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RE: The Spock Fallacy

in #voluntaryism8 years ago (edited)

I like your texts, don't get me wrong. They are good, basic intros to voluntaryism.

However, I have some criticism.

I'm not sure who you are aiming these at, but if your aim is to open up a dialogue with a common person, who's not clued into all of this, then I'm not sure this is a very good approach. What I mean by that is that while I enjoy this, I am a voluntaryist, so I don't need convincing. The problem with me, though, is that I already agree, so it doesn't necessarily teach me anything new.

For the average dude, the dry, overly logical way of conveying things will never work, because the avreage person is not, and will never be, logical.

So, I'd say try a new, fresh approach. Don't just repeat everything that's been said by voluntaryists. You have the writing talent, so no problem there.

Just some conctructive criticism. :)


Thanks. My goal at present is to build an entire framework of rational ethics, which I obviously believe will inevitably tend to voluntaryism. I see this as a sort of stocking the quiver before the turkey shoot: once engaged, statists often TRY to counter with reason and logic. A rational ethics framework pust me ina a "already answered that over here" position.
...and some are, of course, backhanded counters to Facebook arguments I've already had.