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RE: ~ 87 ~ Walk With Me: Seaweed Icicles & Chickens

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Thank heavens no one records my conversations with the chicken and quail, I think the men with the white coats would quickly show up! They do know the "chick chick chick" that I have always used when I hatch birds. They soon associated with feeding time and when they free ranged and got spooked, it always lured them back to the chicken house. Well, the chickens, I don't think the quail would return like that.

However, the other day, being distracted by the cold and wanting to get the birds done quickly so I could get back inside, I did not latch the quail house tight. Later that day @winstonalden said to me, "Wait, there is more than just Rodderick outside the pen" (The wild quail is Rodderick) And I saw the door flapping in the wind.

When I went out I had to laugh because only a couple were outside the rest were peeking from the open door, wondering, "What is out in that great world? I think we'd better stay here under our heat lamp where food and water is always on hand".

I was hoping it would have allowed Rodderick to hop in and move in with the quail, as he is always trying to get in. I saw two, a roo and a hen, and when I called "Chick chick" the hen quail came to me I scooped her up but the roo, hid behind the chicken house. SO I just left him.

Later that day he and Rodderick were sitting side by side outside the quail run. I was happy Rodderick could actually touch his little friend instead of just peering at him through the screen. But, when I went out the tame roo quail let me pick up him neat as a pin, whilst Rodderick took wing. SO, Rodderick is still free but pining for captivity, unaware of how to get in there with all the food and heat lamp.

SO much ice. WE had a miserable cold yesterday, and the waves began to offer up little cyrstaline bits onto the shore, but luckily today it warmed up and we had rain, glorious rain and it smelled like Spring!

I hope you are feeling better and your buckets and water pistols are free flowing once again. And once again, I have writ a novel in your comments. (You have your own blog) I am sure you are thinking ;)


I love your blog extensions! I couldn't live without em! Rodderick sounds like quite the "special" guy hahahahahaa!! We'll have to do all we can to not let those men in the white coats anywhere near us, or our feathered family.

I'm so so so glad it's thawing there and that you smelled Spring! That brings me hope! As for here, I got my tallest pair of wellies out, the basement is having its first flood :) :) :) Pouring rain all over the semi-frozen ground for 12 hours now...I don't smell spring, but I have a spring or our basement. The only good part is that it happened in the morning before Brendan went to work so he set up the pump for me, YAY!! I hate trying to man handle that heavy assed fireman hose! Wow..that sounded bad...

I like that :blog extension. Yes, The white coats with the extra long arms are never far away, that's why I only speak aloud about a quarter of what I am thinking ;)

We are supposed to get more snow, but I just won't believe it. I'll keep wandering around planning my Garden and dreaming about walk Spring walks and the return of the Peepers. I did plant some toms and peppers yesterday, so my windowsill is starting to fill with little hopes of Spring.

I never mentioned how amazing your frozen seaweed was. I knew it from the photo before I even began to read, we had the same. And we had tons of that very same seaweed. Do you ever use any of yours for the garden? We use the salthay and the dried grass for our path to the beach each year (it;s because we are cheap but here in New England we call it thrift ;) )

I'm so sorry about your basement. You don't seem to put out, so is it the norm? Does it happen every year? That is horrible. We just have a creepy ole cellar here at Toad Hall, but we're lucky it hasn't flooded, but one side of the house, where I am keeping the quails and chickens this winter, always gets a giant pond there when it rains. That's probably why this house has a half cellar and not a basement, as it'd definitely would flood over there. Good luck with your big who sounds inappropriate? Should I put NFSW or whatever it is on my comment.?

Bwa hahahhaa!! Hendrix was man handling the big hose all on his own today lololol!! Yes, we're very used to the late winter floods, it's par for the course, and since it's a rental and the price is so inexpensive we don't sweat it, just keep everything down there up on tables.

Your poor little quail pond...would be such a mess!!