As a christian

in #wafrica6 years ago

Can you answer this without opening your Bible, As a Christian?

Lets have fun together   

1). The Lord of host rained ​manna​ for His people on the wilderness for...

               A. 70 years

               B. 50 years

               C. 40 years

               D. 30 years

2). "For where your ​treasure​ is, there will your....also be".

              A. mind

              B. heart

              C. body

              D. spirit

3). Who said, ..."where you are going, I will go; where you will lodge, I would lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God, would be my God".

               A. Mary

               B. Ruth

               C. Abigail

               D. Sarah

4). Which Prophet caused an axe to ​float​ on the surface of water..?

               A. Elisha

               B. Samuel

               C. Elijah

               D. Isaiah 

5). Our Redeemer ​entreats​ us to forgive our neighbour...

                A. 77 × 7

                B. 70 × 7

                C. 17  × 7

                D. 7 × 7

6). Who ​slew​ the giant who had six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot..?

               A. Samson

               B. Absalom

               C. Gideon 

               D. Jonathan 

7). Blessed are the ​pure in heart​, for they shall...


    A. see God

    B. obtain mercy

    C. be called children of God

    D. overcome the world 

8). God did ​not​ permit King David to build His temple because...

A. David would soon die

B. David was not good at that

C. David was not ready

D. David shed too much blood 

9). The wise men who gave gifts to baby Jesus, ​came​ from the...

                A. west

                B. east

                C. north

                D. south

10). Christ says; " ALL THOSE who are heavy burdened should come to me, and ​I will give​


                A. a promise 

                B. abode

                C. territory 

                D. rest

11). At which pool was the man with 38 years of sickness healed

                   A. Siloam

                   B. Bethesda 

                   C. Jordan 

                    D. Bethsaida

12). Which country did the Eunuch come from

                    A. Egypt

                    B. Jerusalem 

                    C. Syria

                    D. Ethiopia 

13) Which prophet prophesied about the dry bones 

                   A. Isaiah 

                   B. Jeremiah

                   C. Lamentations

                   D. Ezekiel 

14). The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was done by whom

                A. Sanballat

                B. Esther

                C. Nehemiah 

                D. Tobias

15) How many daughters did Job have

                 A.  1

                 B.  3

                 C.  4

                 D.  2

•Each question carries ​Grace​...✍ what did you score?

Just for Spiritual check up.

 Enjoy the fun.


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