The Everyday Anarchist Exists - Not a Single Molotov Thrown

in #voluntary8 years ago (edited)

In spite of all the ways we are forced to engage in a spectrum of inept to corrupt institutions while living on this planet, everyday I see people, whether they know it or not, taking control of their own lives, living peacefully; raising and talking to their children non-violently, engaging in voluntary interactions; commerce, growing themselves as to be better human beings. It's not dogma, it's not faith, its knowing better and just DOING GOOD, being good. Making a choice to stand firmly on your well built moral foundation and making a choice to just do what is right. Then it becomes habit, then we are an example. Lets look at an example:

An actual self made millionaire that transcends constructs; who lifts people up; who helps people heal, grow and become better versions of themselves. Someone who's actions truly show he has all of humanity's best interest at heart; who is educated and is by example the definition of self governance and discipline. The Anti-Trump, if you will. Look no farther than the individual Tony Robbins. No, he isn't running for President to rule your life, but he will empower you with the tools and knowledge on how to rule your own. I have used his incredible knowledge to gain a better sense of how to govern myself and own my life and so have legions of others. I know that it's possible. I can not speak to for his direct intentions in terms of teaching self-governance as a act of anarchism, but actions speak volumes. This isn't an advertisement for him, just more like a shout out (pic for visual reference). There are many ways to access his and a multitude of others valuable information for free. Seek and you shall find.

This is one way people are already engaged in Anarchy on a daily basis and most people don't even know it. It's not labeled as anarchy, it's not marketed as such, its not crammed down your throat, it's right there for you to see, it's so natural that, like gravity or oxygen, it functions, but remains unseen and is vital to our existence.

There are billions of people who have an innate desire to live without a ruler, people are constantly fighting, distracted and stressed to even recognize it.

♩♪♫ So back off your rules
Back off your jive
’Cause I'm sick of not living
To stay alive
Leave me alone
I'm not asking a lot
I just don't want to be controlled ♩♪♫

Take control of your own life.
-there is a place for you: there is a Spectrum of Full Blown Technicolor People who contribute to the anarchist community (I call modern day anarchism: Rainbow-Anarchism for this reason, I didn't invent it, but much like seeing a rainbow after a storm, I observed it.)

-there are tools to help you learn how to govern yourself: educate yourself daily

-there are support structures / Join or start A COMMUNITY


What is Rainbow-Anarchism?

A spectrum of people from all walks of life, different philosophies, but rally under three very simple principles:

-Self-governance: Create yourself, do and be what you want as long as you...

-Non-Aggression Principle: no harm to others. A value in respect for life.

-Voluntary interactions: Honor your agreements, contracts and word. Fraud is criminal. Taxation is theft.

There are so many representations of what this means, I'd like to share a few from others:

I also created my own:


Thanks for sharing Amanda! <3

<3 Thanks for supporting, Ana!

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