Sorry to know about your friend passing away. I hate going to funerals, I just don't like the too much sad emotions around me.
Well, am glad you didn't get any parking ticket, in my country you barely get one and it's easy to get around the traffic officials 😁
Great photo btw!
Hope you have a good one!
Thank you for your kind words Gil. It was a very sad occasion but we all agreed that he has done so much in his short life that there was just nothing more for him to be done on this world so he just went on another 'adventure' :)
At that moment it didn't matter if we would get it or not but I was indeed glad that we didn't get it. Here it's easy to get it and you can't really get around the police. I think you would even get higher fine if you would try to negotiate :D
Hope you had a lovely weekend!