Interested In WoodWork?

in #wafrica6 years ago

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Wood working has tremendously evolved over the years, considering the spate of development in the world, as well as the rate at which Technology has come to make our lives easier to live. Wood working, in the earliest times, did not focus on luxury, but rather, it focused on the comfort of humans, by providing body-structure-supporting furniture viz: Tables, Chairs, Shelves, Chest, and Beds (at home); and wooden farm tools, Carts, and a host of other wood-related equipment for agro-commercial purposes. However, in contemporary times, luxury and comfort have been ingenuously blended to lend credence to the convenience of humans.
There are three basic types of Woods. They are:
 Hard Woods (Deciduous)
 Soft Woods (Coniferous)
 Man-made Woods
The above-highlighted are the types of woods that are obtainable in any global clime in the world. Traditionally, artisans make-do with the Wood types that are obtainable in their immediate environment, but that has changed ever since Transportation has evolved, breaking the barriers of the traditional transport system. With this, wood workers can now get desired woods from other locales, and transport these woods to wherever they want them delivered.
Each type of Wood has its specific use as well as its advantages. These shall be discussed forthwith:
 Hard Woods: These Woods, as their name imply, are known for their hard quality. They contain lignin, and are used for long-term projects, that require durability and security. They are easily identified by their broad-leaves as well as their tight-grain features.
They are subdivided into two categories viz:
 Temperate
 Tropical
Temperate Hardwoods can be found in areas between the tropics and the polar regions, while Tropical Hardwoods can be found in Africa, South America, and Asia.
For Furniture Making, the Temperate Hardwoods are the most sought-after, in that they are cost-effective as well as aesthetically appealing to the eyes. Furniture made-of Temperate Hardwoods are best used as: Tables, Shelves, and Chests. On the other hand, the Tropical Hardwoods are best used for outdoor wood-related projects, owing to their durability and impregnable nature. Their dry-and-tight-grain nature makes it almost impossible for them to retain water. The following are copious examples of Hardwoods that are used in Furniture:
 Mahogany
 Oak
 Cherry
 Ash
 Cherry
 Maple
And a host of others that are of equal importance

  1. Soft Woods (Coniferous)
    These woods are from trees that are botanically classified as Gymnosperms, as different from their Hardwood counterparts that are from trees classified as Angiosperms. They refer to trees that are soft, light and less durable. This is the particular reason why most Softwoods are used for indoor projects, as well as finishing materials on construction sites. They have a high tendency of shrinking after felling. They are mostly drained of their water density after some periods, once they have been felled. Also, these woods are easy to carve, owing to their open-grain feature.
    The Cedar wood is one of the most sought-after Softwoods. Cedars are known for their fine qualities, which is akin to that of Hardwoods. It is durable, and as such is considered for finishing works at home, while its counterpart, the Fir wood is mostly considered for its fine nature and its paint-retention characteristic. It doesn’t also stain easily hence Artisans prefer it over many Softwoods of its category.

  2. Man-Made Woods:
    These are woods that are offshoots of the first two woods that have been earlier-mentioned. They are offspring of man’s creative thinking, by converting Hard and Soft woods into less-sturdy materials that could be easily used. These are softer woods than the softwood, and can be used for lighter projects where softwoods cannot be considered appropriate.

       Factors To Consider When Choosing Materials

When choosing the right materials for woodworking, certain factors have to be taken cognizance of. Chief of these factors are:
 Workability: This gives consideration to the ease of working on a log of wood (either with hand or tools), the quality of its grains, and how it responds to adhesives and finishing touches. This is a very germane factor which cannot be overlooked. Failure to consider these salient points leads to time-and-resources’ waste.
 Durability: This is another factor that must be considered before choosing any piece of wood. Not all woods are durable, and not all of them, because they all bear the name-tag ‘wood’ can be used anywhere. The climatic condition of wherever the wood will be used has to be factored-into the decision making, as a less-durable wood cannot be used for outdoor building projects. They are prone to damp and decay; and this is bound to affect the overall project, in future events.

       Woods With Good Working Qualities:

o Agba
o Alder
o Basswood
o Obeah
o Teak
o Pine
o Jarrah
o Iron
o Chestnut
Woods Suitable For Carving:
Most Softwoods are suitable for Carving, however, for clarity of purpose, there are a few choice woods, that are most suitable for carving. These are:

  1. Aspen
  2. Butternut
  3. Oak
  4. Black Walnut
  5. Basswood
    Why You Should Consider Woodworking A Hobby:
    With the rate at which the global community is fast-paced, many people live sedentary lives, (mostly because of the nature of their jobs, and perhaps with the way the society is wired) with little or no activities, neither at home, at work, or in School. The effect of this vicious cycle is that it has a toll on humans’ overall wellbeing, though the symptoms are not seen, nor felt until they have grown considerably in the body.
    Woodworking is an activity that could be used to combat the menace of sedentary that is fast cutting through the stratosphere of the human society. It should be a considered hobby in that it is activity-laden, and it helps burn calories as well as reduce accumulated stress and tension in the body system. The reduction of stress and tension in the body system boosts mental alertness, productivity, and metabolism.
    In Furtherance, with a skillset in woodworking, you get to make your own furniture, carve whatever tickles your fancy, and do a host of other things that you may so like. While it will save you a whole lot of money, you would equally be more satisfied with your accomplishment, as you would have carried out the project to suit your specification.
    Finally, you would have been more self-reliant and dependent on your skills that the awareness of this fact will make you always feel more relaxed and confident in yourself. Health-wise, you would have de-cluttered your mind, and gotten rid of toxic things in your system that could possibly endanger your life.

An enlightening post but please work on your presentation, it looks rough


Thanks for the constructive criticism, Dhayor. It's appreciated.

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