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RE: So Many Are Depressed And Anxious...Is It Maybe Because Life Is Shit?

in #vlog7 years ago

Hey Lindsay I'm definitely on the same wave as you on this subject. It is a deep subject, especially for those like us that truly care and know that life could and should be better than it is. Thank God for music. It keeps me sane. I appreciate your point of view and of course your music. Thanks for being my friend and much love to you and your family!


And yes...we are surrounded by assholes! The ones that don't know they are assholes are going to need people like us to hold their hand and listen and tell them it's going to be OK when the self realization hits them.

I enjoy our friendship more than you could know, sharing reality with others is all that keeps me going! If it weren't for music I'd be a lot worse off too. Hey Michael, any new music you're working on lately? Much Love and thank you always, for the understanding and empathy!

Just joined a new band playing bass. I'm working on my chops so I can give the open mic a shot. Singing and playing not quite there yet. I write a lot of lyrics and poetry but putting it to music I struggle. Thanks for asking. You're a badass!

Right on, I'm so happy to hear you're playing with a band, what kind of tunes do you guys play?

Country/ Western but like the old school real stuff. Here I am in my forties, old punk rocker and metal head now I'm playing country go figure!

HHAHAA!!! That is SO awesome!! Hey it took me a while to get into the country vibe, I hated it most of my life, but now I've gotten into some pretty damn fine talent. Have you ever heard of Gillian Welsh and David Rawlings? This guy is a MONSTER on the guitar.....this whole concert is mind blowing, this is my favourite track...way better live than on the album too.

That was awesome! Here's one for you:

Bwa hahhahahaaa!! That was crazy good LOLOLOL!!!!