in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)

Last Night, I had a conversation with my mom. Yep, I was visiting. And yep, I get to watch TB Joshua channel ! I was sharing something with her. But I will get back to that conversation later on in this write up.
Now, let me tell you about two news items I watched on Channel TV few weeks ago. For all their flaws and what I consider horrible newscasting, I still watch them anyways because they really do have news. How they tell it is my beef sauce with them but they do have news. No doubt.

Anyways, so the first news feature was about a graduate from the University of Nsukka (or was it Uniport or so?) who has had some difficulty landing a job after completion of her degree course. Yep, familiar story, unfortunately I must say. She forms a minute part of the bigger picture of graduate unemployment we have in this country. So she was shown on TV telling her story about the application letters she's written over the last two years. And you guessed right, all to no avail.

But the story didn't end there. You see, this unemployed lady (insert a name here so you can read well), was now selling fried yam (fries) by some busy street bi, with her degree, graduation gown and all! And boy, she was racking in the cash! According to her, she makes an average of 3000 naira a day!!
This means she makes even more when "market is good" paaaa on a day! Now, let's do some math. If she sells 5 days in a week, that's some cool (let the Math pipos do the calculation I studied Elect/Elect but I hated math. )!! And I am assuming she doesn't sell on Saturdays and Sundays. You know, she's gotta visit her boo and church,weddings and things.

In a month, she makes close to 30,000naira! Now, that's more than what a lot of us make a month, with our degrees, neckties, high heels and all!
Now, later on , more specifically during the 7 o'clock news, they carried a news item about faith and job search. They showed a clip of a prayer session at one of the open Ground in town.
A charged prayer time with a man of God chanting down heaven (I nearly said Babylon) to come to the aid of his worshippers. Among the group of worshippers fervently praying amidst shouting and hand clapping like there was a million mosquitoes in there (apologies Lawson lawal, just had to use your line here), was a graduate from another of the nation's universities.

During the interview time, she also talked about how difficult it has been to land a job after her degree course. She mentioned it was frustrating her and she came to pray for divine intervention. She had been coming to the open Ground for some months now.
OK, let's take a minute for some commercials. We will be right back.
Now, back to my mom. You see, I was sharing with her my plans for the year and some to come. And also how difficult things have been for me but then again the strides I had made despite the challenges. Then the spirit of my ancestors came upon me and I began to speak in esoteric language. This is what I told her:

You see, at anytime God wanted to bless or use someone, he first asked them what they have in their hands.
When God met Moses, Moses had a rod (big ass stick).
When it got to the turn of Joseph, Joseph had a 14 year economic development plan!
When God met Daniel, Daniel had an excellent spirit.
When the spirit of God met Mary, she had virtue and her virginity in her hands (yep, true story!).

When the bridegroom came, the wise virgins had extra oil!IMG_20170126_214121_296.jpg
So, why am I telling you all these? You see, we are all in this shindig country (rewrite as Shithole) together. And I wont lie, it ain't easy at all. But you see, we still gotta make life click no matter what!
It's good we pray and hope that our breakthroughs come. But whilst we wait to step into our destiny, we have to prepare. We need to have something in our hands to present. Now, if you are an investor with some money to spare, which of the two graduates would you put money in?
My name is Inyang Michael Mbosowo aka @classic717 , and today, I ask you, what's is in your hands Right now? Your phone right? I thought so too.

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