"Seven levels of recursive reflection", the second level of journalists, the third— philosophers?

in #vygotsky7 years ago

Vygotsky distinguished six levels of reflection.

Then his theory was developed.

What level are you at?


So, it seemed to me interesting thoughts V. Sysueva.
Vadim sysouev, "the Seven levels of the recursive reflection»
"In game theory there is a notion of 'reflection rank' – the number of cycles ' I understand that you understand that I understand that you understand...", which is usually used by the player.
People may not realize, to understand their behavior, may not realize that he is aware of their behavior, realize that aware of his behavior etc we Can distinguish the following levels of awareness or levels of reflection:

  1. Unconscious behavior. A person acts automatically, without realizing the reasons for his behavior.
  2. Awareness of motives, causes and symbolism of their actions. A person thinks about the reasons for his behavior.
  3. A recursive realization that he is aware of the motives and causes of actions. Awareness of these deeper reflection (on the level).
  4. The realization that the 3rd level of reflection is final. Recursiveness is realized, reflections on reflection have come to the end. Sperrung. Stop thinking.
  5. Detection after the final of the 3rd level of reflection all the same, anyway, came 4th. Thus there is the realization that the 4th level is not final, especially since we're thinking about it already at the 5th level.
  6. The realization that the final recursion no, the mechanical repetition of "I realize that am aware that am aware of" endlessly, but there's a meta"reflection. Awareness of these reflection how deep (level) and breadth (qualitative change of reflection). This is confirmed by the presence of five levels of reflection and the sixth.
  7. The realization that qualitative changes in reflection are possible and infinite, but they are nothing more than qualitative changes. Diversity has already been exhausted, and I can only repeat myself both qualitatively and quantitatively. After all, adding extra prefix " meta "to the word"meta"meta" meta...reflection" will not give any fundamental changes of the reflection. If the reflection can only change quantitatively and qualitatively and nothing more, then this item is REALLY final, as even it is indistinguishable from the previous one (at least it is also meta"meta"reflexive). In addition to quantity and quality, reflection may have some other parameters that do not qualitatively and quantitatively distinguish the new reflection from the old one. And this new reflection is not meta-"reflection," because reflection, which is not meta - "reflection, no longer seems to be reflection, and we go beyond the very topic of discussion, called "levels of reflection," to declare this 7th paragraph the last original paragraph of the topic."

G. A. Ball considers the concept of reflection"in the context of the traditions of the analysis of consciousness, developed as part of the activity paradigm, and in the American humanistic psychology."

Next excerpt from the article: Score GA category of reflection in the context of the analysis of the consciousness of the subject. - P. 27-30 / / In Sat.: Reflexive processes and control. The proceedings of the seventh International Symposium on 15-16 October 2009, Moscow / ed. by V. E. Lepsky, M.: Kogito-Tsentr, 2009. - 272 p.

"According to one of the tenets of the latter (e.g., see [1]), "human beings are aware and aware of being aware — i.e., they are conscious" (people knowledgeable and aware of what they are aware— i.e. they are conscious). Concretizing this thesis, we will consider the knowledge of any object represented in the human mind a (Conscious knowledge of A) a system consisting of two subsystems: a) awareness of a (Awareness of a — model, in the broadest sense, carrying information /more or less adequate/ about A); b) model, carrying information about the presence of such awareness. So,
Conscious knowledge of A = Awareness of A + Awareness of (Awareness of A) (1),
ie presented in the consciousness knowledge is reflexive (cf. the interpretation of reflection of V. A. Lefevre as "the ability of some systems to build models myself and to see myself building such models").

Formula (1) describes the reflection of the 1st order in which the reflexivity of knowledge, generally speaking, becomes the object of awareness (Ms. analyzed the interpretation of consciousness by L. S. Vygotsky). Meanwhile, normally developed adults are also capable of the 2nd order reflection described by the formula:
Conscious knowledge of (Conscious knowledge of A) = of Awareness (Conscious knowledge of A) + Awareness of (Awareness of (Conscious knowledge of A)) (2),
where Conscious knowledge of And decoded according to the formula (1).

This reflection is an integral part of the activities of scientists, writers, journalists, etc.

In the activity of philosophers and methodologies (as well as psychologists who study thinking, consciousness, reflection) is essential and reflection of the 3rd order, which is easy to describe by the above pattern.

In General, the presented recursive scheme demonstrates both the universality of the applicability of the concept of reflection to human psychology (which allows us to talk about the category of reflection) and the importance of distinguishing different levels of reflection."


Vygotsky distinguished six levels of reflection.

Then his theory was developed.

What level are you at?


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