <3