Average Joe's Principle of Self-Ownership

in #voluntaryism8 years ago

My name is Average Joe and I own myself. I can be sure I own myself through simple common sense.

Presenting a rational argument for self-ownership in simple layman's terms where logic is basic common sense

Hello! My name is Average Joe; people often call me Joe Sixpack, even though I don't have hard abs and my given name is actually Average. People are strange.

I came to a realization a while back that I own myself. It seems silly and obvious to state that when I think about it; I mean, we all understand that we're responsible for our own actions, and how could they even be our "own actions" if we didn't own the thing making them -- that is, ourselves? 

Still...when this hit me I couldn't help but realize it was actually a pretty big thing to go out and say it. Once you put it like that... well, there's a whole lotta shit that becomes equally obvious, but who's got time for that?

I mean, it's simple; only I can make me do stuff -- sure, bad folk could threaten me so I will do stuff, but the one that actually does the doing is me. If only I can make me do stuff, and only I can know what I'm thinking then, well, this means that the only one that can claim me is me! Any body'd claim otherwise, it'd be stupid; they can't move my arm or think my thoughts for me, I have to do it!

But here's the part where it got really, really big... I don't know what you, or anybody else is thinking right now and I can't control your body with my thoughts. I know... calm down Captain Obvious... but this is big because it means there's this barrier truer than a Trump border wall that none of us can ever really cross.

Now, I'm gonna go all Billy Mays here... BUT WAIT!  THERE'S MORE!

We, all us people -- humans -- we understand right and wrong. Like, we know there's good and evil even if we don't see eye-to-eye all the time on what things are which. So we know there's evil but to be good, good's got to be true, right?  I don't mean like "true for you but not me" true; I mean mother-fucking-hard-as-brick TRUE.

So that'd mean that something that's really honestly good or bad...that'd mean it'd have to be based in real shit, right?  Not some religion or cultural value shit. Straight up fact shit.

Well if I know that only I can really control and think me and only you can really control and think you then it's a naturally good thing that we recognize that, right? Like we know for sure that's straight up natural morals there, kinda like the Whole Foods Organic Right & Wrong... I own me and you own you.

And man...the implications of that!  But who's got time for that right now?  Not me!


You also own a gym that encourages people to play dodgeball if popular comedy films are to be believed.

Don't believe everything you see on TV, brah

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