Smartness Isn't About How Much You Know

in #wafrica6 years ago

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  • Have you ever thought about knowing everything?
  • Do you wish to be smart?
  • Do you feel like a complete failure when you're faced with situations and problems you can't handle?

If your answer to the questions above is Yes, then this post is for you.

Just like the caption up there says, you don't need to know a lot of things for you to be smart. I remember as a kid growing up I wanted to explore everything. I was always being inquisitive about things, wanting to know what made them tick. I still do now but the difference between now and then is that I've come to understand life in a different perspective.

Most times, people measure how smart a person is by how much they know. That is completely wrong. A person can know a lot about surgical operations but still won't be able to perform one.

Smartness isn't about how much you know. Its about how well you adopt the little knowledge productively.

Let me tell you a story....

Once upon a time, in a small village lived Mr. Tortoise. He was in his mid 40's and still single. No lady in the community was willing to marry him. This troubled Mr.Tortoise as he wanted his lineage to go on.

One day while Mr. Tortoise was coming back from the stream, he saw two beautiful maidens that he wished to marry. Deciding to give it a try, he went over and talked to them but they both ignored him. They wouldn't even hear him out. This hurt Mr. Tortoise and he promised to get back at them.

Now, in the village, everyone went into the forest to pass out faeces. There were no toilets found in the community. After each person was done defecating, they would rub their butts on a tree to get cleaned. There were four trees in the forest ; one for young maidens, one for boys, one for women and the other for men.
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Mr. Tortoise, in his quest to get back at the maidens in the community, he went into the forest at night to set a trap for the maidens. He cut off his reproductive organ, made it flat, and stuck it to the side of the tree. After he had done this, he hid beside the tree to watch.

By morning, three beautiful maidens came to defecate and Tortoise was there all along watching. When they were done, they walked to the tree where Tortoise was hiding and rubbed their butts on it to get it clean.

The maidens left and another set of girls came and repeated the process while Mr. Tortoise hid watching every time.
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Few weeks later, half the maidens in the village had all gotten pregnant. This was oddly impossible because they all claimed to not know the fathers. The King called a meeting where he asked who got all the maidens pregnant. It was at this meeting that Mr. Tortoise came forward to claim responsibility. When the King saw that there was nothing he could do, he made the maidens marry Mr. Tortoise.

That was how Mr. Tortoise got himself so many wives and kids to carry on his legacy.

Now, the story, while it was rather hilarious and next to impossible, I believe the message has been passed.
Mr. Tortoise was smart. He wasn't every girls dream and he obviously didn't know so much, but with the little he knew, he got himself so many wives

Wait. Before you go ahead deciding to leave your studies or career, I never mentioned acquiring knowledge was a waste of time. Mr. Tortoise obviously had little knowledge of biology which he also applied.
The point is,

Never let anyone call you dumb simply because you do not know a particular thing. You don't know it, You Manipulate it and arrive at a positive result. That is what makes you smart.

Don't get yourself all worked up to know everything. Study diligently and apply some cleverness in the process.

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