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RE: Democracy: Tricking the Profoundly Gullible

in #voting8 years ago

Long time ago there was a fairytale I vaguely remember, about a man having... something, a ghost or some other malevolent creature, and each active attempt at getting rid of it only resulted in it getting stronger. Apparently the only way to really fight the parasite was to starve it to death - no attention given, no energy given, let it wither... The point is that fighting the system means still being a part of the system. The system expects to be fought, it is prepared for it and it even needs to be fought, because it does need enemies. Enemies are useful after all, they justify deeds that would otherwise be unthinkable. Sometimes it is even necessary to create enemies if there are no volunteers.
So, I wholeheartedly agree with "ignore it out of existence", by rising above it and possibly avoiding getting into any kind of relationship with it, even violent one :)


You can't "starve" the system as long as you pay your taxes, water bill, etc. This makes no sense.

Women and blacks did not get the right to vote by staying home. As long as the oligarchy can make money off you (which they can do even if you are in prison), they would prefer that if you're not voting for one of their handpicked candidates, you stay home. That's why one of the polls that the debate commission used to determine who got to join the debate simply left out millennials as "N/A," and why Clinton is talking about some kind of "service" program for millennials. About 30% of us are for third parties. That 30% staying home is their ideal scenario.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

By starving the system I mean precisely that, figuring out ways of how to stop paying bills and taxes. And yes, I know how simple it sounds comparing to how complicated it really is :)

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